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Real Talk with Zuby
#141 Bailey Laurissa - Free Thinking, Jordan Peterson & Social Media
#141 Bailey Laurissa - Free Thinking, Jordan Peterson & Social Media

#141 Bailey Laurissa - Free Thinking, Jordan Peterson & Social Media

Real Talk with ZubyGo to Podcast Page

Bailey Laurissa, Zuby
30 Clips
Mar 19, 2021
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I am the man sick with the slaves taking of destined for fame. What's up, ladies and gentlemen boys and girls around the world. I would like to welcome you back to the real talk with zubi podcast now on today's episode we've got on an awesome young lady. She is an up-and-coming.
Content creator she is navigating the world through her YouTube channel and sharing her thoughts and ideas out there and I would like to welcome Bailey Loris it to the show. How you doing?
Good. How's it going Su V Zu V. Hope everyone's doing well. I'm just so excited to be on the podcast and it's kind of funny because I think I tweeted you. What was it like a month and a half ago when you had somebody drop out and then just by chance, I saw that you tweeted that this morning again and then I don't know. I love how the world works. Sometimes. It's like
just a minute you check your phone and say I happen to be here and no
doubt. Well, thank you for jumping on it jumping on it late notice. I know we talked before about having you on previously. And yeah, you message me like just at the right time and I was like, hang on. Let me let me get her on because I know she asked the last time I don't know we're going to do it. So let's make it happen. So I've done a real brief intro there, but for people who don't know who you are. Tell them a little bit about
you. Yeah, so about mid-20s growing up and everything. I'd always
Been interested in politics and current events and everything like that. And then I've also been super interested in like astronomy space and also writing so it's kind of all over the place but then during college I got into a science writing program. So I ended up getting my major in that and that was really fun because I got to talk about science but also writing and literature and everything like that. I currently work what keeps me busy is a technical writer, so writing instruction manuals and stuff.
Like that, and then I'm also a social media manager for space weather news suspicious observers. I feel like some of the listeners probably have heard of them. And then also just I started my YouTube channel about nine months ago and respectively living and I've really been enjoying making content. It's fun just having an outlet for creativity and I really wanted to make it a space where anybody and we can all discuss ideas that we might just come across in our day-to-day life or
Whatever it is, even current events topics and take a perspective on it and explore. So yeah, and then recently I did a video on Jordan Pederson and he's always been just a such a large impact on my life the past few years. So it's been fun.
Sounds good. So tell us a little bit about your kind of growing up. I like to know the backstory. That's why are people so I want to talk a little bit later on about the YouTube channel and what you're doing now, but how did you sort of come to the point where you are right now?
Yeah, so I'm very fortunate enough to have two parents that always, you know, really pushed me to see different perspectives in life, whether that's you know, every night. I would sit down and watch Bill O'Reilly with my dad when I was like seven years old and he'd always have the word of the day and everything and just looking back. I feel like that really shaped me or like if we were just you know walking around and something was going on in town. You know, they kind of talked to me about it and
In my head, I was always amazed that there's this other world, you know not always what's being portrayed on the main networks or whatever, you know, whatever topic it is too because I'm really interested in like health and food and fitness and everything like that. So I've kind of kept that you know type of thinking with me as I've gone through High School gone through college and then I've also done a lot of different activities. Like I have my black belt I
It played tennis a lot really competitively all throughout college. So
yeah, what's the black belt in
Taekwondo? So okay kicking people. Yeah. I don't know how flexible I am anymore because that was a few years ago
fair enough. And what was it that led you to wanting to create a YouTube channel? Because a lot of people have their thoughts ideas Etc, but most people don't feel the urge to
Put them out there to the world into the public like that. So was there a particular thing that made you want to do
that? Definitely? Yeah. So a few of my friends actually, I'd YouTube channels towards the end part of high school and going into college. So I kind of knew that world and to navigate it was more on the side of blogging and lifestyle and stuff like that. But it definitely always interest me. And then I remember my freshman year at College. I made a pact to myself that I was going to start a channel.
And work on it and everything like that. And then of course, you know, you make three videos and you kind of forget about it and you lose, you know focused and lose motivation. So then last spring, you know covid and everything and I work from home now, which is one of the best positives I think of this whole situation is you're not forced to be in the office for 40 hours. So yeah last spring and then I moved out of my parents.
