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The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast
Eat Smarter with Shawn Stevenson
Eat Smarter with Shawn Stevenson

Eat Smarter with Shawn Stevenson

The Mikhaila Peterson PodcastGo to Podcast Page

Mikhaila Peterson, Shawn Stevenson
30 Clips
Apr 12, 2021
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Welcome to the Michaela Peterson podcast with Sean Stephenson. Sean. Stephenson is an author and nutritionist. He was great super entertaining. He wrote the best-selling books sleep smarter and eat smarter Sean was able to overcome an absolutely de pillow tating degenerative disc disease as a young adult through diet research and lifestyle choices. Check out his most recent book. Please remember to hit subscribe if you'd like to see more and to check out my Clips Channel if you want Clips, I'd like
to reintroduce you to one of my favorite snacks Brooklyn biltong available at Brooklyn biltong.com. One of the easiest ways to get healthy. The laziest ways is to replace the over processed food and snacks that are no good that you're eating with healthy food. That's still kind of snacky. I went cold turkey into Pure Health Food. No packaged Foods. No fun. I didn't know how to cook. I was 23. It was really not great and honestly a huge part of that was because there weren't any packaged foods that were healthy enough.
I could comfortably eat with my insanely limited Autoimmune Paleo diet at that time Brooklyn biltong is a small company that makes biltong which is a South African dried meat dish and their options are either spiced or made with just salt and apple cider vinegar there naked version, which is what I eat and beef code MP4 15% off if you're constantly snacking seriously consider switching to something like this to health food packaged up like something unhealthy. That's Brooklyn biltong Dot.
Calm and use code MP for 15% off. They're also linked below. I'd show you guys the product but I'm away from the lockdown Haven. That is Ontario. And I also ate it all please enjoy this episode.
John Stevenson, welcome to my podcast.
Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited.
So am I can you start off by giving us a brief background about who you are and what it is that you do
sure. Absolutely. So I'm a nutritionist and author of The International bestseller books leave smarter and my newest book eat smarter and I've been in this field for 19 years now and of course the people see it on the video, they like it your
Maybe but I actually have a 20 year old son and a nine-year-old son who both in the house right now. It's you know, the quarantine situation here in La still. So I've you know been in this field for a very long time and working with thousands of patients over the years, but also just primarily working as a research scientist and just really staying on top of the data and helping to educate the public, you know and taking very complex because a lot of folks don't realize this that
you know, once we get a double blind Placebo controlled trial proving the effectiveness of let's just say curcumin right which is a bioactive and turmeric which it's known now that it has anti-angiogenesis Genesis Properties. So that means it can literally help to cut off the blood supply to cancer cells, right? So once we have this confirmation double-blind placebo-controlled Trial Gold Standard the time it takes from proof to getting into clinical practice takes an average of 17 years.
Which is insane, it's absolutely crazy and a big part of this is just public education because a lot of these studies are done by, you know, just in the language of Academia and it's read through the lens of Academia instead of being practical for people who can use it right now. So I've just taken these complex unnecessarily complex data and making it understandable for everyday folks to take advantage of things that I believe everybody should know about so but you know, just being in this field for the
This amount of time, you know, I've seen a lot of different Trends. I've seen a lot of different incredible occurrences, and I've also seen a lot of tragedy as well, you know, and I think it's kind of a well-rounded perspective to have right now and you know, I really got into this field initially and we're going to talk about this later. I'm sure but initially got in this field. I thought it was a good idea to go to medical school. Right? Just because of what I saw on television not because I like
Science at all because I actually hated science. I hated it and I would have this reoccurring nightmare. This is the true story of this biology class in high school and I had this dream so many times. It's like not having my homework done, you know dissecting things and just as very uncomfortable and the teacher she just had this Vibe of just like just kind of wicked, you know, but anyway, so I went to school just on the premise of seeing on television, like it looks like a good career. I know.
Never met let alone known anybody not just to go to college but to graduate from college from where I come from. I'm from Ferguson, Missouri and you know in st. Louis Missouri and but of course like my professors, you know, I'm sure that they graduate that kind of thing, but just anybody in my peer group of my family and but again, like I said, I really did tested science and fortunately I was I went to a private university with good pre-med track but I saw there was this really
His obsession with my fellow students with just pathology self-diagnosis and fear, right we start to learn about diseases and all of a sudden like you think you've got everything right and it
start 10 yea, okay, you know what? I
mean, you know, so it starts to really freak me out early on and also I took my first nutritional science class, which was totally elective. This had nothing to do with the pre-med track. I took it because I thought nutrition was about Fitness.
And the teacher was going to teach me to be more fit. And is this big Auditorium classroom and the very first day and this is again true story. My teacher came in and he was bordering on Obesity and he was of incredibly intelligent guy like man, he was super smart, but he was a victim of this system which is really miss educating people and he was doing the things that he was teaching but it wasn't working for him and he didn't have the wherewithal to acknowledge like. Hey this
Food pyramid the 7-Eleven servings of grains low-fat this whole diet framework. We were taught is not working for me. I need to change instead. We just do it harder. Like I just need to cut more fat. I just need 14 to 20 servings of whole grains, you know, and so I became very disenchanted with it and I was very unconscious though. So I got out of my medikit my medicine track believe fortunately and then I shifted over at the school. They also had a good
Be a program so I got into business for a while, but then I had my own health issue which is a whole story of itself. But you know, I was diagnosed with a so-called incurable spinal condition. And for what was that did you inert of disc disease? Yeah, that's not good is Advanced arthritis in my spine and the physician the very first one that I saw told me that I had this pain of an 80 year old man when I was just 20 and I was an aspiring athlete like when I was in high school I ran a 454.
