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Crafting Community with Gary Vaynerchuck's VeeFriends Series 2
Crafting Community with Gary Vaynerchuck's VeeFriends Series 2

Crafting Community with Gary Vaynerchuck's VeeFriends Series 2

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Gary Vaynerchuk, Kevin Rose
34 Clips
Apr 25, 2022
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For everybody, I went for fucking world of women this and doodles that and visible people this and like I'm just fucking like GoGo guy. Everyone's like summer moonbird sucked, all the liquidity out of the market. I'm like, if that's true, then fuck this Market because it's not true. Yes. Could like, like, like, is there a small group of day traders? That dominate? A lot of going of course, but does everybody understand how big this Market is in for 56 years, and anybody who's sad?
Add that their floor price went down like if you're not good enough to get your floor price up with a fuck, are you?
That was Gary vaynerchuk Gary's the founder of dinner acts which is a global creative and media agency, which has I guess last time I checked probably eight or ten different brands of phonies Banner X, just a massive operation. Also, the founder of the
It's who frankly was the first one to my mind attached real-world utility to in FTS in so it should come as no surprise. That Gary is working on V friends to the latest expansion of the V friends Universe. Let's chat with him. Yo yo GV.
What's up, Kevin Rose? How's it going? Man? Things are
good. It a long week. Yeah to I'm sure.
Yeah, it's go time, man. You're in the middle of the chaos right now. I got your email autoresponder. It's like I'm heads down. We're gonna be friends to like don't write me dude. You gotta tell us all what's up?
What's up is? First of all, we can't do this podcast without me, starting
with how a static,
I am for you and Ryan and the hole.
A team or I'm sure plenty of the listeners of this podcast,
because I'm sure many of them are part of that Community, really
exciting. I just love that whole execution, you know, we were supposed to launch be friends series to that Thursday night. I think you did Saturday, right? Yeah. And so, but, you know, we did a lot. We did like a web two point seven five, because one of the things I was very excited about. I'm always trying to push the boundaries with the one, obviously the conference
This one, I did a whole trading cards thing where if you buy the end of T, you get a free box of trading cards that is called, you know, collecting compete. So this is like a really fun pack poker from sports cards war game where you bring your cards little Pokémon. Little magic gathering, but just simplistic, right? You get the befriend. It's got a score on it, you flip it over. If you have the higher score, you take the other person's
card. It's awesome.
Super excited about that. Think will be very collectible. If I pull off what I think, one day the box of cards and the cards will be
Way more than what people paid for the nft at point three, three five, but in that, we did a video a lot. We did all of the book games on a mutable layer to, like we were doing, we were coding for months. But like, Anyway, nonetheless, long story short, we had to push to like a Sunday night launch. We were out for four hours. I had to shut it down and it like a certain component. So we just got back going a couple days ago. So like I was celebrating your guys iconic all-time success as like in one part and the other part I'm like where
This character that's breaking the code like Saturday night, but we're off and running now. Feeling great. Really excited. You know, you and I were texting the other day because you were in your nest in your cocoon and you're like, yeah kind of coming up for air and you're like the part. I like about attacks the other days. You're like yo, so how many you know, because obviously it's right now we're on friends list. We haven't done the public been. You're like, so I'm sure you've looked at open sea or something you're like, so what do you do in 20,000? Wow?
I was like 55,000, you're like, whoa. So, you know, I think one of the things that couple things one, the added value physical item when buying the nft very exciting for me, kind of this web, two point seven five. I keep saying cause you got to do some web to stuff. Obviously. The first one thing I'm proud of is knowing the culture. Like, first step. If you want to stay Anonymous, click this button. Don't get the card. See you like, you know, kind of love that like true to the three thing. That was fun. The second thing. That's fun for me is supply and demand.
You know, I know I don't even think that we've got it. Like I'm time. There's so many people that want to be part of this journey and I'm incredibly humbled. Well, you know one way for me to allow that to happen when a v friend one is fifty thousand dollars cost of Entry to get in and I'm sure you're already feeling this to s in. Right? Your now
60% a lot of people
a lot of people dude, sixty thousand dollars to get out of bed to be a
Moonbird, I'm sure you know knowing, you know, you know, we share a lot of things knowing where you come from and how you think like you got too much shit to do. Right. Now, you're 48, hundredths of a second in and have like a lot to do, but I know you, I know a part of you is like what the fuck do you do for somebody who's got three hundred eighty bucks, right? So not, you know, it was very important to me. I know what I'm building. I'm trying to build something in perpetuity.
This is what I want my career to be to the end. It brings everything together. This is it right. Like, I'm gonna do my Vayner X thing. I like trying to be like Jack, and he'll on and do two big things at once. Obviously those two have much bigger, two companies you did this with pounds and dig for a few minutes, you know,
like yeah, revision3 and dig and all the other things and yeah,
even better. More like this is where we really should like like to real fucking big ass companies. I'm enjoying the shit out of it, but
I really want people to be on this journey. I knew that it was important to me. You know, we're that's not set off
and anymore Providence.
I knew I wanted to draw the characters, but I also knew that I wanted to build Pokemon and Transformers Disney, whatever? It's meant to be. And so, I knew there'd be a fast follow series to always on the road map, never publicly on the roadmap, always in my head, maybe things would change. So I didn't want to be too, but I knew I was going there and really blessed that within about a year took me about a year to get to the this one. I'm really excited about
the art feel like I'm really happy that my cynical /. Thoughtful / overly, try not to gas me up friends and acquaintances are like can see what's happening and some love, love, love the art, others, like like it. But, like most importantly, everyone's like, oh, right, like now, like, this is a loom, like, legendary Loomer behind me. Like, I'm working with, like, some physic. Like, like I'm going there now, and so, really excited about 250.
5K think it's going to teach a lot of people, how things can be done. You know, I'm always, you know, I flew down to Miami the other day just to spend three hours at the Solana event. Oh nice. Yeah, you know, me, like I'm underrated to get my hands dirty, you know, I've always looked up to you because you were more technically sound than me, but I'm more technically curious than most people like me. So I'd like to get like, you know, I would say like the Nerds the CTO is our
I've always found somewhere in that 78 when you're really sharp 9 e, right. I've always been really proud of my 5.5 where, like, I can follow along and not be completely delusional. And even like my devs are laughing because of what
happened the last they've gotten to see 2005 to
1997 Gary this week and like, I'm starting to like, legitimately like, be like, what about this? And like, what the fuck? Because if I catch a and a week and really get in it, but I'm gonna be able to like play. So
Went out of a salon a week. Why? Because I want to understand how to get as many people into end of teas as possible in the world and aetherium is remarkable and I'm a fan. But it needs to evolve you and I are both affected AJ really had a week a couple weeks ago. Oh my God. Yeah. Bye under. Not underpricing aggressively below what the market views it as high. Demand, underpriced and ft. High demand.