Aaron's house and whatnot. So I finally had this own space that I could create in and all of a sudden the motivation was there and I've always kind of gone through the past two years having these thoughts in my head like, oh, I wish I could discuss about that or make a video about that. So definitely in the back of my head, it was always kind of the inner workings and then I finally just told myself like I have to do it, you know put my money where my mouth is type of thing and just focus on something really well for a long period of time because otherwise I kind of
The tendency to focus on something for just a few weeks and forget about it and whatnot. So
hmm. And what was the first video you did
first video I did was being an introvert in college and how to navigate that. Okay. Yeah, I find myself look slightly more introverted so that freshman year, you know when you're out and everybody's making friends at first like 24 hours everyone's there and that's definitely an interesting experience and super fun, but it's a little bit different when you're not
Like such a extroverts.
Yeah sure. And then I saw you've you've got quite a few videos where you're talking about the work of Jordan Pederson and the impact that that's had on you. So, how did you how did you end up in the Jordan Pederson Rabbit
Hole? Yeah, and it's really what's awesome about it. Is it opened up this whole new world? Like that's how I found you then and I really okay cool. Yep, definitely kind of the intellectual dark web. I think that you could I let her something like
But I think it was fall 2017 and I was actually watching a Steven Crowder video and I just gotten into him and watching him and stuff like that. And on the sidebar there was a Jordan Pederson video. So I clicked on that and then the router whole Regan Smith conversation.
Yeah, next thing you're on zombies podcast next up. You're getting cancelled
next thing I won't be able to fly out.
You're on the list now. Yeah, no exam playing carry on.
Uh-huh. So I wish I would have known what the first JP video was that I clicked on. But yeah, I just remember being so amazed and overwhelmed in a good way that somebody was talking about all these interesting topics that we interact with our world and like notice but nobody really talks about, you know, just large things whether it's relationships or growing up or
Finding a job and just you know responsibilities at the core of it. So it was really intriguing for me to sit down and somebody's talking about all these things. And then what was also kind of fun and I felt like at a moment any type of idea. I would have or question about something I could just
You know type Jordan's name until YouTube click the topic and he'd be talking about it. So that was really fulfilling to just kind of learn more about the world than create a mindset to encountered as well.
So yeah, so you said he's had a significant impact on your life or that reading his book 12 rules for life has had a significant impact. So what are some of the what are some of the lessons you've taken from that what was the before and the and the
From all
that definitely. So I think one of the biggest things is I really learned and he talks about I mean, it's the central tenant between his first book in second book. It's black and white Chaos and Order but I think just something clicked inside my head that it's good to step out of your comfort zone. Sometimes I know there's that cliche cliche saying that it's good, you know to always push yourself but reading his work just really solidified that
That you know sometimes life is going to be uncomfortable but with you know challenges and being a little bit off in certain situations. That's when you grow and even though you don't have the experience that the moment, you know, it kind of turns on all your biological senses and that's how you grow through things and learn them and then pretty soon, you know, you're here and then you kind of Grew From an experience and you have more unknown to conquer and stuff like that. So
Overall in that regards and then also I remember a specific situation. So I was always I'm always very like reserved. I like knowing what I'm doing. I usually don't step out of my comfort zone much and in college there was an internship opportunity and I remember just after reading Jordans work a little light bulb went in my head. I'm like, you should speak up and join that that would be a good thing for you and my past failure would have just been like no just keep you know work on your
I meant and I ended up speaking up. I got the position and then that position directly correlated into my position. I have now in the workforce. So just cool. Yeah,
that's awesome. Now, that's awesome. I mean, yeah, I think you know we live in this world where there is there's a lot of negative forces out there and there's a lot of confusion and disillusionment and discouragement and all that. And so and just lack of common sense as well.
Well lack of honest thinking lack of Common Sense lack of Courage all of these things. So I know that you know, I discovered started listening to Jordan Pederson stuff must have been I initially heard about him through the bill c16 stuff and
get out. Okay, so quite early on
then yeah early on before he you know, he's actually commented on one of my YouTube video chat which is
oh that's
you know, kind of before he blew up. Um, so it's been really interesting for me number one to just sort of see that see that trajectory because
One other thing that's really intriguing with him, which actually people don't really talk about is that it's rare for someone to reach that level of Fame and popularity at his age in life. Right? Like so definitely not it's not common to in your 50 to become famous in your 50s, right? It's really fascinating and and the way he became famous. It's like, you know, this could work. I was just really a brilliant but obscure Canadian professor at a university and then somehow
L threw him opposing this bill about compelled speech typically about you know gender pronouns and stuff like this. Yeah that somehow leads people into the rabbit hole of discovering all these lectures and do this biblical series and this and that and then next thing he's writing a book which is selling millions of copies and touring have you been to any of the Live
Events? I haven't I figured found him like right after he ended up but when you really okay have you
yeah. Yeah. I got invited to the one. I'm the one in Oxford which is where I married.
Yeah, so I know Dave Rubin, so Dave
Rubin no leave Room 1 is awesome. He's one of us. I listen to you Dave Rubin. Yeah.