Which is NFL time when I was 15 years old and I went to one of those high schools. It just turns out professional athletes, but I have game films, you know, like I've showed my son recently of me breaking away on a touchdown like running a 39 sweep and I'm away from the defensive backs and I just collapsed just nobody touches me. I just collapse because of an injury and I broke my hip at track practice just running. Nobody touched me and this was really a side effect of my body being made of absolute the worst possible.
Oh things imaginable. I was making my tissues out of these things, which I didn't know till later. So but long story short with this getting that diagnosis it also elicited what's known as a nocebo effect, right? So it's the opposite of a placebo which most folks don't realize again in clinical studies placebos are about 33 percent effective on average. All right. So this is just the belief that this pill is going to normalize your blood sugar or even start to break down a cancer tumor or reduce your symptoms of a depression. The list goes on and on.
About 33 percent effective on average and the sibo effect is the opposite where you get a negative injunction, you know, you'll never walk again. This is incurable. You've got six weeks to live and these are some of the things that patients that I've worked with over the years would hear and also I heard which was this is incurable. You'll never be able to live a normal life and I was related to be on you know, plethora of drugs chronic pain, but about two years after that diagnosis is when I finally had a shift in my belief
System which ultimately all change comes from that and I just decided to get well, which I never thought about before, you know, because I believe that I couldn't get well and I just began to study everything that I detest it earlier on. I began to study biology again and Kinesiology and anatomy and nutrition and what I really learned in this is my last point, is that our system of health and our perspective about health is not about help. It's just a focus on disease and disease treatment and so I'm
Immerse myself in all things that my jeans expect me to have as a healthy Sovereign human being you know and just began to immerse my mind and my body in those things and you know are completely reversed the degeneration. My two herniated discs had retracted on their own and that set my set on track my career, you know to become a nutritionist and work with patients and write books and now I'm here with you today.
Damn, okay. I have a I don't know how much my background you know, but I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when I was little and I had my hip and Ankle replaced so where we're coming from?
I hope that face shows up in the podcast. Holy. Moly is right. So I get the fear associated with degenerating bones. What were you just out of curiosity? What were you put on when they discovered you had arthritis?
Yeah. So in this is even that you know what it can really look like if people want to frame it and we're talking about degeneration of really any part of the body of specifically of the spine and the disc, you know, so I bone degeneration my bone density was
Low, which you would think just to ask like, okay, why is the bone density solo for kid and let's do something about it, but it was more so all this is a random thing. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I was put on man everything from really started off with light would like Celebrex and the big thing for me though was sleeping at night. And so I was on medication to sleep because just even moving around pain. Wow, I'm siding nerve pain. So sometimes I would sleep for
like 30 minutes and then be woken up and then sleep another 20 minutes and be woken up. It was an absolute nightmare, you know, like I guess it's a pun intended or not intended but it was a nightmare for those two years and so but sell it here Zoe this is what I want to tell you can't come to find out Celebrex. One of the side effects of Celebrex was restless leg
syndrome. Oh my God, I had that
that is horrible is crazy. Right? So it's just like I didn't but it didn't have
Name yet. It didn't have a name for this but now we've got restless-leg. So now we've got another drug for that instead of like let's remove the thing that's causing the restless legs, which for me was the Celebrex. And so I was laying in bed Not only was I like knocking myself out with with the drug in the first place, but it felt like my legs trying to just get up and go I'm just like, you know, it was the craziest situation and this is again this Paradigm of treating symptoms and then we have this label of what are called these quote side effects, but that's
looking at the human body in a vacuum, right? So I'm taking a medication for my bones. That's not going to affect your your heart. I'm taking the medication for my you know, my gastrointestinal tract. It's not going to affect your brain. It affects everything. If you're taking a medication for you know for your vision. It's going to affect your toes. Everything is interconnected. It's not side effects as Direct effects because everything really works together.
Yes, I hear that. I do a whole bunch of them that I didn't realize we're side effects. I thought that they were part of the autoimmune disorder I had and I didn't realize there were side effects like came off the medication until people started I started doing research and was like, are you kidding me? That was very uncomfortable at the time like good to know now, but I mean at least at least you know now okay. So let me see where do I want to start with with that? So, what did you you started to do research?
You were primarily motivated because you were ill and on a whole bunch of medication. Actually, let's start let's start with your mindset because people underestimate especially sick people or like they underestimate the effect mindset can have so what changed and how did you manage to change your mindset into? I'm going to heal.
