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400 - Trump Assassination Attempt Emergency Podcast
400 - Trump Assassination Attempt Emergency Podcast

400 - Trump Assassination Attempt Emergency Podcast

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Alex Jones, Tim Dillon
17 Clips
Jul 15, 2024
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Alex Jones is his with us. He's the only guy that I could really think of that I wanted to talk to about this and what's going on
and that's you and I coming out the fact that we've been married for 10 years.
We've been married for 10 years and we get all the state benefits that come with it. What do you think is this is a weird time in our country. You've been saying and warning people about stuff like this. Whatever happened you
I've been saying there's going to be violence in this election.
Yeah, I mean I joked around your one of my favorite comedians. I love you. Thank you. I watch your show every week. So as my wife says the crew. We love you Tim. We love your crew. I just want to be 100% clear. Okay, I'm not trying to be dramatic here on Aaron.
I am a literally telling you what I believe is going on. And so here's the bottom line. Everybody's getting into grassy knoll and shots and ballistics and trajectory the Secret Service, even if the only has 20 people because Biden cut it down to nothing it would give ROK Junior whose father and Uncle were both murdered by the government any Secret Service. So that's by default serious negligence going on deliberate that will just get him killed. So Tom Scott 20 cigarettes service doesn't matter.
Will the police work for them and want to work for crop so they were told by the advance teams has come out not to be on the roofs of four buildings 450 feet away that a boy scout, you know a ten year old could make that shot. Okay, so there was a default stand out just like in 63 in Dallas and Kennedy said I'm pulling out a hundred thousand trips a month.
In four months before hundred thousand troops that were in Vietnam going to be gone Trump said I'm going to end this war going to cut off funding to Ukraine war and so Biden's Lee collapsed and then they don't put anybody on the roof. Which again is the number one place you go and the number one place. I mean if out to a half mile if there's water towers where a president or a top candidate speaking they go and put people on the water tower because that's a place to take a shot 450 feet.
Away, literally a 10 year old can hit Bullseye 450 feet. Okay. I'm shot mountain goats at 1,200 yards, but most people can't see you like that. But we're talking to 450 feet, but the round to the got fired was so lightweight little bit of wind can blow it cold bore. You always shoot a little bit to the left. But the point is it was 1/2 inch away from hitting from right the temple and killing him shot right through his ear right here. And so that's one issue. This was not a mistake. There's not a screw-up. This was premeditated.
Yes, I've been on air like a parrot saying they're going to kill Trump or try to kill him and when they kill him or try to kill him all hell's going to break loose. So I want to be 100% clear. Now the Deep State set this up brought in the shooter protecting put him up there. That's all 100% back don't be naive people to bake that stuff all day. The default is put people on rooftops within a half mile. This is 480 feet away. This is preposterous.
This was the default set position like this is like like like like like putting salt water in your gas tank or not. Putting gas in your car. You have a newborn baby. Throw it in the pool. It's not a mistake. It's not on purpose. The low-level secret service is not their fault. They follow orders. No one is on for rooftops for 250 feet away who is
giving that order who is telling them? Don't be on the rooftops. Do you
think if you had the guy know that right? We know okay. That is the senior. That is the senior Advance Team of the Secret Service
and that
That there's you know some seniors woman. I forget her name. She is the she's testifying the Republicans have just called her to testify in front of the in front of Congress. I forget her name, but she is the head of the Secret Service. Do you know her name Alex? I'm forgetting her
name yet. Another one of these diversity hires. Row. We we saw a bunch of women with with guns did protect trumpet abeyance beyond that.
The number one thing if you study the Secret Service is all well known sin all the Secret Service movies, but it's the default any rooftops within a half-mile you clear and you have people on top of them. It doesn't matter the name of Secret Service, you put cops on top of the rooms that nobody can do that instead, but two months were Trump gets shot in the ear. There's video of this. It's all over X. They clear everybody out from behind Trump as they hear dozens of witnesses have been on the news that said there's a guy
gun on the building right? I saw him four minutes going. Yeah, there's a got exactly there's a guy on the roof with a gun and they sit there and fumble and watch but the local SWAT teams waited and they're on the radios with their guns trained on him and they're like not told take a shot. So there wasn't just a stand-down not putting people on top of buildings, which is the first thing you do. That's where the shots come from not up close and every case a whole time. They then have got is all a video.
The shooter as he's up there with a rifle crawling around get a proposition and they are told to stand down for about two minutes. So we're talking about 120 seconds. This is a lifetime because in real situations, you got to shoot her. You got a guy with a gun. You know, you blast him. So everybody having a debate about hearings and why this happened that's all a distraction. So moving on from that Trump beat all the fake impeachments. He beat the Russia Goethe because the fake civil cases he had found guilty, but nobody bought it they were popular.