Under priced at ft's, even metallics blog posts speak to. This is a fucking
problem. Yeah. I mean I refunded 350,000 dollars in gas yesterday.
You have a remarkably successful project. AJ did 680 on Vayner sports pass with a much more honorable project, you know. Like, so I'm really excited about how we did it. We're like you, you meant it to get the at-bat. We meant it for you, controlled it. I need to do it. Anyway, I stumbled into it because I was obsessed focused.
Physical along with that. I think everyone's going to do that in the future. Super cool. I think can't wait till like Min. Something that comes with something physical. I just did it. I'm proud of that. I haven't really populated it yet. But even more fun for me is setting the tone for people to feel okay? About doing a hundred thousand if they have demand and being okay, that the cost is 700 bucks. Each instead of 7,000 bucks each because the market cap is the market cap. For me. It's important because I want people to fall in love, with real robot.
Ott. Patient Panda, right. I want them to fall in love with compassion to catfish. Like I'm trying to have people fall in love. I want you to
walk like connect to. So we have a lot of people here that have I'm sure have listened and heard our first interview together and they idea of be friends version 1 walk through slowly. Just so I fully understand the vision of where this is going in the next like few weeks and then where it's going in the next six months to a year. So V1, let's talk about Vee.
One verse of you on your own hand, drawings tied to real like things with you. Like if you got one you could go to a basketball game with you. There was a lot of Gary Tides the end of teas,
right? There was a big Obsession to make vf1 a blueprint because I thought I was prepared and capable and I want to do multiple things that, you know, obviously take tied to Gary. I did for all the, like I knew that influencers and famous people. We're going to
Suck it up and they did.
I can't believe nobody fucking did what I did. I'm like give people access they want accent, right? And so I've enjoyed the shit out of I'm living it. I've been doing the last couple weeks. Ironically. It's been soaked like bowling the other day was
phenomenal. That's awesome.
Like I'm going fishing with a dude and like we're gonna really chop it up like it's fun. Now I'm unique that I really love strangers. Acquaintances new people like it doesn't work for everybody but like hang out Hawk, which is a zoom with like 155 people I think is
Number trying to go up to my head but like 500, you know, but the big one was everyone obviously you'll be there. We're recording this. Literally a month to the day of the start of econ that to
me is like the crazy thing that I'm super excited for. I'm excited for that.
So that that kind everyone comes with a three-year ticket for that. Then I surprise people a couple of months ago and are dropped a snow fro ticket.
Which I'm really proud of ten. Thousand two hundred fifty five different. One of one, snow fro. Our collaborations with me. I like Drew out the letters. He like, build them in, so those are the tickets. And so that's that. And then obviously, you know, the project is done really well Christie's this. And, you know, collaboration that and empathy whines. I'm doing, what I know is required, which is you need to you. You're going to do a lot of smart stuff. I know you, I know me. And so like you're about to really push the envelope on nest.
Thing you're going to do a lot. You're going to do a lot of technical
things, right? That's right. I think a really going to
be profound. I'm going to do a lot of offline.
Things. Sure that I could never do you're way more of an extrovert that I am. Yeah,
like I forget about forget about like, I'm not I'm not going to do Gary Vee stuff. I'm talking about I'm going to have a book bag, that 400,000 kids are going to wear to school in three years with with the rare robot on it. So a
couple questions there. Do you see yourself? It's almost in some sense.
You're creating a new, a new form of Disney or new form of.
Yeah, it's funny. A lot of people, you know, and you know this like and I'm so out there. You think you're such a more likeable Universal carrot? Like I'm out there like a wrestling promotion video. You're just like, but like I got so pissed on Saturday, like, anybody being fucking you in any way like people should on me that I'm a scam artist and I'm cool people being, like, I don't think Kevin did this, right? I'm like, I'm going to fucking kill your face.
Like like so, you know, this even when you're like you there's going to be some level of pushback with any level of success for me. I love that. I've been talking about this Disney thing because people like you fucking asshole, you're not Walt Disney dick, like you're not going to be even and I respect that because Jesus fuck like we're not talking about something like we're talking about one of the maybe the most important story telling of last century. I have the ambition. It's kind of like my Jets thing people don't, you know, you know me Pete.
I want to try to buy the Jets, right? Like when Sally buys the Jets in 30 years and everyone shits on me and my real friends. Are you? Okay? Like I'm going to be fine. I mean, like Yeah, by the next like, you know, like and really it's not by the Knicks. It's try to buy the Knicks same here. Am I not confuse that? It's going to take a perfect execution for 40 years to even begin to sniff people? Even not being laughing at the concept. Yes, you know, do I know that life may take
Twists and turns and you know, maybe a family member is not doing well enough. Beers me off for seven years which then or who the hell knows. But like right. But here is the answer. I'm going to try to build the biggest intellectual property that was invented from the nfte era. The way that the 1980s television cartoons, after school of the 80s created Masters of the Universe, My Little Pony Strawberry Shortcake, the Transformers it rebooted g.i. Joe, which was
60 story because a lot of people don't know that and it was many others that were smaller, right? Like DuckTales, DuckTales is not Transformers, but DuckTales still was a multi-hundred million dollar. I feel like, you know, right? I'm gonna shoot for the moon because that's all I know. And I'm going to work really hard and like, I'm really excited about it because I'm started putting out even some campy, fun content. Like I put out this rare, robot song, Ray a robot, you know,
like I did. I didn't hear it. I got to hear this right now
Way, so we just let me tell you the story while I'm pulling this up. So I did this where robots little song. Right? It's gone pretty micro viral in my little Community, right? People like it. So with the mint were in right now, friends list, there's a friends list, but also anybody who owned a vf1 like is me, write. My proof pass is bf1, Right, everyone who has a BF. 1. Got a free
vf2, right? You
Consider those. You like your early release, investors really did your earliest back goes, right? So you like give them proper treatment long, entire ride,
if I told you that outside of the health of my family. My second, most important focus, is that every single vf1 holder is phenomenally pumped with me in perpetuity. Now, I won't overreact to when they want me to pump the floor, right? I don't even think about that. I think about dominating, then everything will work.
Work out, but yes, especially in third is, why I'm obsessed with the fucking blockchain Kev. The fact that in 13 years. I know who minted and never sold. Like, I'm gonna buy them a house like, you know, like, like I want to go crazy and be like, Ed McMahon, like obviously sec. I got to figure out what the laws are, but like, my intent is profound, right? So because the vf1 holders, got the thing, everyone who's minting, who got on there from Book Games? Big thing. I did.