Yeah, this is so important. You know, I always tell people every chance I get to there's many paths to the goal, you know, and for different people there's going to be a different inroads to health and what it looks like and for me, you know, the first the first big transformation was and some people get this some people never get it. Some people just takes a little bit of time it took me two years from that moment of diagnosis and just eminent Decline and I went in with the nuisance of a pain like I was having some leg pain to
Militating pain, right and I always encourage people to make sure to get a second and or third opinion before you take any kind of severe action with your health you have time 99.9% of the time you have time to get a second opinion, but the system of medicine again, it's very aggressive. It's very like put their elbow into you force you to make a decision. You need to seek out further counsel and so fortunate and I didn't know this at the time I
I just happen to do it because you know, I was this is another thing that that my first position told me. He said that you know, this is something that just happens because I asked him and I have no idea to this day why I ask this question, but I asked him does this have anything to do with what I'm eating and I truly feel that was like one of those I don't know Back to the Future moments. Like I kind of jumped into my body from from the future or something and ask this question. I had no grounds to ask and he told he literally looked at me like I was from
Other planet he said this has nothing to do with what you're eating. This is something that just happens and I'm sorry. It happened to you. And from there going to the next position same story. You know, I'm sorry. This happened. Here's a new prescription. Also. Here's another note for bed rest so you for yours teachers for your skier work, but the craziest part is I could walk still I could move around but they kept giving me a permission slip to not do anything as matter of fact if I do.
Something I'm risking my life my risking my health then a third position and finally it was a fourth position and you know, it'd be like a friend of mine would say hey this guy's the best and the best deal told me the same thing which is this is incurable. I'm sorry, and after that fourth edition that was two years later. It was either that night or the next night. I was sitting on the edge of my bed about to take my pills and I realized and I'm just share I don't share this very often, but I had the thought
Of him having dinner with his family, you know this physician and just his life is okay and I just had this feeling like he's not thinking about me and I'm so obsessed. I was chronically asking this question in my mind. It was on repeat. Why me? Why won't somebody help me, you know, and I talked about this in East mortar this there's a it's a mental reflexes called instinctive elaboration and the human mind really is chronically just constantly running on questions. It drives our attention and our Focus, but albeit it's usually unconscious.
Des, and so I'm asking why me. Why is this happening to me? Why won't somebody help me and I'm getting further data that I'm looking for in my internal external environment to affirm. Why me why my life sucks? Why nobody can help me? Yeah. Yeah. I finally asked that night when I realized like man, even though he means means well, he's not thinking about me as I'm over here suffering. I have to live in this and this was the first time I asked this question is very simple. I asked what can I do to get better?
What can I do to get better? And again, I denied relented to give my health potential away to somebody else even if they meant. Well, he didn't walk in my shoes. And so that night and this is again true story. I slept through the night for the first time in like in my recent memory at the time and I got up the next day and I put a plan together and the planet entailed a couple of things one of the low-hanging fruit, which is always what I recommend for folks, but for me, it was movement and exercise being
young athlete being somebody who was kind of versed in that sphere. I just want to start moving around again because I gained like 40 pounds at this point and I knew I went I needed to change my nutrition because both for my mindset and this is very important. It will talk about today. I believe that just getting some of the weight off my body would take weight off of my spine, right? This wasn't about health per se it was just a like a kind of logical thing and to do that. I went back to what I learned in my
Nutritional science class from the guy who was already not very healthy, which was caloric management the very first day of class. He told me any told the entire class and everybody in our society has been inundated with this idea. If you can control calories, you can control your body composition if you can control and manage calories, you could manage your health and so I just went on like this caloric restriction thing doing like Slim Fast and whatever just I didn't have any education in it.
And the other part was which happened as a side effect. I started to sleep better. And if you're not sleeping, you're not healing and you know now today and what I've really brought forth with each martyr is theirs and this is a term. I just want everybody to start using there are seven epic caloric controllers. So these are things that are above calor control that actually determine what your body does with the calories you consume. All right. It's like epigenetics above genetic control and so little did I know I was kind of
Activating some of these epochal or controllers once I made a shift which was you know asking, how can I get better? I started to see all the resources that was there the whole time I had a friend of mine who I'd known her for years who was a chiropractor and she took me to Wild Oats which before they were bought up by Whole Foods. This place had been existence this whole time. I just wasn't into it because I didn't know that I could get better and then I came across books and of course I was already
A researcher kind of like a pre researcher at the time and so I went to these books and I was like, oh there's a randomized controlled trial on silica and Omega-3s. I need a mega threes from my bone density. I never heard that I thought that it was just calcium, you know, and so once I learned this I started to first. I became a natural Pill Popper. I just be honest. I was like very allopathic thinking I need this nutrient. Let me take this pill take this pill first of all that was expensive as hell for
Being college student second of all, you know, I'm grateful it really hit me like what am I? What am I jeans expect of me. My jeans expect me to eat food is what we evolved having. So what foods have these things in and once I did that again, I start to elicit these epochal or controllers. I lost like almost 20 pounds within two months and just kind of came flew right off of me which is results not typical by the way, but that mindset shift and is the last point
it wasn't the food. Here's the here's the point food isn't just food. It's information. All right food isn't just food it's information. And so I was bringing new data into my body and it didn't just change my body it changed the way I was thinking like I started to really see the world differently at this time. I was living in Ferguson Missouri, which is famous or inFAMOUS at this point in a one-bedroom apartment my mattress on the floor my environment just
Greened with oppression and and poor health everywhere that you look and now all of a sudden I start to see opportunity. I start to realize even if I have to travel outside of my community like to go to Wild those which was Miles and Miles on the other side of the city the city. I still be I became aware that it existed and so many people just need to know that they just need to know something exists and need to have access and so once I began to see the world differently and
this goes back and it's the last thing I'll say there's this quote that I came across from Einstein very early on with his within those first couple of years that the most fundamental decision that you make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe and all I felt prior to that was hostility. I was looking for problems everywhere and it helped me to survive but it debilitated me and it definitely inhibited me from being able to thrive and so I just start to see good everywhere start to see the goodness of people I start
See, you know the potential of my health and my ability to serve so yes, that's a lot. But you know, that's kind of what I went through
that that was that was good. I've got a couple of comments one you talked about. I think something people really need to be aware of if they're sick is to get more opinions. If you go to the medical system and you're chronically ill every doctor you talk to you from my experience. Anyway, every doctor says this is the answer and they kind of they don't tell you not to
To get more opinions, but they kind of infer that there's no point because the medical system is one that is not true. Especially if you need surgery go see like for people especially if it's a serious surgeon. I had my ankle re replaced a couple of years ago. I got four opinions and each one was so different. It was terrifying like one guy was like, you know, we replace the whole thing. You're screwed you're going to end up with it amputated when you're 40, and he was one of the top guys in the states.