Yeah, that was really cool funnily enough. I was sitting next to I was sitting next to David who is Dave's husband? Okay. Yeah Tammy who is of course Jordan's wife. So like I met I meant so the whole thing was really cool. It was really really cool. I didn't I haven't met didn't get a chance to meet Jordan because he was like kind of getting mobbed after the thing. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I'm sure
I'm gonna get him Mikayla was on your podcast as well. Right? She hasn't been yet. She
hasn't been happy, but will be maybe in a couple weeks. Yeah, I've been on hers.
Oh, maybe that's what I watch because I definitely have been you guys talking. Yeah,
definitely. She'll be on I'm gonna try to get Jordan on it as well sometime within the next few months. So no out. So so just coming back to what I was saying. I think we you know with what I do and I think a lot of the people you kind of mentioned there. Is this China just bring I guess that order back into a world of
Chaos and give people encouragement, you know preach about not preach just you know, remind people about personal responsibility and self autonomy and sovereignty and responsibilities. Right like Jordan Pederson says people as one talk rights rights rights, but people don't want to talk about the responsibilities that go with those so we thought with all that said what are your thoughts on, you know, someone who's you've came out of college a couple years ago now, I
guess. Yep. Yeah nude this spring so
okay cool.
I guess number one. What was that experience like for you? Because I feel like in the past decade or so. It's changed quite significantly, but also what are your thoughts just on where the world is going from your own perspective as a young woman in the US. Where where do you think things
are? Yeah, so the first half of that question, so just in college a lot of one of my good friends calls me like a Libertarian hippie because I can
- I can kind of For Better words, like go with the flow and not really be if I don't talk about it. I can blend in kind of with the crowd. So honestly, that's what I did most of college most of my friends. We didn't really share the same view points, but it's on another tangent. That's we almost do share the same view points, but nobody wants to have a conversation about it. So then you just kind of go back into your thoughts not really talk about it, but for my personal perspective, I
Really go forth then talk a lot about about my views or anything like that. But then definitely just little things, you know in my English class all of a sudden we were talking about gender and up on the prompter. It said there's you know, a hundred genders and stuff like that and I'm like, why are we talking about that in English
English class? How did they--how did they fudge that into an English
class? They were bringing up Play-Doh and everything like that. And then I remember the professor gave a huge speech that
He wishes. We didn't have to study Plato and Aristotle because they're old white dudes. And and I'm like, well these like I want to study Play-Doh,
right? Can I ask if this was this was this like a white teacher?
Yeah. Yep. So that's why I
think I can really pick up. I know what this person looks like and I've never seen
them. Yeah, exactly.
Yeah go
on. Oh, it's so, you know in the back of my head. I've always had kind of my values and perspective. So in my head
I would just laugh about it and in my mind, there's no use raising your hand and trying to debate even though might be a good approach to it, but
they're like they're lucky. I wasn't in that class. Yeah, they would have got lit up exactly. I can't stay quiet and stuff like that. I would have just been like okay, here we go. Here we go.
Well, that's funny. We can talk about this a little bit later. But in my JP personality test, I scored really high in disagreeableness, but really low in assertiveness. Oh boy. So in my head I'm like, you know, but then I don't have you know, what's good for what assertiveness your score? Yeah.
I think it's 96 if I remember correctly. It's 90s. Yeah, it's like top five.
Present well I think mine was like eight or something. Okay.
Mine's like that ain't gonna fly like
What's an Oso? Okay, so you are so you learn some weird gender stuff in what was what was the General Vibe? Like in in your in your college was there like I know in different universities is very different. So in turn them, there's like a huge slant in you know, very very heavy left words, and they're essentially kind of indoctrination camps for a little young marxists and gender theorists other ones are a little bit more sort of balanced and neutral. What was your experience like?
Yeah, I it didn't really stand out to me besides, you know, those few English classes and few conversations with professors, but I mean in all universities there's those little things that just remind you that it's more of left-leaning, you know, and that's one thing to like the word liberal is not a bad word. That means you're just open to things but I feel like all of a sudden now, it's these lefties and people trying to change facts. So it's one of those things.
Yeah. It's
It's a weird one. Yeah, I don't know these labels are really starting to lose not starting to lose like they've been losing their meanings. Mike ways people who are called conservative are more liberal than people who are called liberal in many ways
and exactly
Versa. I think really where it's more sort of like the first day. Of course, you got the libertarian authoritarian scale. I think that's a big factor, but honestly, I'm starting to feel like it's kind of like the woke versus the the awake.