My book along the way which is a whole
thing. I got to tell you about how big my book games immutable ecosystem is. People want o control been realized how much revenue I've done. Like, people don't even know it exists and it was like, on layer 2, but I took care of them. They got the friends list spot. They, you don't have right now, we don't reveal, what's under their art, right? It's all coming. But my ef-1 holders, it does show who the character is because we know that from the right because they got the character that they got. They don't know what pose they got. They don't know what background those.
Are the alterations somebody bought a rare robot evolving, which is like the evolution 47 Eve yesterday, which is a huge number. It's 100% because the real robots song is going viral. It's my thesis in the most micro micro sense, which is rare. Robot was minted and basically not sold the entire year because the original people that got them, loved it because it was a hyped character early on because you know, this the me B robots are expensive, robot, right?
So we considered one on paper in nft nerd culture, like robots are good. There are robots good and it's fucking rare rare robe, right? It was like, right, but because it didn't sell and do anything. Because some of the big characters, the very rare the very lucky black hat. The panda they did trade for big numbers. Patient Panda, big numbers. They got hot rare. Robot is so Diamond hands that there was no story. So kind of got forgotten this year. This thing. I'm about to play for you, please now, it's hot again.
N content and
I really, really looks like an L the 80s like a cartoon.
Yeah, so to me I make that piece of content because what I've been doing for last 15 years the Stitch duet influential collaboration campaign about the UN tick tock.
Going to make America fall in love with these characters, Kev.
Let me promise you one thing if I've been able to get this many people to like me in the last 15 years, the fuck you think I'm going to do with be
friends. Yeah, I have no doubt that you'll turn these into. I mean, what you're doing is you're creating personalities and like a story and like a whole, like it's a real character. It's like something that will have a lot of depth to it, more than just a drawing. I'm gonna
build an extraordinary apparel business. I'm going to build a cpg division for toothpaste and Bubblegum and cereal.
Like I'm working on cereal. Now. I'm incredibly excited, which is why I think I do different things. I make a card game that I want to go viral at kids houses. That's why I need 55 thousand of them. I can't have them be the expensive, high-end be friends, zero, cool cards that are some for six thousand dollars, a box on eBay. I need them accessible. I need a kid to get one card at the school yard, like a Pokemon in 99 and be like, I'm into this character. I need to make content on Tick-Tock at scale. I need to make music. I need to make see.
Real, I'm going to do all the offline stuff to make the online
stuff. The block the Block Chain stuff really
pop and I'm really excited about that
challenge. I'm curious on when you, when you think about how this all feeds into like, you talked about the kids wearing the backpack so that the school, where does that momentum come from? Like, how do you get, 100,000 kids to wear a backpack? Like, what? What's going to what's going to cause? Is it a cartoon that
Are going to drop, is it advertising in between cartoons that talks about this particular brand. Is it selling to the parents that then trickle that down to their kids? Like, what's your wedge into that that childhood kind of like schoolyard, you know, is the games, the gaming kind of physical cards,
you know, I have 20 40 years of experience when Moon Birds was brewing and then you did the raffle and
By the way, I'm going to do the raffle. I can't do it any other way. It's going to disaster. So I spoke to them today. So thanks for again. I know
xcopy kind of really popped it off. But you know, did you talk to pre-med? You talk to Brendan? I spoken today. Okay. Good, by the time you are this, everyone's going to know that, that's what I did. So I'll just throw
that in anyway, I've 24-year know when, when you announce that in people were like, should I put up my 2.5 to like, you know, obviously nobody who really knows me is confused of where you sit
my life and what I think about you. So,
I mean I got bombarded they're like and I like literally respond to the same thing a hundred times in three weeks. You don't understand. He's an operator. He's going to execute. He is too scared to like lose his reputation. Like he'll do it forever until it Cole like what? Like you don't understand and so, you know, I'm even mad at myself like. So this happened to me by the way, this is fucking Deja Vu V. 1 paused board 8 came out in that week.
V2, paused moon, but like, I'm, like, this is fucking amazing. I can't wait to see, which is like, I'm so glad I bought the fucking Gremlin. Like I was in the midst of my shit Kev Saturday night, like, like stressed three-day delay, and like nothing, good insight and like, looking at screens and like bleeding. And I sat like late Saturday,
dude. I remember you for V1 launch. How stressed you work? Because remember, you had that 55? Or was it 55 that you had a whole campaign about that
is what it
Yeah, you don't learn your lesson when you love the game of like challenging yourself and its new Tack. And, you know, this, I'm so pumped. I actually was in like, it was like 7 p.m. Or something like that. I was just like, wait a minute, like literally to myself. Wait a minute. This is the guy I believe. Like I let me live my thesis. This is the guy like he's going to win and I paused before s and I was in a cocoon like, no drinking, no thinking. Like get this done and I stepped away for four seconds. Got to my laptop like that.
I do the minting on like I think it's crazy. People are traveling with penalties on her phone and laptops. Like I never have them on me for any. Yeah, so I went to the Stitch where I actually meant forget about a hard while I just even on you, right? Anyway, I've even met a mask on my phone or
rainbow the commits this vest. Don't do it. Yeah. 100 percent agree.
Yes. A for everybody. Do not do it.
Stop doing. Anyway. I took a step off. I said, wait a minute. So it calmed myself went to that laptop. That does dementing. Open it up, nice and calmly. Read a couple tweets smiled when to your Discord and give a little love and then sat down, click the little Open Sea. Found the gremlin skeleton, click bought for 29 when the floor was like 11 or 13 or whatever. Was got my little piece went back to you know, they woke up four minutes later in the floors. 20. I'm like, that's my Godly and
By the way, whether the floor like I hate floor talk, whether the florist if the floor goes to 4, I'm gonna kiss the ground so I can buy a bunch more. People are so short term. Yeah. It's all long term if it's going to work because everything is over inflated right now. So we're going to need it's Amazon right now, your Amazon and 97. That's how I view you. Right? I think basis is a unique animals. I don't want to put that pressure on you. But, but like you're gonna win in the PayPal eBay Amazon of that were companies.
Not Crash, things went to five bucks and then later one in some shape or
form. Yeah,
that's moons. That you have for me. Like I just know. Yes. You and especially Ryan, who I love ya. Anyway, I'm sure going to build out. So for me, same thing I'm going to do everything. And I have 24 years of experience. Like I think I think the Gary Venus of me really makes me wildly underrated as an entrepreneur, because everyone's fixated on the character. Sure that I am and they forget, they don't
Really know like how hard it was to build from 3 to 65 million with no credit line and no cash in such a short period of time. They don't know that Vayner X is a billion-dollar company. They don't know
that I found as
they don't know real stories. Like I co-founded resi, you know the story of course and Reserve launched the same time and because Reserve was Garrett camp and all the fucking Uber people and an unbelievable team people. I respect being in like like
like and and
Joe are cases like beasts like all my
Homies invested in reserve, not in resi, and we won because it's always execution, right? Empathy. Wines like we want and like, like let there be no confusion, like be friends will be one of the most Monumental and
ft projects of all
time. Not because of my bravado on this podcast, but because for the last 24 years, I worked diligently respectfully properly with good Innovation, tremendous intent. I built
Great teams that our families. We work hard. We always do the right thing. I have very good consumer intuition like you do. I do the right things. I execute execute
So, what's the
plan then with the? So you're going to do, the allow list raffle. You have your mint price, figured out. Is it for the all of them filling up all the way to the 55,000? Is it you're going to do Mall the?