And I went to Switzerland and got an opinion and he said only one component needs to be changed. It's a fairly simple recovery. It wasn't but it's a fairly simple recovery and you'll be good for the rest of your life. That was the guy on that was the guy went with right. So if you're looking for Physicians or health professionals go to the person that says from my experience go to the person who says we can help this isn't forever like you can get out of this and a lot of that time a lot of that is from Natural Health people.
Yeah, but if you go to someone who says this is a chronic disease, you're going to get worse and worse and worse. You're going to be a stuck on metal medications for ever. And then you know, you're on this till you die. That's probably not the person you want treating you. That's that's my as my good way. I got it. I got it.
I mention this because one of the most important things and now, you know being at this level for all these years. I know the guys, you know, the top neuroscientists the top Cardiologist top gastroenterologist, you know, these all my
and colleagues and I'll tell you this if
And I still see this and I would think people get this by now, especially if they're in my sphere but so often we don't realize that we get to choose who we work with, right and you need to make it a mandate to work with somebody who has the same goal as you if your goal is to not be diabetic. You need to be working with somebody who believes you don't have to be type 2 diabetic that this was elicited. There was an onset something happened.
That change what your metabolism was doing making you diabetic. You weren't Born This Way something happened. So what can we do to reverse engineer their condition? Right? So you need to be working with somebody who has the same goal as you like if your goal is is a certain amount of weight loss. If your goal is, you know to not be on medication if the person you're working with it, they don't have the same goal as you and they're telling you in fact the opposite thing get somebody else we have full permission to do that, but I think a big reason we don't do that number one is
you know this nocebo effect and there's kind of this fear elicited and you know, we have this trust especially in authority figures that they have the right answer and it can drive right past our kind of executive function in our brain our reasoning our ability to distinguish between right and wrong and kind of bypasses that and also I think today more than ever it's also a symptom of our busyness, you know, and just feeling like I don't have time, you know this person saying this I don't want to have to do the work to
And somebody but these are the biggest decisions like we spend more time looking for a vacation home than we do for our health care or we do for you know, putting a plan together for our health or putting a plan together for our goals. If we would invest just as that is much time as we do online shopping, you know, and I'm not saying the online shop, but just like where our priorities because the truth is Solutions is if your heart is still beating man, like there's so many different possibilities.
That you have to explore.
Yes completely agree. You should just searched and searched and searched until you find the answer and not listen to the people who say the answer is not out there, especially if you're chronically ill. Okay, that was it. Oh one more comment on that. You mentioned a study with silica.
Oh, that's a good one. Okay. Go ahead. Go
ahead. No, no, can you get into that because I've heard bad things about silica being like nanoparticles and damaging to the gut potentially.
Alright, so one of the things that got me into really looking at bone density and specific nutrients. There was actually the study of came across on racehorses. And now this is a it's a very interesting field, right? So this is like billion dollar industry, you know horse can be like generating a worth like tens of millions of dollars easily. So breaking a bone is like serious business, so they want to find out how to increase the bone.
City of these horses. So they had the control group who have did nothing then they had a study group of horses where they gave them supplements. Basically, you know what we deem to be essential nutrients vitamins minerals, but then they had another which in that group of horses did in fact improve their bone density, but then there was another group of horses the receive this supplements and they walk the horses and they hadn't even radically higher level of bone density. So number one that points to the importance of movement for a
Elation of nutrients that's a big part of the word what exercise is really meant to be it's very close to the word exercise which is kind of like to get stuff out of you that shouldn't be there in a sense. But also it's about assimilation and elimination, right? So those are the things that exercise is really designed to do but with that in that category of nutrients, you know, things like silica, I don't recommend just taking isolated nutrients by the way as far as the data in unless of course, they're food based.