Which one is more like naturally? Rightly? I'm kind of like look if we can sit down and have a conversation and accept facts exactly be realistic. We're sort of on the same side, even if we actually differ on quite a lot of issues. I think it's kind of that versus people who are just trying to tell you're totally yeah, totally tear down the whole system or just distort reality willing to lie cheat steal whatever, you know, there's no there's no line.
Through their thinking which is consistent. All right, they can backpedal be hypocritical. They say one thing here then they say the other thing it's there's no there's just no line through it. Right? So I think kind of just dealing with like saying freedom oriented people and then people who have really kind of bought into these ideologies and are really trying to kind of force things down on people from a top-down perspective whether that's directly from the government or through other institutions or even through just like bullying and
Shame and cancel culture and online mobs all that kind of stuff just kind of pressure people to toe the line all whilst gaslighting The Other Side by pretending that they're the ones doing that it's definitely weird
phenomenon exactly and to speak to cancel culture and all that. It's kind of interesting watching you almost could call it the machine or something. It's interesting watching them almost canceled their own now like I don't know if you follow the bachelor with Chris
Harrison. Oh,
Herd of oxen heard about all that a
stupid. Yeah. I know. I don't look like a few years ago.
Tell the listeners a little bit about it for people who don't know.
Yeah. So in America, there's the show The Bachelor Bachelorette, so it's pretty much just one girl or guy and then there's like 30 guys are girls vying to marry them at the end of the show. All I want is always a next week's mind.
It's like my life, you know.
pretty much like real life
But there was this, you know in famous host. He's been hosting it since 1998 or whenever the show started and he's almost the best part of the show at this point, you know, and he had he disagreed with somebody there was this girl who was
found back in college that was on the show who is a current contestant. She was found back in college to go to what was it called Antebellum Antebellum. Yep, Antebellum party and it was with her sorority and everything and she came out. She said, you know obviously looking at this now whatever she wanted to done it and then Chris Harrison just said that we should give her some Grace and you know, it was two or three years ago. Obviously people are different and just taking one snapshot of somebody isn't going
You define them the rest of their lives, wherever whatever happened, whatever action that you've done and by saying that by just saying give the girls some Grace he got kicked off the show because it wasn't it
so much forgiveness.
Right? It wasn't left enough. You know, she should have canceled her. So
yeah, it's so crazy. I heard about that story just through other people and I was like wait am I am I missing something here? And then I just realize we
just write yeah.
World and stupid time where it's all just theater. There's so much political theater going on and that's something that I think really annoys me which is the I just try to be very like real and honest and authentic try to be I just am like I'm just real I'm open. I'm authentic whether people agree with me disagree with me like me don't like I'm just I'm straightforward and I feel like there's so much just theater going on right? It's political theater. It's why concept like virtue signaling annoy me and annoy people because it's like look if you
You don't need to Signal your virtue. Right? Like if you write if you are something just be that thing but this whole false pretense of trying to sort of publicly display yourself or you know, people are living in a stage where people literally pretend to be offended by things exactly. So this situation here who was genuinely offended that this girl went to this party three years ago. I mean, it sounds like she's even just went to the party shouldn't it's not like she you know went in like did black face and put okay.
Is wearing attended a party, right? And okay, like who who's Jake who is genuinely like forget the performance exactly and you and Lee offended and hurt by this thing. And then what didn't she didn't she end up like winning the
yeah. I just was Googling this yesterday because it was all over Twitter and like what happened? So she ended up winning the show and then on the after the rose finale show Matt, who is the bachelor ended up?
Crying over the whole thing and said like he could never forgive her and all this stuff and they were sorry. No, I mean even though it's meaningful to what
I heard. I actually listen to that bit. Okay, so that I don't watch the show, but I someone had clipped in the YouTube video and I was like, this is this is theater, right? This is theater the guys that like all distraught and he's crying. I can't believe I can't believe I'm just like dude like
Honestly, like as a man, I was just like bro. Come on, man. Like what are you even you weren't even there like this is years ago, even the so-called offense even in terms of things that are offensive. I'm like, is this the bar now like now and she's already said yeah, you know, maybe I shouldn't have gone. I'm sorry, that's it. And again, it's just such a I don't know. It's like this Headhunter Society where people so bloodthirsty. It's like that's why I'm so opposed to these public apologies because it's like it doesn't exactly matter like that. They just see that as a sign of weakness.
- and they're just going to go for the throat Just Go For the Kill as soon as the blood is in the water like the best thing anyone can do there ever, you know in this position to get cancelled or like if you haven't done anything wrong do not I always tell people do not apologize. If you've done something wrong apologize to the specific individual who you've heard
and that makes a huge tweet and public relations
front door and no don't do it. Don't do it. They'll just see your week Target and an emboldened people right? Because then that like, yes, we got another
scalp. Well, they don't actually understand.