Because the way when down is 10,000, 255 went free to the original, right guys. That was one batch.
Then 23 32 thousand were part of the friends list.
These were people that bought book game tokens. If you remember that little meme back in lat, late August, last year when I said by 12 cup box of my book and you get a free
nft. So interesting, that's what that was. Okay,
so I sold 1.2 million books in three hours. I had a ton of NF tease. Everybody joked. Everyone made memes. Everyone. Did this. Here's here's the story for everybody, which is 99.99% of people that weren't paying attention. People got an mft for 180 240 bucks.
Depending on which they paid on you know, Amazon or Barnes and Noble. They got a layer to immutable nft called book games where I drew 13, original pieces, of Art and put them in frames variations. It was all an immutable. If you go to token Trove right now cab toe control.com, you know, if you've ever been on it because I don't know how much you plan to have it. It's really in a lot of ways, my economy, the book games tokens, because what it was like, you could people burnt the tokens for
My nft is from my collection people, burnt them for be content, gets people burnt them. People didn't have to burn to be on the friends list. If you had one, there was a raffle that got you on the friends list. It was 28% chance for every individual and of tea, you had. So a lot of people filled up that list and then finally, there's 15 new characters.
That I unveiled for Series 2 and the only way to get them.
Is to burn combinations of book game tokens in exchange for the new characters. So ultimately there's there's 10,000 public mint spots. Okay, anything that isn't claimed from the friends list goes to that. My intuitions that's going to be between seven and ten thousand. So it'll be seven, you know, 15 to 20,000 but based on what I'm seeing, you know, we have 350,000 people in Discord. Like I've got a real sense based on a lot
of data. How do you moderate that, man?
It's the same,
you know, it's crazy and you know this like we've known each other a long time. You saw me build that the Wine Library TV community in 2006. So, you know me I'm a good person and it attracts good. People can be like I read everything. Like I read a lot. They're just weirdly Blown Away by
what's going on in our community,
you know, we get the Fudd, we get the financial stuff, but nowhere close to the 99% because I've actually
Built 15 years of an actual Community. The community is not a fake Community. Based on financial interest. That's gonna be your biggest challenge, your because your house is actually building something like you're incredible. But like, but you you took a different path from a public, Persona standpoint. So you're gonna have to really Institute subconscious cultural norms inside of your community. I'm empathetic all those people just made a lot of money on paper.
Right. And for a lot of them, you know stunning percentage of that Community mine board. A Pall of them Moon Birds, you know for about anywhere between 20 and 80 percent of them. The majority of their net worth is tied into that single nft. And you know, I'm empathetic to that and so like it's hard like I understand why they're mad. If the price goes down a little bit at a I just can't operate the project that way. I have to make it good in the end so that I can look them in the face and say, look, I didn't tell you to sell in.
I told you all along, I was building Disney. I get that the economy collapsed in 2024. But like I'm sorry, you sold it for 4,000 now, it's 190,000. But I told you that's the only thing I can control. I can't do things to airdrop this or manipulate that or like that's going to fuck up the project and almost every project right now. I believe cuz I watch it carefully or doing too many short term Behavior moves to substained the floor price.
For the momentum, all at the detriment of the project in the long run.
Yeah, that's that's Sound Advice, is very true. The way I look at it is I tell them my team, this it's, you know, the price is going to be a reflection ultimately of what we build as an organization. And so, it's on us. I mean, there's a lot of hype, there's no doubt. There's hype with any top, you know, 10 product, our project that's out there. It's on us to go and build and kind of fulfill that and feel that
App between the hype and the actual product. Because right now we don't have enough product. We have a lot of hype. So what we're product Builders, so we're pretty quick. Pretty confident that side.
Yeah. I'm confident you and I got a little bit of a different challenge because you're such a good tech product builder in seven months. You're going to build this nesting thing and nine months, you're going to build this egg thing. You're going to do things. I don't buy the waiver releasing. I don't know anything that has a different problem because I will likely though. I'm very proud of some of the stuff.
We've done with book games and this and we're doing some cool Tech stuff. I'm just going to make the world fall in love with the characters, which is going to be happening off of Twitter off of Discord. If people knew the meetings, I'm having the feels on making the things that are a year away, but that's going to take more time to manifest. Sure. So all I can do is when I've got great platforms, like, this is over-communicate my intent. Remind people of my capability, but I don't care if everybody sells tomorrow, Kevin. I really don't. Like, I just
I can't it's kind of like being an athlete. Can't worry if the home crowd is booing, the living shit out of you. You got to keep playing.
Absolutely. I mean if there's anything we've learned about crypto, he's all this. It's a very very lumpy like roller coaster, right? And so it's not going to be it's the teams that don't lose the momentum or take their eye off of because they are distracted by price that I think actually going to come out this and on the right side of History here when they're actually just executing a not trying to do short term things prices or that, all that stuff, those people end up in jail. Actually. It's gonna be
bad. Kev. Look games. I did the book offer.
In August.
The book game tokens dropped and everyone's wallet in January. I think the 11th or the fifth, right? It's April 19th. It's on token Trove. Only. It's on a mutable later, too.
I done, know, promotion around it. There's been 98 million dollars in secondary sales since January 11th.
That's crazy for a layer 2. That's like that's doesn't happen on layer 2 since they're typically just kind of probably know.
It's very scary in the ranks of all time layer
Yeah, that's crazy.
So do you stay on layer, 2, 30 2205 etherium. And that 98 is based on a price of what it was.
Do you go to Solana at some point?
I'm very curious that I, that's why I brought it up here on this platform where I know the smartest and best are listening. You know, I'm
excited. First a lot of Maxis to hit me up. Like I'm
always I'm watching everything, you know, like there's really nothing. I don't try to at least have a peripheral headline perception on.
On, like if there's a car do know like if there's an avalanche, I think I'm like, I'm kind of just like Cosmo this like I'm always kind of staying curious. I'm just I feel the pressure that you feel right now, which is like right now. I just need to execute what my plan is in the short term because I'm too empathetic around the holders. I care about my customers. It's kind of like that thing. I don't know who the famous like quote comes from where the person said. If I listen to my customers, I would have done a faster horse instead of making the car,
right? Yeah. That was for.
think, but I also really pay attention to my own Vision, but also the customer so you're trying to find this perfect balance. That's right. And so, you know, I'm just in my Cocoon of operations. I knew I needed series to come out so I could create the characters because obviously my drawings, well document people's opinions of my four-year-old Doodles. I knew that wasn't how I was. They were going to show up in the world.