Ins but we just need to be very careful and intentional about the supplements were taking because this the word supplement is become skewed now, it's just like it's everything. You know, I'll you don't whatever just take a multi or whatever but the word supplement means to supplement something right. It shouldn't be the whole thing and so silica and food, that's great. Like one of the foods that I use early on this is going to it might sound a little weird for some folks, but it was a low right aloe vera
And I would like filet off part of this like gel and like throw it into smoothies and this whole thing and man it was so rich in all of these nutrients that were needed once I start to research and this is another really fundamental question asking what is the organ made of right? So if it's a heart issue asking what are what is my heart actually made of and unfortunately again, knowing the award winning top cardiologists out there. They'll go to school for 12 years.
And literally have no idea what the heart is made of doing this like there's a fundamental flaw of our entire system. Your heart is made from food. It's literally made of the food that you eat the blood running through your veins and arteries is made from food your arteries themselves. It's made from food and yet they don't get any education on what the organs are actually made of its criminal really and this ended the point is look at the results. Look at the results. We've seen in the
Field of medicine every year it keeps getting worse heart disease is it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable in the best we can come up with again is treating symptoms. Right? Well, here's some lisinopril. Here's a Statin right in all of these things. Come with side effects is just treating the symptom and it's not treating the underlying cause which the Journal of the American Medical Association did this big meta-analysis 2018 and affirmed poor diet is the number one cause of our chronic diseases here in this country and it says if it
Exist because they get that same cookie cutter answer which is you know, make sure you increase your you know, whole grains watch your fat, you know, make sure you watch your fat and you need to exercise and also not understanding that our medical professionals are absolutely getting demolished themselves. It's like a it's like a badge of honor to destroy your health going through Medical School the most sleep deprived the most malnutritioned and I talked about this in each smart as well because it
Needs a light shined on it, you know and the incredibly High rates of suicide and depression and the skyrocketing rates of heart disease and cancer far more than the general population is what we see on our medical professionals. So we're being taught the word doctor really, you know derived from word meaning teacher but that is its left the equation in the system is put Ben's become so oppressive to physicians at the really operating volume and it's these five.
Minute in and out office visits, they're not actually looking at it. So if you're coming in and you've you know, you've got high blood pressure, you've got hypertension. They're not asking about you know, how is your work situation happening or asking about your relationship? Yeah, they're not asking about your Sleep Quality. None of these things, especially not to about your diet because they don't know, you know 99% of the time and it's not that they don't want to it's just not part of the education system and if you take a very smart person and you teach them
I'm the wrong thing. They become world class at doing the wrong thing. Right and that's really what we're seeing right now. And I believe especially with what's happening in the world right now. We have an opportunity to change it. Everything is kind of so shaken up and Molly and bull. It looks like a big tornado shitstorm, but this is when things can get changed, you know, so I'm really excited about it. First. I was kind of you know, I was very irritated early on in this because again the CDC came out in September after compiling the data and I was talking about
Back in April looking at the data from Italy 94% of the people who lost their lives in association with this virus had an average of 2.6 pre-existing chronic diseases, right? It's unbelievable. It's the it's the number one risk factor and is not being talked about because what the media does is it shifts, right? Well, what about the six percent who are perfectly healthy. Are you kidding me? And even that definition of perfectly healthy? I could be as healthy as I want to be and I can go and demolish myself going out.
Out, you know on it on a book tour and going and doing media and all this stuff and my immune system is going to get compromised and I can get sick enough to die from something that I'm already carrying because all of us carry trillions of virus particles every single day. We have upwards of about 400 trillion viruses in and on our bodies right now and many of them can make you sick, but it's when your immune system is compromised, but I didn't even know we get into that turn part. Oh my goodness
when I died. I had to see a rumor.
I'll just every six months or every three months depending on how bad the arthritis was and I limited my arthritis with diet and I went and I went off of all my medications and I didn't tell my rheumatologist because in Canada if you stop listening to your doctor, they can fire you I don't know if it's the same in America, but they can just stop seeing you if you're not listening to them and I didn't want his view of my joints and knowing I was coming off of medication to affect how he saw me so I was like, I just won't just like a blind test.
It was like I just won't say anything has changed and I'll see if he thinks my arthritis is gone because I think it is. So my arthritis went away and I tentatively said also I'm I'm not on any medications anymore. And I think it's caused I simplified it. I was like, I think it's caused by sugar which wasn't it's more complicated than that, but I was like, I think it's caused by sugar and he just he couldn't it was like I'd said something that he couldn't understand. He is like a 60 year old dude, one of the top rheumatologist in Toronto. He said something and it like glitched him and then I
Like kind of like looked at him. I looked at him and I was like, this guy's sick, right? He's overweight. He's really exhausted. He's way overworked and his fingers are swollen. I was like he has osteoarthritis, right? So why am I and then I didn't see him again after that because I was like, why am I going in to see a dude who hasn't fixed his own arthritis, right? So yeah, it's wild west out there in the medical
profession. Yeah, it makes his makes no sense, you know, but this comes to
it's just a system of thinking that we've been indoctrinated with when we get here, you know, and once we stand this is why I'm so excited about this and just to have these conversations because today like there's no there's no gatekeeper and people getting educated and just being able to just be I'm a very logical analytical person. You know, I'm a scientist. I want to see the data. I'm very much a kind of seeing is believing type of tendency, but there's so much that we don't know as well in a big fundamental flaw of this.