For you if you do that either and they just so there's literally no point to it.
No, don't don't ask for forgiveness for people who don't forget
right? I think that's Candace Owens always says like she never apologizes for things if it's not her fault or says sorry, and that's something yeah,
like again and apologies are apology should be a one-on-one thing. Hmm, you know if I upset you Bailey then I'll be like, you know, what Bailey? I'm sorry about
that. Right, right.
Go on Twitter and put some long screed today. I had a you know, that I write some huge essay and posted out there for the world. It's just
so what is it that you're that you're working on in the moment. So you've got the YouTube channel one of the videos you've been putting out most.
so about a week ago. I did, you know my top meaningful quotes from Jordan's first book 12 rules for life. And then I just put out one on socialization. So when somebody says socialisation, there's a part of me that always kind of withered and didn't really like the word because I feel like a somebody who is more introverted. Sometimes doesn't always like going with the crowd. I felt like I'm not always the most socialized, you know in a lot of situations.
Ins are don't always know to say the right thing and be super talkative and whatnot. So I kind of discussed that how socialization is good because it allows success it allows us to partner have conversations. But then also it can be a bad thing. If it's too much, you know, especially when you're growing up kind of in those formative years especially focused on if socialization is arbitrary. So if a group of kids are just you know saying that you shouldn't wear a green shirt or for an example, but you really like green
Could the color green and it showcases your personality, you know that can be seen as a bad thing because then it can detriment you, you know to growing into your own personality. So I on with that video and then also just this Friday. I'm going to post one about boredom just how we're not.
We're not bored anymore. You know, we always have a screen and we can never just allow our own thoughts to be present. And then that's how new ideas come to be is when we're bored and we have that spark of whatever, you know,
okay? No, that's and that's an interesting thought. So, what are your thoughts on that? So you think that we need to learn how to embrace boredom more perhaps rather than straight up reaching reaching for that every time and swiping and tapping and all of that.
Yep, because I've noticed, you know, if
They're getting ready in the morning or cooking dinner. I'm always reaching for my phone laptop. You know, what's the newest YouTube video and I love watching, you know content podcast obviously, but you have to allow yourself to be with your mind at sometimes too, you know, and sometimes you just have to be reminded of that. Even if it's just one day a week you drive to work without the radio on, you know, just being with your thoughts and you might be bored for the first five minutes, but then aboard thought might lead into
something random that leads into something that you needed to think about more but maybe was pushing away or a new idea and stuff like that.
So, okay and you were talking before about the the quotes from firstly what is your favorite of The Twelve
rules? Oh, I think it would have to be be precise in your speech and that really ties in to tell the truth at least don't lie in my head because a lot of times when you're talking it's easy to even tell a little white lie.
It's or get wrapped up in something. So it's always a constant reminder to me that whenever you're speaking. That's the ideas that you're projecting and the ideas you're projecting about the world and yourself. So make sure that it makes sense and it's concise and as a writer too, I really like that because I find that I can translate my thoughts a lot better writing not as much speaking. So it's always a challenge and that's another thing. I started the YouTube channel for myself as a challenge to just talk and
to learn how to be precise in my speech.
That's cool. Yeah. I think my two favorites are yeah tell the truth or at least don't lie. And so do what is Meaningful not what is
expedient? I like that one too.
Yep. I think those are very much how I think what way before I ever read that book. I think I've kind of been living by those ones for a couple decades like it's just kind of but you know, maybe it's just innate to my personality or something like that. I just have very yeah. I think I'd have a very low
I have a very low BS tolerance. I think that's okay. Yep. Yeah, I think that's what I'm not good at like I don't jump on everything and I don't feel the need to tackle everything but I'm not always great at letting things slide. If something like there are certain things. Like I just cannot let slide like, you know when you were talking about that thing with your professor and I'll yes, so I wish I was there. I wish I can't let stuff like that slide. I would just be like, okay, I got to say something like, uh, yeah
that switch.
What's in your head? And yeah, let's see that happen to me. But then I'm like don't say anything
especially in a situation like that because it's like I think a big problem that we're having I think a big big problem in modern Western Society is that bad ideas are running on challenge. Yes, I agree. I think that's a big problem when people like oh my gosh, how did we get here? Right whether you're talking about the past year or you're talking about the last five years other past 10 years. I'm like because bad ideas are running unopposed exactly.
Even if those bad ideas are minority Fringe viewpoints, right? So the whole notion that like there are people out there. There are literally University professors this people on TV, there's influencers on all these social platforms, whatever who literally will say things like all white people are racist
and and most people won't say anything to that and I'm just like hold on a minute buddy. Like I'm gonna pull you up on Sand and maybe I have black privilege here as well, right?