Right. I do have my doodles were not necessarily a Netflix show. And so, I'm really happy. Now that I'm over. I'm in this new chapter.
Yeah, your Doodles were kind of like when you think about the early, like, Disney sketches before they had color, before they added everything in and made the High Fidelity. It's like it was like, it was basically saying like this is where we're going. And then I remember you showed me some of the more the mock-ups of more modern takes on that. I was like, oh, yeah, of course they're going to evolve and as your team grows and as you have the capital to go and build out a proper Studio,
Around this, they're going to be polished. Right? Like that's that's the whole plan.
Yes, the coolest part of having a project is, when you have good intent and capability. It's kind of like being a knockout puncher in boxing when you're a knockout puncher boxing. It's not over until it's over.
George Foreman when he won the heavyweight title in his older age, knocked out Michael Moore. I think in the 10th, he lost every round. Before that the blockchain, lets the best land, a punch late, and make the whole thing work.
When I tell you every day when I think about this from a business standpoint, if I'm in my most concerned thoughtful strategic kind of intense mode. That the last thing I do before I transitioned into family or rest or other business or a fire or whatever it is, right. The last thing every time I transition my brain is yeah, but in 2029, I know every single person that has every single
token and I can do
this. It freaks me out of excitement. I want
To hear this nice and slow. Every person that creates a project in the history of nft lamp that tries to have an excuse in one year, two years, three years, nine years, 13 years of why know they have to take on 100% accountability because they have the data.
This is not like normal business. There is such an incredible aspect to the blockchain and Providence that allows projects to do things poorly for four years. And then when I think that is, one of the biggest topics that's not talked about people want road maps. I don't want road maps. I want audits of capability and integrity because then I know I'm
good. The, the roadmap stuff in particular, especially in the end of teal. And the reason why we don't put out
Really heavy road maps is because we like to kind of delight and excite, the people like your point about the horse, in the car. It's like there are things that will come Bottoms Up from your community that say, we want this, and then you listen, because enough people shouted, they say, just be great to see this, right? I slot those in projectwise and then we have the bigger crazier ideas that they're not thinking about that. I know I want to go build that are just going to be wildly game-changing when they get released. That's the stuff.
If I don't want to disclose early, I'd rather surprise and Delight people then put out some kind of lengthy road map. That is just can be used at times just to get people excited when I think the excitement should come from actually, shipping product versus making promises that may or may not happen if that makes sense.
Yeah. I mean, I think the road map is the modern web to when you and I started to build our friendship pitch deck.
Okay, that's lovely. Like, thank you for telling me what your revenue is going to be in 2037 and what you're going to do. That's very cute. Like are you capable? Have you done it? Like can you speak to it in detail? Like like you know what? Yeah. I think we're in such a fun immature state in the space of like everything from and this was web 97 and web 2005. This is so obvious to me. We literally
Lie in our community. The broader Twitter Discord Community amenities right now literally have people that are going to go to jail for fraud that people think are equally the same person as somebody who's going to go down in history as one of the profound innovators. That's how early it is. People don't even know and this time they have an avatar not even
their face.
This is why I co stuff that happened like that right now and the day with the tokens,
you know, I don't love Financial Arbitrage. That's why I never got into like that's why Ethan 16 was something. I bought even though I bought Bitcoin and 15 just because in those Jam sessions at South by I'm like, okay. The smart people are saying this is good. Let me buy some but when they keep, then your later, we came back and eat was talked about and like couple of like people in the jam session rooms talked about it. That one, I understood, I'm like, well, this is software.
Build on top of immediate was like, build on top of. Oh, that's Android. More than like, I like I really got that one. But like, in 17 when I mean, I, you know, my popularity was already going at that point. I got bombarded 430 times a day. I'm like, I'm not interested in money. This is an interesting to me, like, even you talking to me about how deep I was something like my brain doesn't even begin to think about defy processing headcount at Wells, Fargo over some like oh that cab just he's nerds on that better than I do like for me.
When I went into the nft pure consumer identity and that like the floodgates open for me, collectability identity action, you know, the reason I understand social media was oh, people use pictures to talk.
Like, I'm just very obviously, like people will not tell you how, like, people don't get deep in her feelings and people don't show you their bank account, but people use pictures to do both. And so I knew that, that's what I have t is we're going to be like, it's so odd. 42 me. I didn't know. It was going to be something called board API Club. I didn't know it was going to be bored ape. But boy, oh boy. Did I know Supreme, you know, and and was coming and there wasn't born a formed very quickly and like it happened so fast.
Fast and so obvious. Because that's what this is. This is communication through ownership, just like a sports car. It is just like a pair of Nikes is just like a handbag is just like going on a fancy vacation and taking a photo of it is. It's just just like being wealthy and dressing down is just like hi-low fashion for women. Like it's all facial hair. Beanies of cat. We communicate through
things. How do you think about ownership? Because, you know, board Apes. They came out with
This idea of you own the commercial rights to the individual Abe, like, what is, what is your gut on that? And where do you fall on that line?
I fall into that. It's an amazing thesis. That is very exciting to capitalize on people's capitalistic and entrepreneurial Tendencies, but that for the eight billion people that are going to watch board Apes from afar. There's going to be such frantic fragmentation.
One of the reasons that Brands really worried about fake goods and counterfeiting is less about the revenue loss of somebody buying a belt on Canal Street. That's not good. She it's more about somebody going home and wearing that Gucci and it being a piece of shit or somebody seeing it. You know, quality is a big factor. I think that there are projects destined to have that model work for them and I wouldn't bet against yoga because look what they've done accomplished already right, for me. It was not something that I
I wanted to do with be friends because I literally was looking at decks of buying Gumby because I wanted to be at the helm of an intellectual property. Like, no way am I letting somebody build out, you know, the Gratitude gorilla. I've already thought of his origin and like what he's going to do for kids and teach them gratitude. Like I can't give that up. That's my art, but I think both will work.
But I do think that much like Mark Marxism is a son of a bitch Kev. I don't know if you ever read it, but I'm paper Marxism, which led to Communism socialism. Like, it's actually beautiful. Hence why people like, but it's beautiful on paper. It's not real for the human Spirit Creative. Commons in a project like board. Ape is a beautiful thesis. I'm not saying that it's not going to work. I hope everyone hears me loud and clear. I just think that somebody right now is making a shitty vodka.
With a bored, a bond it. And I'm curious when that execution is shit, what that does for the overall brand? And I think that's a fascinating debate that I don't know the answer for. I you can tell by my answer. I skew towards believing that you know, that we have to be careful with every move we make. When you have a and not having any control.