System is in like you said this and I love when you said this every person you went to believe that their way was the way this is the way and it's just not true across the board even with my clinical practice when I got really successful with folks coming in with type 2 diabetes and they're on Metformin. There are on insulin folks coming in with their bag of medication who have hypertension or Alzheimer's the list goes on and on I got really good and we start to see like a
Eighty percent of folks being able to you know manage their blood sugar without medication working alongside their physician when we were able to see like over 80% of people a success rate. What change was I finally started to pay attention to them and what they needed because prior to that which I think we got to go through that phase whenever I was into that's what the patients were going to be doing if I think raw food is the best metric. That's what you're going to do if I think a vegan
It's best. That's what you're gonna do if I think itõs best that's what you're going to do. And that's this. That's the Trap that we can fall into as nutritionists and Healthcare professionals is thinking that your way is the only way and that is sick. It's so far from the truth and I know all the guys like I know the top keto person the top vegan person the top carnivore person the top Mediterranean diet person the list goes on and on these are all my friends. I love these guys and there's so much infighting.
Right now and it's not amongst these guys. It's amongst the people who subscribe to their diets because often times in the here's the thing I want people to know is that they're not doing this to be malicious. They're not coming out with a controversial carnivore diet to be malicious they're doing it because they've seen great success with their patients. They've helped people who weren't able to be helped doing something else and we have to just honor that it's tough when it doesn't fit into our Paradigm right the same thing.
Vegan diet like saying, you know people on this other Camp over here can think it's the most ridiculous thing but people are getting results and lives are being saved. That's why it's promoted but here's the issue. It's not successful for everybody. As a matter of fact with most of these diet Frameworks a massive percentage. So people don't get the results everybody else gets and this is what I really brought forward is each Martyrs that unifier of all these different diet Frameworks because and nobody is excluded. We're taking the principles it makes everyone.
Them effective with the Hallmark being you have a unique metabolic fingerprint. That's unlike anybody who's ever existed in human history. Your metabolism is like no one who will ever exist in the future and the craziest part is that your metabolism right now is going to be different from the person a week from now. It's continuously changing and influx and it's fluid and if you don't understand the tools to adapt as as life goes on we're going to continue to EB and
Prison with the diet framework which again? It might give you some results but then I've seen this many times somebody takes on a diet framework a popular diet framework. They get great results for even a year net. Then the weight starts coming back or the arthritic symptoms start coming back or maybe they start their weight is cool. But now they start to have like symptoms of an autoimmune disease. They start to have thyroid issues whatever the case might be and they start to blame themselves. Like I'm just not doing the diet hard enough. I just got a keto harder. I just got a vegan hard-boiled.
Order just got to go harder in it. And then my symptoms will go away when these diet Frameworks might not allow for something that your unique metabolism needs or it might be telling you to do something that is not in alignment with what your unique metabolic fingerprint is, you know, so I want us to be educated on just kind of the the essentials of understanding our own metabolism. So this is the first time in book form, which is crazy that I'm saying. This is nuts that it's that this point where it's 20 21
But I'm taking people behind the scenes and actually showing them how their metabolism Works. Let's like, how does fat loss work? How does it work? What is where does fat go? Where does it go? When you quote burn it where does it does it go to the Multiverse? Like how does the process work? So like demystifying it so that we feel more empowered, you know, and that's what it's really about. And then from there also, what are the key nutrients that drive this process over here, which
nutrient is required for cck and leptin and ghrelin to do their jobs properly. Like we have data on all these things, you know, and there's a plethora of sources to get these things from and that's what's beautiful as well is that it doesn't have to be this one thing. If I don't have this one food that everybody says that I should eat or like then I'm not going to get the results. Everybody else is getting that's what's so wonderful about nutrition and nature and food. There's so much variety so many options and so many paths to the goal.
I usually tell people because people do if they if they get a whole bunch of healing with one diet, they'll stick to it even if the diet stops working and you have to keep your mind open because your body does crazy things. So who so sometimes you've managed to hit, you know some nail on the head for your health, but then something else pops up and so you have to keep an open mind no matter what because I know I had a massive mindset transformation twice right? I went super
Carb, and I my arthritis went away and all my autoimmune symptoms went away and I was like, holy shit low carb low carb is the thing and then and I was very low carb and then low carb stopped working and I was just like, how is this possible given the fact it worked for a year and now I have arthritis and I'm eating the same Foods. How is that possible? And then I did another switch. I went to carnivore and that helped right but still like a white.
Why did I have that first initial period where I could eat more foods without arthritis like something changed and that went away. So yeah, I do recommend like do a whole bunch of research try and try to listen to a lot of different views. Like don't just listen to One view find something that works like that's cool. But listen to everybody and try and keep the open mind you had at the beginning when you switched into the first diet you're doing or you might be missing something and bite life might come back to bite you a little bit later.
Yeah. That's such a great point.