I'm like, right if a white person does that they'll be like, oh, well, you know you're doing your you're showing your white fragility on your white Superman. Like I'm like dude, if you call me any of those things, you're gonna sound stupid doesn't mean they don't write they don't try they still try. Oh, yeah. I'm just like honestly like they're just I'm just like look, whatever these ideas. Are. You got people that opened it? Yeah, like let's do communism again or like let's just all stay in our houses forever and enforce mandatory Evac. I'm like yo, these ideas could not run unopposed because it
it matter one thing I've really learned is that it only takes a small loud minority to dominate a majority exactly and people like to talk about the silent majority, but people need to make sure that the silent majority does not become the silenced majority. I think I think there's a silenced majority now exactly. A lot of these issues people are afraid to jump in The Fray people don't want to get cancelled people don't want to get the mob people don't want to risk losing their job or risk that or that you know, you got all these people running around and not
Accounts, they won't even use their real names for media and I'm kind of like dude like I get where you're coming from, but the more people that do that the worse all of this is going to get the worst. It's all going to get that please you're not dealing with reasonable people here. You're not dealing with reasonable people you're dealing with people who are pretty crazy about terrible ideas, which are proven to be terrible. And if you just let them run with it, then they're going to teach this to your kids. They're going to teach it to look like they're going to put it in every it's being put in everything right now. It's going to be
Eddie and our world's going to look completely different and then we're going to think back. I remember like 26 years we could go for a walk, you know without
exactly without governmental for me needing information slip. Yeah, you know when like you remember when like black and white people were allowed to like talk to each other. Yes, you know before before they we reinstituted
segregation would you hear about that one college that was making a dorm for different races just for safe
spaces, I think.
More than one problem is it's more than one college. This is the thing. I'm not even joking while talk about this is I'm just like you let guys like what is what is going on? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. It's like the thing. Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, so then you went to Oxford and I don't know how long ago that was. But did you see any of those threads kind of starting there when you were
there? No, just so this is the thing. It's the speed at which it happened. That's yeah. It's my mind right because
I was in Oxford 2004 to
2007. Okay, you're the same as my brother then so
okay. Yeah, so a couple years before these ideas sort of started taking hold in institutions. Right right in my whole time at Oxford like you know, like I don't even honestly, I don't even think at that time. I'd ever even heard of the concept such as white privilege. I don't think I've ever even heard that term
interest. Yeah. No. No, but you did
no no, I'd never heard that term. I'd never heard of
Cool race Theory, you know there were still only two genders. Yeah, no stuff was like pretty normal. Of course, you know, there's some people with loopy ideas or whatever but it was like there was no. Okay. Well today we're going to sit down and talk to you about whiteness. Right like the runner none of that garbage
and there wasn't a quitter or social media back then really either.
So are we early? No we have are very early. When did I joined Twitter? I joined Twitter 2009. Okay, and then you see the changes there too. Yeah, because I've been on Twitter.
Twelve years. I've been on Facebook for it. Sounds crazy. I've been on Facebook for 16 years.
That's there's kids. Now that have Facebook that weren't even born when you're
significantly. I've been on Facebook since 2004. I'm very sensitive to cultural shifts and changes I can see. Oh, wait hang on five years ago or ten years ago. I'm like this wasn't this wasn't like this the way people are talking now the theories that are out there the ideas people are running.
With what college at what's going on in universities schools even companies. I'm like, this is pretty new like they weren't desperate or what's behind this. What's the goal here? Is this positive is this negative is this dividing people? Is it bringing people together, whatever and most of the time it's the opposite of whatever they call it, right? They call it inclusion, but it's exclusive they call it diversity, but they want everyone to think the same way. They say equality, but then they'll Institute policies which are legitimately
Racist or sexist or right, you know a totally advantaging one group over another whatever the case is it it's just like projection projection projection and or even people like being opposed to free speech right since when were so-called liberals opposed to free speech like exams for anything.
I know because I did a video in the fall about free speech and it got the most dislikes I've ever gotten and somebody kind of did their fact that this video has a lot of dislikes proves that our society is not trending in a positive direction.
I was really almost taking a inspiration from what Jordan Pederson was talking about was we have all these ideas. Some are more libertarian. Some are more authoritarian left. Right? And the only way that we're going to create Solutions is if we're all talking with each other and you know saying that's not a good idea. Maybe we should try this or what about this and that's really how true Solutions get created not by shunning one voice not listening to anything.
From this side or if you know your skin colors this we don't want to know what you're even thinking about any topics and then if you always can eliminate Free Speech you get these Echo Chambers like we're talking about that's very minut and they're driving a lot of the public discourse send, you know public policy all of a sudden years down the road like we're seeing now,
what's the vibe like in that sense where you are? So I'm in the UK. Yeah, like free speech has free speeches.