Knowing how many people are short term, financially greedy, or not, even realizing that their short-term financially greedy, just bad executors. You have to worry about what that might
mean. It's tough. It's tough to it's tough to think through either. These are things that I contemplate a bunch. It's just, you know, what people will do, what what piece of the brand to protect and what piece of it to give away and what piece of it to let other people monetize on their own behalf, you know, because in some sense they're they're becoming your best.
As brand Advocates, if they can go and make money off of your stuff as well. You know,
99% of people don't have the ability to be thoughtful and patient when it comes to money. And by the way, one of the things I worry about with the whole, like play to earn and to play like like, like, like, like
If somebody's in it because of the money, the soul is going to rip be ripped out. I just I really believe that. So I think it's going to be interesting like and again with 10,000 different owners are 5,000 or 6,000. Really. All you need is three that really can do to one could really damage the
brand. Yeah. It's definitely true. It is a, the downside of that would be
bad. Yeah, I again just so everybody who's listening to the podcast. I'm just
giving a strong Counterpoint to the collective belief of the whole market. Right now. One of the things I'm so grateful for is the luck of the DNA draw, the gave me abundance mindset.
You couldn't imagine the emotion. I felt watching you crushed and Ryan Crush, Saturday, for the emotion. I felt the other way that I have feelings for cool cats having a bump in the road. I don't even know the details. I just see the pricing on, like, something's going. I'm so in my cocoon right now, or, or this founder having a tough day, or for like this one, winning or like, I don't know anything about uzuki and I'm like, oh sookie look, I don't know the founder. I don't know the food. I don't even know why it's happening, but I'm like, goes, like, like
Like, let there be no confusion EV I root for every single project right now because it's still represents .001 percent of the projects ever made in just five
years. It's such a small percentage of the population that are even in this
like I'm like don't do that that your brother. That's your sister. We're just starting like every project all projects, all of them. All of them. Every one of them is just .001 percent of the projects made over the next.
Decade. So, why not root for your fellow? Explorers your fellow Pioneers, your fellow. Risk-takers. Like, I don't ruin for everybody. I'm room for fucking world of women this and doodles that, and visible people this, and like I'm just fucking like, go go guy. Everyone's like, summer moonbird sucked, all the liquidity out of the market. I'm like, if that's true, then fuck this Market.
Because it's not true. Yes. Could like, like like is there a small group of day traders? That dominate? A lot of going of course, but does everybody understand how big this Market isn't for 56 years. And anybody who's sad that their floor price went down. Like if you're not good enough to get your floor price up with the fuck. Are
you? That's why you can't look at for Pious, man. That's why don't. I don't even want to look at it.
There's nothing to look at. What are you looking at?
There's not a single great CEO in the history of a public company that knew what the stock price was every day of her his operation life. That's right. I can't even tell you anything about any of that shit.
Look, just have no fucking, of course, because I look, you're looking to see him. Like, you know, I'm trying to get a sense of the market right now. So, of course, I can see it. But, like, I don't know, I never know, like, our revenue or profit numbers actually, like, I'm doing podcasts throwing stuff around my suppose like we made more money than, you know, it doesn't fucking bastard. Like, you know, like, you know, like I don't operate execute, do the right thing. Everything will work out. If you do that, make the best product make the best service. Tell the best story have the best intent.
Miraculously the full price will be just fucking fine. That's right.
That is very well said. That's exactly it. So anyway,
you know, I was in the liquor business and I innovated a punch and everybody said I was this. And I would bravado that, and lucky this, and this, and then I left and went into Madison Avenue, and, and then a year or two went by, and I started getting emails. We miss you. We miss your energy. We wish you were here. So, in hindsight, you were
right. You were right about the wine spectator and Robert Parker. It was good to democratize and that's what happened, Madison Avenue. I'm the worst. I got lucky like, you know, Wine Guy, this is Mad Men. This is real creative. What the fuck you, you want a taste of that? Blah, blah right now. Oh my God, and guess what? I'm Gonna Leave This industry to and then everyone's gonna like no combat, right? Same thing here. What am I doing? With P prints to? I'm trying to help the fellow creators. See different models, you know, I did 55.
Wasn't kept because it's gonna be up against my demand.
And you know what? That's going to mean. It means Sally. Who's got real. Demand is not going to think she has to make 10,000.
The fuck like kudani. Nobody loves a good crypto Punk, more than me. Like, I'm all about that life. But like there are people who have no Community. Nobody on Earth knows what the fuck. They're, you know, rhinoceros radical rhinoceros Society is and they're making 10 that with the fuck. Are you doing make 64? Why is there 55,000? Because I'm gonna fucking dominate it, and I'm gonna have way more people that are passionate about their Lama or their penguin, or they're fucking werewolf. That's well-connected, you know.
Because I need people to fall in love because I have eight billion people that I need to fall in love with be friends. The fuck is 5,000. I'm going to pull it off and it's going to help people like right now. Do you understand that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is like strategizing against 10,000 when they should strategize against a million at 2 bucks?
Apiece. No, I get it. I completely get it. Because here's what, when I first was talking to the proof collector because, you know, I launches this little 1,000-person Community, you know, that that passed which you're well aware of.
We expanded to this run to 10,000 because it is going to be you know, if you truly want more people, every time you you do an expansion, it brings more people into the universe, right? And they become your best brand. Advocates
are people like emotionally excited and my Discord like, five minutes ago, like I'm finally in and I'm in there. By the way, this is another thing Community. People need to do people like, you know, I can't wait to be part of the crew.
And I replied Kev. I fucking reply me. I'm
like, I know you do. You've been believing for appliances, used to write people emails back all the time. You just want every single email
it, over four and a half years. Anyway, I literally reply, I'm like, you are part of the crew. The fact that you believe in, you know, I think of my framework as purple it's not red or blue. As America goes. Meaning like emotionally, I want to kindness but like I'm ambitious, I'm tenacious. I believe in competition like one of the poses and Nuvi friends is competing. Like I dream every day.
A of might be friends competing with each other and like how am I going to turn that into a game and Rock'em sock'em robots or a game or like like the competing cards that I just did? Like I want friends to be about competing. But anyway, like people like, oh, I can't wait to be part of the groom like you were part of the crew, but no question. Once you have ownership something happens, like watching all these responses from people. It was 50,000 bucks to get into a v friend. They just got in for, you know, 900 bucks. That's a different price threshold and I dream about getting people.
The three friends Universe at nine bucks.
Yeah, it makes a lot of
sense. I think people are just not seeing it. So anyway, the be friends to thing was the utility was getting the collectible cards box.
The utility is, they'll always be utility if I decide. So, that is the blockchain. Hmm, the expansion of the IP to now be ready for prime time.