I would say also I would encourage people to listen to people who are also aware that their way isn't the only way I think that that's very healthy right now. And again many of the very very best people are really taking on that perspective. Thankfully. Unfortunately, I learned this, you know, 10 15 years ago, but right now again, like you mentioned having this belief that your way is the only way can just be
Can be dangerous it can be dangerous especially as a healthcare professional. So just pay attention to that, you know, because there's a lot of options and as you mentioned as we move and evolve things are going to change and once we can get the tools that we can continuously adapt as things change. And by the way, one of those things I got to share this really quickly because it also ties into what we talked about earlier. Is this epochal or controller one of the most fundamental parts of our unique metabolism has to do with our microbiome.
And people have heard this term so much is just the microbiome microbiome. It's like tossed around but it's not it's it has not been really justified in relationship to something visceral something that we can really attached to an understand. It seems very mystical, right? We know that the majority of our immune system is located in our gut we've got potentially two pounds of microbes in our gut and just again trillions of what makes up our
home and we've got a mic might go biome all the fungi. We carry we've got the vairam all the viruses. We carry have archaea. We've got all of these different microbes that make us up and 99% at least of our genes that we're carrying around are not our own genes the genes of microbes, right if we go Gene for Gene. Now, of course, they're very small, but these the genetic output of these microbes affects us.
In our unique metabolism. So what I wanted to do was let's tie this microbiome truth to something visceral for people and what that really is today, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Most people care about nutrition because they want to look good. That's really the big driving force. And so your microbiome makeup is one of the most powerful epochal or controllers determining your body fat composition. So what does this look like? This was a nice break this down?
More in each smart. I'll just give a brief summation but this was published in the journal cell and researchers discovered that there's a certain bacterial strain in mice that actually blocked their intestines from absorbing as many calories from their food. All right, it literally just blocked
and so I'd be worth a lot of money.
Here's the thing. This is the allopathic thinking let's put let's put that in a bottle. Let's put in a bottle of whatever bacterial strain that is and sell it so we can block people's intestines from absorbing as many calories for the food eat, whatever you want.
Take this pill here's the this is what this the problem there are going to be side effects and it can be treacherous. They can be devastating because we're talking about the microbiome and manipulation. You might be preventing your microbiome like that relationship by blocking something from producing short chain fatty acids, right? These scaf has that protect the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and also scaf is important for cognitive function your brain and gut are hyper connected the list goes on and on.
Something is going to get torn up and screwed up and just again look at our history. We keep doing this. Now. Let's couple that then plus some folks who like we're not mice. Let's couple this with human studies. And so this was conducted by researchers at The weizmann Institute. And I this is what I would see also my clinical practice. They affirmed that there's a certain bacteria Cascade that is most notably causative of obesity. Alright, so here in my clinical practice. I could have somebody that I've never met never.
Picture of before they come in have them send out to get a stool sample done, right? They send in the kit. They poop in the little like nacho basket send it in and then I get
the report back that's forever. Ruined
everyone. Listen, I did that on purpose. Yeah. I did it on purpose because sneaky so I get the report back and I can look at their their makeup of their microbes and I can I can know with extreme accuracy.
See whether or not they're obese without ever seeing them based on their microbes. And so these researchers of The weizmann Institute know this and what they did was they took bacterial samples fecal samples from folks who had the bacteria Cascade associated with obesity and they implanted that into lean mice then they took samples from what's called. He leaned bacteria. So humans who had a fecal content or bacteria Cascade associated with leanness and they implanted that into lean mice.
Those might stay the same even though they're eating the same diet. They stay the same but the mice who received the fecal transplant of the quote fat bacteria these mice became insulin resistant. They gained weight and gained body fat, even though they're eating the same diet just changing the microbes changed their metabolism significantly in the last little point. I'll share in this is from researchers at Saint Louis University, and this is just my hometown, so
They have this incredible database of identical twins and you don't get any more identical then identical twins as far as like what can happen with different people. All right, so we got identical twins, but the prerequisite was finding a set of identical twins where one of the twins hasn't microbiome Cascade associated with obesity. Well, the other one doesn't and track them over years and see what happens and sure enough the twin who had the microbiome associated with insulin resistance and obesity had a
Far greater incidence of becoming obese than their twin even though they're eating the same diet from the same house the same household the same environment everything just even happen your microbes are hyper intelligent. They're really the first determining Factor on whether or not you're going to absorb energy from your food and researchers at Yale University School of Medicine just to kind of pinpoint this we have the, you know, this kind of gut brain taxes and your brain and your gut
your brain can literally tell your gut the hypothalamus specifically can tell your gut can communicate with your microbes until your gut to increase the absorption of calories from the food that you're eating or could tell your gut to suppress and reduce the amount of calories and nutrients are absorbed from your food based on your brain and your guts assessment of what you have stored and you would think if you've got a lot stockpiled your brain would tell your gut I've had I've got enough
But this is where we get into one of the biggest epidemics today. That's not being talked about of neuroinflammation. It's one of the biggest issue. So I mentioned researchers at Yale University School of Medicine specifically hypothalamic inflammation. This can this can change your rate of calorie burn by hundreds. If not, even over a thousand calories a day easily eating the same diet eating the exact same diet. It can suppress and reduce your metabolic rate just
by your brain in this gut communication so inflammation in the gut and or in the brain can create this kind of what I call hormonal clogs where there's this confusion where your body has a lot of stuff already stored, especially if you're in this all this the last point, this is the point that will bring it all together. They affirm that hypothalamic inflammation is one of the biggest drivers of obesity. All right, number one, but obesity is one of the biggest drivers of hypothalamic and neuroinflammation. So if
In the brain, and if you don't think it's a big issue we have over 200 million citizens here in the United States right now who are overweight or obese. We have 43 percent of folks here in the United States are clinically obese and within the next few years here. We're going to hit 50 percent of the population. If we don't do something this issue is chronic some of these incredible diet Frameworks accidentally address this neuro inflammation and help the metabolism to heal, but I promise you're not going to buy a book out there.
