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The Daily Stoic
If You Can Get THIS, You Will Be Happy. Guaranteed.
If You Can Get THIS, You Will Be Happy. Guaranteed.

If You Can Get THIS, You Will Be Happy. Guaranteed.

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
4 Clips
Dec 3, 2021
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Episode Summary
Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily stoic podcast. Where each day, we bring you a passage of ancient wisdom designed to help you find strength insight and wisdom everyday life. Each. One of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy. That is guided some of History's Greatest men and women for more. You can visit us a least out.com. If you can get this,
you will be happy.
Guaranteed. There is in many of us, a sense of lacking. Even though we have so much our health, our families, our homes. We want more, things are good, but it feels like to be truly happy. They need to just be a little bit better. Indeed. This is The Human Condition and it always has been. We think that the next honor the next dollar, the next accomplishment will finally, do it for us. It was Seneca who writes most eloquently of this desire. This insatiability. We all have Alexander the Great. He
It's was poor despite his conquests of most of the known world because you could only think of the next campaign, Seneca notes, that money rarely makes us rich because all it does is give us a craving to earn more. The cycle is timeless from Alexander. The Great senecas, two hours. We Chase. We get you crash and decide the only way to feel that high again is to repeat the whole thing. But bigger better and with more, this is wrenching and impotent. It's a
An angst and ache captured beautifully, by the bridge, and the song, all we ever knew by The Head and the Heart. I'm feeling low. I'm Feeling High, the song goes feeling down. Why isn't this enough? I'm feeling low Feeling High feeling down. Why isn't this enough? Why isn't this enough? Because it will never be enough. No amount of acquiring or doing or experience in ever will be. Can you understand that? Can you try to get this through your head? We must come to terms.
The fact that the soul can never be filled by possessions and there are no conditions from which we can accomplish happiness. No, it must in Sue. It can only emanate from virtue from gratitude, from the Stillness. That comes when you are present.
You don't need more.
You have enough, you can be happy right now.
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