CBG apparel, video games, cartoons, movies and away we go, my man, the way we fight
you get this launch done. It's out there people start, you know, it's going to sell out, people buy that you do the auction. We get V Cohn coming up. Are you going to have some big announcements there?
There's, there's some stuff but like people start coming to life a little bit, you know, this summer fall and winter is 100% on.
70%. Real-life, 30%. Technology execution.
That's awesome. Yeah, I'm excited to watch these, all kind of come to life. You know, I want to see that.
Yeah, only passion anybody who's listening, who wants to join the team as like head of gaming development. Like, I definitely want to build a four to five person team seven-person team or by a six-person Deb shop and integrate them in. I want to create a very compelling iPhone game, where the be friends compete with each other. I'm really excited about it. I would say that's on the roadmap. I, that's awesome. I'd be surprised.
I got sidetracked from trying to make a game. That is number one. I mean, I don't know if you saw, I thought I innovate a little bit nicely. The preview are right now for be friends, because it's a whole week is Gary. Be in a little bit of like a video game layered on HTML5, on top of Open Sea. Did you see that? No, I didn't see that. Okay, this you'll be impressed with because your product. I this is a very small.
No, I'm a right now. I'm checking out play game. I see it's got little. This is amazing. I just picked up some
Wine, that's awesome. So you put a game inside of the actual preview before a drops. Its that's awesome.
So like, you know, like I I'm proud of how I innovate. I don't think I don't overly articulate like I'm smart. That's not my thing. I'm like my thing is like, I'm passionate. I'm kind. I'm a grinder but I'm proud of my little thing like, when, you know, one of the things that are really, what I really enjoy is when smart people decide to look under the hood from the sizzle.
I'm always proud of what they find. Yeah.
You know, some and I really, really care about this space. I did that game. Big shout out to that dungeon dragon game because there is a dungeon, there was a dragon game that did something where you could play. So I was very inspired by that. I'm like, let me develop Gary, B, which is one of my favorite characters, you can imagine, you know, but like I want to do that and I know more eyes are going to be on mine, so they inspired me. I inspired this like, now more people can do interesting things with preview before unveiling character development.
The trading cards thing is a big thing, Kev. I'm really proud of him. And I really think people will see it and be like, wait a minute. Let's do web to web three combinations. There's a lot of great things about web to like people are web 3, Maxis that they're like killing themselves to do something that web does perfectly without realizing. Like don't undermine the blockchain but like don't like, you know, like there's some people like and I'm like that. Like, I'm trying to do as much on chain as possible but like, you know, like so there's that
So I'm really proud of that. I really think that it's going to lead because I want to be successful and speak about. And then somebody sitting in the audience or listening to this podcast, like, oh shit. I do want to build a sneaker brand, but I would do it in the form of n of T, and get the sneakers. The only, what about like physical picture, right? And then, and then, you know, I'm really excited about the innovation of 55,000. I'm glad we got to go into it a little bit here. I know that there's somebody sitting at the helm of one of the greatest IPS in the world. Who's going to leave listening to this and saying, oh, we're doing 7 million at a doll.
- Alana, yeah, and
that's going to be good for the fucking space. We need adoption. There's four people in this right
now. Yeah, you're right.
People are very confused before hundreds of a second in this whole Community. Everybody. There's nobody here. There's eight billion people on Earth. There's 150,000 people. There's 500,000 people. There's a million people that are really about this life. We haven't even started and it's
expensive. No, I'd love what you're saying it. Because essentially, I mean, anytime you
You have a 10K drop at this point, and this was a shocker even to me. Like, honestly, I swear to you, Gary. If you would ask me, what, what the floor price, be of our project, Moon birds will after we went out and I would say probably. So we're gonna have 25 a probably be, you know, I figured like four to five somewhere around there. I didn't expect it to go and that's even insane. Right. Like who can afford that that was like just nuts. It was clear
to you felt because the hype was building, we all knew, but I was just going to say that doesn't. That
doesn't allow us to.
32 that's still the same 10,000 people. Right? And so it doesn't allow us to expand to a much wider broader audience that this needs to get to for True mainstream adoption. Right?
You want to talk about something. I'm proud of six months in to be friends. There were some cool data set company and showed wallets, and it showed crossover.
And I was like, here's the people that own and they board a panda, cool cat and at right and V friends was on a fucking heightened by itself. Why? Because four months, I on-boarded more people in 2nf teal and then most of the projects prior. I'm proud of that. So
that's what I went on to one of your Twitter spaces. You weren't on. There was one of your late-night communities is called the V friends late night or something like that because it's a couple nights ago and I went on that was awesome. It just like people started flooding in because
Right. After we did our drop the same day. We did a drops appear overly curious. And that was one of the things that we talked about is like I said to them. I said, because they were asked me about our relationship and you and I and I said, one of the things that I have to like, give Gary a ton of respect for one is identifying in real life, like the connection between how in Ft should be tied to actual physical things in real life because I thought it was brilliant. And the second thing is just that the fact that you took the time to make the tutorials for people saying, this is how
I use meta mask. This is how you buy your first eith this because you knew you had this massive audience, but it
was a small percentage of people that actually had ever
touched this stuff. So, you have to hand hold all every step of the way, and you on-boarded, so many new people. And I think that is such a huge blessing for the entire industry.
What people don't know is, I felt the effects of telling everybody get on Instagram, get on Tick-Tock. Do this on Snapchat. Here's the opportunity of LinkedIn.
Hidden to our world. Is the millions of emails in the last decade. I've got where it's like you changed my business. You changed my business, you changed my life. I knew that web 3 was going to be the biggest thing. Maybe in my whole life. I don't know if
web for is going to be bigger, will
see right or whatever.
It's going to be both, be doing it with canes and chit. At that point. They were
back in.
I did it because I knew if I got my community in, they would win bigger than just be friends and it happened. The amount of people that meant it bore tape because I taught them how, like, you don't even know some like profound stories already, like, like just insane and I, and I'm, and it makes me happy and I'm going to do it and I'm doing it right now. 55,000, like, literally in the last 24 hours.
I've put 17 that's the number 17, 16 15 or 16, 17 really thoughtful business, people men and women who are in their 28, 252 range who bought their first. And if he ever in the last 24 hours, buying an unrevealed, be too, because I can feel comfortable and saying, hey at 3,000 bucks, we know each other.
The only way you're going to learn this space is not saying yeah, let me get somebody on my team to go and zoom for you for 30 minutes. Teach you. You know, I'm very proud about the blog post. I just put out called Fuck bake. Websites like the biggest scam right now and you know, this cab is people connecting the wallets to fake websites and not realize the rising like why am I why isn't everybody making that blog post? We have to help each other. I'm proud of that. Like I spend resources and time and energy in my team to make that. So,
People don't click it. Right, like I'm proud of, like, I've always been proud of who I am, and I will continue to be it. And I know that people will focus over here, but I know what I'm doing over there and it feels the best. You remember this? Like when I started vaynermedia, it's like really a service business. Is that like the best like, you know, like there was all the cool stuff. I could like why not do corked or like do out prot like right?