Get a program that's talking about like let's get make sure your brain is healthy so that your your gut and your bacteria can actually have some intelligence in the in the rate of caloric absorption. And I want to throw out one little tip for everybody. And this is an advocation for this. It's just the data exists on and I think is it's absolutely mind-blowing. So research is at Auburn University. So if you're like, how can I reduce internal information and also how do I know if my brains inflamed you're not going to know until it's too late?
The brain itself doesn't have any pain receptors your brain could tell tell you that your elbow hurts that your elbow is inflamed, but it can't tell you that it's inflamed. All right, which is this this Cosmic joke. It's like a
cosmic he has it that's fucked up. That's not
funny. So these researchers at Auburn University discovered that old Leo Kanthal Rich extra virgin olive oil is remarkably effective at reducing neuroinflammation number one, and this is what really trips me out.
Out it was found to be able to help repair the blood-brain barrier which gets damaged from information from toxin exposure just from our day-to-day lives which damage the blood-brain barrier which is kind of like an internal security system your brain only allows in very specific things and we call it neuro nutrition. And once that internal security system gets damaged things start getting into your brain that should not be there creating more inflammation and olive oil was found to fix this.
Again, like it wasn't like I was a big fan of olive oil. It's just the data is there and it's been used for thousands of years. And so what the researchers found was two to three tablespoons a day, but within that though, there's a whole conversation of nuance of like where what type of olive oil houses stored. How am I using it all those pieces and you know, we talk about all that in need smarter to
make sure it's not rancid soybean oil.
Oh my gosh. Don't even get me started into that a day.
don't even get me started. Listen. I know you got me started. Listen, we we just looked at it. I was working with dr. Kate Shanahan and she's just incredible. She worked with the the Los Angeles Lakers for quite some time. But what we did was we looked at the data from biopsies from folks in the earlier part of like the 1900 s to today and back in the early part of 1900 s human biopsy so from our fat content, so what is
Our fat cell actually storing. It was about two to four percent poof has right polyunsaturated fatty acids in human fat tissue today. It's about 25% polyunsaturated fats in the average person in their fat tissue itself, the very ingredients that make up human fat has changed dramatically. We're like the ingredients to make up a person is so different and the problem is he's polyunsaturated fats just in nature is not a bad thing if
Coming from real Whole Foods, but the reason that it's such a high content specifically stored in our fat cells is because of these highly refined toxic oils, which one of the studies that I cover in he's smart and this was published in one of the most prestigious journals in him inhalation toxicology found that even smelling those fucking oils can damage your DNA DNA just inhaling the smell and now these these kind of things should be alarming for us, but we've been consuming it even though go to Whole Foods.
I'm very
Yeah, it's crazy. Like if people knew the processing that has to go into taking, you know, soybeans or corn or Canola and turning it into something palatable by humans all of the bleaching and deodorizing and high chemical processing all the different chemicals added to it. It is disgusting is terrible and even at Whole Foods in the hot bar. They're using canola oil still. Yeah because of the marketing like this is a healthier oil. It's called
Oil this not KO oil is just marketing like this is its absolute trash, you know and humans have never consume this stuff except in real Whole Foods, but we have been consuming olive oil cold pressed olive oil for thousands of years. That's the difference.
Okay, Shawn. I'm going to have to let you go. We didn't even get that was fascinating. I was going to bring up some I wanted to delve into your business a little bit. I didn't even get into that. So that was that was great. Thank you very much. Where can people find you
Thank you. Yeah, this has been fun folks can can find me adds the model Health show.com. Just wherever they listening to this awesome show they can find my show is called the model Health show and you could find each smarter wherever books are sold. I'm very grateful when the book came out. I didn't share this with you it became the number one best seller of all books in the US the first couple of days but inside affectations take you and this was again it.
It's on the list would like Obama and like Matthew McConaughey and this is a book about food. And so for me, it's very inspiring that you know, right now despite the appearances people care about this stuff and it's just a thing of accessibility in education and making learning fun, you know, some very inspired right now just to get our communities healthier so you can pick it up anywhere books are sold Amazon Barnes & Noble all that good stuff the side effect though that I didn't share was that because of that it did the book sold out and
Buddy's blaming covid related delays and all this stuff like books came back. So they're back in stock now and you can find them again everywhere books are sold and also the audio book is available became a number one bestseller as well. It's really really really cool to just be able to pop that on and listen to so and you could find the anything about the book as well at each smarter book.com.
Okay, that'll be linked below. Thank you very much for coming on.
Perfect. Thank you so much for having me.