Free speech is more of a myth than I feel like the USA is kind of I know a lot of people in the US are trying to make it more like the UK or more like Europe, but I feel like the USA is a better version of like what the UK sort of claims to be when it comes to freedom and liberty Etc. I mean, it's literally illegal for me to walk out that door unless I apparently have like a governmentally approved reason. It's illegal to hold it illegal to leave the country now. Yeah, like people don't
like, you know, the lockdowns I
I follow I don't know if you know like Zoella and those people probably think yeah, that's what first got me into YouTube but I like follow them sometimes and I did can kind of see what the lockdowns like but yeah, what's it been like in the UK because here it's mostly just you know, you wear a mask in the restaurant until you get to your
table. Oh, you can go to restaurants
lucky. Yeah for the last night.
You can go to restaurants. I'm getting people like complaining. Yeah, you know, they got this real in the gym. I'm like, oh you can go to the gym lucky you.
During it's bad. Here
is bad magical thing like you sit down your order food.
It's yeah, the the UK is honestly it's it's disheartening. I did post this on my social media a couple days ago, but like I've never been less patriotic like it's so hard. It's legitimately hard for me right now to feel sort of like proud to be British or like we planned y'all screw this place up like it's not a thing. It's disturbing, you know, like I don't be I like the UK and I'm this is
Not a you know, like talking down on all like British people or something like that, right exactly that that wide but the way things are going and what people are willing to accept is deeply disturbing to me. And yes, of course there is some pushback but I just kind of feel like people will just bend over and take anything from the government here. Like exactly there's not that streak of like no one barely anyone here even knows what a Libertarian
is. Oh, wow.
Yeah, it's not it's not really a thing here
and I get
that sense in America to like lot of people are just blindly following whatever, you know, the flavor of the day is especially in the past year and you mentioned earlier what I'm most alarmed about just as being a young person growing up in America and it's definitely
knowing that our population not speaking generally, but you know, a lot of people can be convinced of a lot of things with not a lot of proof. Yes. So all of a sudden when you're dealing with you no more authoritarian Powers more infringement on just like your own individual sovereignty and nobody's really standing up and questioning it to a point. Like you said that it's actually making a difference. That's what truly scares me because then I think you know, what's it like going to be in 20 years 30
Years and I try not to be Bleak about it. But then that little voice is like well what's going to change hopefully something but yeah,
I think people need to recognize that they actually have more firstly that virtually everything is a choice, right virtually. Everything is a choice, right? So I get people who are like they are I'm gonna I'm gonna out myself on this podcast right? Like I haven't I don't remember the last time I wore masks I don't wear masks. I don't
wear them right now exactly
right and people are like, oh you have to wear a mask and I'm like, no you don't.
It's a choice. So that is why no one
bother you
she start just walk in and I smile at the security guard anything.
Yeah, literally like no one no one says anything and I'm talking like four months. I'm like no one even even the pine. It's fine like no one cares like a and if they do you can just tell them are exempt and that's it. No more questions, right? And so even like putting the mask on some people are all why is that the hell you die on and I'm like well is the hill you die on because if you comply with that they're going to keep upping it and then they're going to push for mandatory vaccinations zubir.
Now we're here and they're like,
you know, I'm prosigns. It's not like I'm some like you said conspiracy Weird Science exactly.
exactly yes. Yeah. I've already
had covid to make it even that's right. You did so exactly people are they're trying to like screaming at me to take take your vacuum. Why would I take a vaccine? I'm already immune like what's wrong with you people you're the one screaming science at me. Tell me the science that says someone who is immune to a virus and doesn't have it in can't spread. It should take a vaccine for it. Exactly tell me the logic, right
and the weird part with me is a year ago. Are you now, I should say year and three months ago. Nobody even heard of
Covid and now we're just you know injecting stuff and
honestly, it's become like a religion for people. I was exaggerated earlier today for vaccination status and bio is going to become the new I promise you. I promise you watch will
keep are you taking pictures? I don't know in the UK. That's a thing but here people take like Instagram pictures of it. And of course they put on their stories and everything and I was I know I tweeted like two weeks ago. I said, it's the new blacks.
We're doing yellow squares now. Are they
all for the
Asian? Yeah. Yeah today. Yeah yesterday and
today it's I haven't really been keeping up with that. But I have
to stay with the kids
band. You know,
I'm relying on you to tell me what's going on. What's going on on the ground next to
talk? Oh, I downloaded a Tic Tac only because I so the first thing is, you know, there was all that thing that it's a China app and everything and I thought well
and already has all my information even if I download this app, I've actually been have I ski a lot and stuff. So I've been posting Tic Tac videos of skiing and it's been really fun in the winter. It's been kind of a fun Pastime to do that. But yeah. Yeah, I've had I feel like I'm a old person on it though. There's all kinds of young people like they're saying like middle parts and hair are and now I'm like if you were skinny jeans or old then I'm like, I don't know.