You were here. We talked about that. Yeah, you'd bought
corked. Yeah. I did. You know I talk to you Zach's was in the crew back then before he was acts like
Like, you know, like he like everybody's like, but I knew who I was. I knew I was going to operate. I knew I was going to be like and that's what's so fun for me now. Like like I'm really pumped to be part of this community. I want to do good. I want to be successful selfishly and I want to be incredibly successful and being selfless and that comes a lot of forms trying to help and educate. That's one.
Empower motivate to try new things. That's one. But it's also by doing executions that can inspire people to do similar things for themselves, bigger, and better than I do them.
I love that about you. It's like, you're always bringing people along for the ride, you know, which is
great. It's why I was always attracted to you too. When we first met, you had your crew stump this and you know, breaker that and burka this and I was like, he's like me.
Like he won't like it was clear in your eyes from the moment. I met you four seconds and I was like this guy wants his friends to win, too.
And because I'm more extroverted than you. I want that for my friends. I want that for my acquaintances. I wanted for my strangers and what Gary be really is is I even wanted for my haters. I want to absorb that negative energy and reply with good energy back. Maybe in being the first person that's ever responded with good to their negativity, with the hope that it unlocks a thought for them, that they can get out of that bad place.
Yeah, and for some, it will
A very important thing is beautiful for a
lot of hats. I'm proud. I'm proud of that way. More than my inevitable purchase of New
York Jets.
Give me a year. Give me a picture on
that. No, wait, wait, wait.
Hey, what is the Jets go for if you had to buy today, what's the what's the fair market value for the Jets six million? Really, for a team that shitty
maybe eight guys. That wasn't if the Broncos go for like there's only 32 of them. It's in New York City, like it's going to cost me. Let's put it this way.
I'm going to have to do some real damage, but guess what? I'm afraid, the fucking
task. You know, I you know what, you know, I want a basketball team
Like listen for you, and I it's just so fun. Now. It's like especially what's going on with be friends and boom. Birds. Like I'm like, I've always had this different thing with you. I'm like, oh like that joke, we made a few minutes ago about the canes. I can't wait to watch that in 23 years when we actually in our 60s, do it and God willing. Please God give us one more whirl at 85 because I'll definitely be interested. You're a little more than a smart that would but
Deep down you can't help yourself either. I think so. I think I mean you can't 45 cap. You're only one year younger than me.
Yeah, 45 man. It's it.
So great. So I'll be 86 and you'll be 85 and will be like web five and I'm like dude the five. That's my favorite number. This is the behavior that. Let's do it. How many like this? Gotta be the one this now, we're
gonna really do it. Yeah, there's two
Billion nft drop is going to be
huge. This fucking planet. How much bigger? I'm like, no, dude, other milky Way's like why
I love it.
If you don't dream for yourself who's gonna dream
for you?
Yeah, very true.
I always liked that I'll always liked that one thing. I wanted to end on this note. I always liked that one comment that you said were like what the hell was it? You said, you're like, why are you not grateful? You couldn't, you could have been a bus. Like that's like you could have been a buzz like who even things like that, you're
very viral video. That was what I knew Facebook. Fan back to attention Arbitrage. Facebook fan pages were really
popping off for personal Brands. They said I'm going to go all in
and you know, most of my content comes from the DMS and email.
That I read.
And just like 30 fucking DM's in a row that morning. I remember working. I remember the morning like yesterday was on the corner of the street in New York City. I was wearing a big ass jacket.
And I'm just like 30 comments in a row of like, you know, my brother's rich and it was just complaining complaining lack of gratitude. And like and like the one that triggered me was like this person was winning by standards of 8 billion people. Like he was like a top million person on Earth and was like upset and I was like, we just lack of gratitude and Society for what we have our Envy for what we don't have is through the roof. And so I was like, dear I it was early and be filming stuff as I go.
And I just went up and I was like, fucking could be, could have been a boss? Like fucking bow is Monday. It was like, fuck you Monday. There's a fuck you Monday mole in fucking be friends. It's amazing Who characters and be friends that signify my most viral pieces of content. Fuck you, Monday mole and you're gonna die fly. I was getting out of this keynote once and this lady ran up and like so I pull down the window and she's like, give me three words of encouragement and the, you know, like your shook a little bit. Somebody ran up and like, yeah,
She's like three words of encouragement. I'm like you're gonna die, which is really for words, but I really think that that's what encourages me and motivates me. Like, yeah, you're not you're not born for a long time and you are dead for a long time. And this thing that we're doing you and I my friend, my dear friend in the middle. It's
fucking limited. Yeah, you and so the I would say that is what really deeply connects you and I because that's why I've started so many.
Please. And tried so many ideas and failed so many times. It's because it's like we have to do this. When else are we gonna do it? It's now. It's now
it was just like the memories. You're like look every time we get together. Like yeah, I wish everybody. I wish. Can anybody find the Yahoo! Live videos? Can something. There's so many Nerds that listen to this. I know you characters. Can find this mean, Kev Yahoo! Put out a live streaming product me Kevin having to be together and we were
Look like we were making pretend that we were elated and I was like, his cousin. I was like jumping over him in the video. Like it was just like, just
Chinese the dumbest shit. We were like, just crack it up so hard doing these live videos.
Remember, seesmic
loic. Yeah,
seesmic and like, then your cat came years later, but it was like seesmic and it was something kicktv was a kick. Yeah. It was kick, right. We were Napa with scoble and Tim. It's right number like, like that was my
God. I just
Me like we're fucking live television. I was like, like, people don't get it. Like this is profound. We're living in some of the most technology, advanced moments in society internet and now the blockchain amateur internet and an emerging consumer blockchain. Do you understand the innovation of the next 25 years and in 20 years were still? I mean, I don't know. Do you have 65 year old friends, Kevin because I do. Yeah, I do great. Doesn't that Mo to beat the shit out of you. Do you look at your
To me like wait a minute, 20 more years until I'm that and he's fucking about it. Let's fucking
go. Yeah, let's go. We gotta go, go, go. Absolutely.
And still be that age and still have more. And so like life is the fucking best.
I love it. I love you. Love you, brother. Thank you for coming on the show and excited for your launch. I'll be there and let's do
this by up a ton because I'm going to win for you.
I appreciate that. Of course, I will. All right that is it for this episode. Thanks so much for tuning in. If you would like to help us out head on over to proof, got XYZ and click on the reviews button at the very top and leave us a five star review. Thanks so much. Take care.