Is this this is a tick tock thing. I'm not on Tick Tock. Yeah, a lot of people for years now have been trying to get me to take the plunge. But I feel like I have more than enough social media and oh, yeah, every time I spend like 10 seconds on Tick-Tock. I'm just like I can't I can't deal with this like my my temperature level starts Rising. I'm just like I can't deal. This is not for me.
Exactly. I thought I would hate it but there's an algorithm that sends you.
Content you'd like so it was all skiing and hiking and stuff and for me, it was almost like a breath of fresh air not going on Twitter and seeing all baths, you know
fights in turn is great though. What my favorite thing to do on Twitter is to just like drop a spicy one just before I and then and then just log off and just drop them like this and then just leave it just leave go to bed. Come back like 12 hours later and just be like, hmm.
The chaos and
craziness. Yeah. Yeah. Those are the best you just see The Hornet's Nest and you just you just kick it. Uh-huh. Just put the phone down and you just go about your normal life. Well, then you come back in here to say. Okay, I'm
back, right? That's how I felt. I can't as Owens I think in like the fall tweeted something about that was when Harry Styles and address was the Hot Topic and honestly like I love Ashton, I don't have really any qualms with what he chooses to where it's more of the whole hoopla.
He's allowed to never good at I'm gonna get exactly
right and that I was a nerd with all the hoopla and then it's a racing, you know gender and anti masculine all that stuff Candice just tweeted that I think Harry posted on Instagram post about Candice whatever and she said, you know, I must be saying something right that he's talking about me and I said good job can this or something I kid you not about
One Direction fan. We're in my mentions and the hilarious part is the reason why I started a Twitter account is because it used to be a One Direction Twitter
account. Okay, interesting
like back when I was like 11 or something, you know, like really into them. There was like the One Direction Twitter accounts. Well, I just thought if anybody knew like they're actually tweeting at account that used to be a wonder I can't
That's so funny One Direction is what they what they call them again. That wasn't there like a name of the fan
base. I think directioners it just Direction exactly you're going on.
Yeah, there was a time on Twitter where that was. Like, I know it's still a thing but there was a time when that was like really a huge thing and The Wanted as well. I remember that
because well, yeah, they're from UK as well.
Yeah, you'd have girls in like they'd have TW in their usernames and it was always
on it. Okay.
Yeah, it was a weird thing Twitter has been through a lot of phases.
Exactly, just like I've just witnessed it and yeah, I don't know but um and now
oh, I love that, you know, and that's why I am on it all the time and especially great for staying up to date with people and different ideas and same with YouTube, you know, a lot of negative things could be said about, you know, YouTube and everything and platforms like that, but it's giving us a space at least hopefully for longer. It's giving us a space that were allowed to know have these
Conversations talk with people you might be on the other side of the world than kind of thinking about these things and all of a sudden you're like, hey soup. He's talking about that. You know, I always was wondering about that. ER given these people just have a breath of fresh air and whatnot.
Awesome. So Bailey what's next for you? What do you have in the in the future? Do you have anything you want to share with people anything? They should check out or look forward
to definitely So currently I'm reading Jordan second book. So 12.
Rules for life, and then I'm going to be doing a weekly series. So each chapter. I'm going to pick out a few quotes and really messages that I can relate to a lot and thought were pertinent and I'm going to do a weekly series with that. So next week, I'll be starting the first episode with that in the first chapter discussing that I'm currently working my way through it and then yeah just continuing to create content and look at the world introspectively. I just
that word introspectively I chose it because I've always I like writing and everything. So I'm one of those people who has like a list of my favorite word's so I chose introspectively because you're really just peeling the layer back on all these Topics in life that sometimes get grazed over or seem superficial and sometimes it's nice just to take a deeper dive into them, you know as mundane as that might sound, you know talking about boredom or talking about freedom of speech or something. Just let's talk about this and have a conversation.
No doubt. And what is your YouTube channel? So that listeners can check it
out? Yes. So my YouTube channel is called introspectively living and then I also have a Twitter account intro living and then Instagram is introspectively living as well. And if you guys do want to follow me on tiktaalik, it is Bailey underscore ell be so
follow Bailey on Tick Tock for something wholesome content. Oh, yeah, no doubt. Awesome Veil. He's been so good so good.
really I love
adding for jumping in at short notice because really at
Short no worries. Thanks.