He he got convicted in the Newark show trial that gave him an extra 10 points in real National scientific polls that are being conducted. I talk Republican party that's doing these house about 25 points ahead Nationwide and mainstream this a 15 points in Battleground States. He's 10 to 15 points ahead with dead people who want a district. That's not enough. Maybe they can steal a five-point lead. You can't steal a 10-point lead. You can't fill a 15-point lead. So even in New York, he's now in play places like, Michigan 10 points ahead.
Sylvania 10 points ahead, Georgia 50 points ahead Arizona 50 points ahead. They can't steal that so there are in total collapse. They're trying to remove Biden. So you change the subject by killing Trump and then who is the nominee one week before he goes to Milwaukee Wisconsin for the RN C. So now that they shot at the king of mist and he's even more popular and are more desperate as I said three years ago as Tucker said years ago,
As I've said on air and as I personally told Trump I'll leave it at that. I said sir six months ago. I said you were on a trajectory where you've beaten all this. The next thing is assassination. That's why he has a secret service to act like that is an issue member Forbes saying last night other was an incident a backfire of a car or something the they were
Shut that down guys.
So so so so they are they are literally trying to sell you that that that that none of this happened that there was even assassination that try that for like a 67 hours yesterday showing you how incredibly disgusting all this is and how the fixes in so I told you literally like a parrot on methamphetamine what was going to happen the last couple of years now, let me tell you the rest of the moves that he stayed has please he's trying to pull the trip set.
Thank you. He's trying to pull the troops out of Ukraine us funds 83 percent of the funding the that's public Trump still sell Trump can't kill this. He can't stop this the hell he can't he's a commander in chief. So can we tried to pull out the trip? She pulled out a hundred thousand. It was dead a month later in 63. So here's what the Deep State needs to do. Everybody's against him. The whole world is waking up to him. They want to kill be very slow here. They want to kill Trump now even more because
This just gave him 20 points. He's not all these Democrats, you know now about Trump. He's not going to win by 10 points. He's gonna win by 30 points. This is a major political realignment. He got shot in the side of the head perfect hole right through his here quarter inch over right? Right, right left temple. This is so epic. So what is the deepest a going to do? Let's study clandestine operations. I study all this stuff a lot of family worked in this and I'm not talking about pencil-pushing areas of government about overthrow a government people. Okay, they told
Me all the stuff I was a kid. So so here's what's going to go down. They've got the Deep state has truck bombs loaded in for
They're truck bombs in my opinion loaded in Wisconsin.
And if they don't block the roads off a half mile from our logo wouldn't serious concrete dividers if they don't block off Wisconsin, which Trump said screw it I'm going there tomorrow. If they don't do that the next move is roll a truck full of plastic explosives into the event. They'll also going to try to poison him. They got people inside his organization. So poisoning truck bombs shootings is all of works. Also, they've been pre-programming.
Cyber attacks by the Russians claim they're working with Trump supporters that they already put out reports last year saying the Russians working with Trump supporters are going to cut the u.s. Power off know the desperate deep stage. So cyber attacks power outages truck bomb attacks, but it gets worse. They will also in this is totally
I love how you do. I hear you go truck bombs side power outages and then you go and it gets worse.
Like it's crazy enough to think about getting it and I understand what you're saying. It's so wild to to think about this. It's
crazy. Yeah, and I'm going to be 1 trillion percent clear. Yeah. I'm not doing this for Sensational reasons know for sure. Okay. Okay. I want to be all I do is study this so so this is the normal trick Continuum. So on the ladder indictments civil stuff garbage impeachments, you know, take him off the ballot and so next.
Is this Fascination? So you're a deep State and you shoot at the KU mess. What's next? You? Don't just try to blow the king up with a truck bomb, you know, just trying to poison his food. That's just standard procedure in history you then attack black churches black colleges would truck bombs are mass Shooters but a truck bomb is great when you're desperate you only have to wind up a shooter. You just do it and claim a trump supporter do so. They have already said Senator Blumenthal that's run the attacks on me and others have said they've
This legislation that when he's president-elect because it's not just 112 days the election run 13th. It's that in that 79 days from the early November to January 20th when he gets inaugurated that 79 days. The Democrats have said there's going to be massive civil unrest and when Trump tries to call the National Guard under the Insurrection act they've introduced a bill to strip him of that power which is a coup against the executive. So they've already gone for hours. They are pre-programmed.
Rammed all of this where they're going to Stage attacks on black people. That's all pre-programmed and all the shows all the movies. Everything say Trump supporters behind it. And they believe that Will trump pun intended. Everything Trump is saying everything Trump
is doing so we're entering they'll try to start some type of race war or massive civil unrest based on like a false flag attack. That's not may not be an assassination but is just to destabilize
Public and to just introduce chaos into the
process. Yeah, let's be clear Tim. I don't think I know right you have to understand there's a Rand Corporation 34 stepladder. They've had since the 50s. It's been updated that shows how nuclear war starts. We're like 29 in Ukraine, right? So this stuff is all been ridiculously working. So it's not that I'm not smart.
I know about operation. Gladio when the Russians took over most of Europe the West stage Terror attacks ran and I hate the Communists. I mean I had family involved in gladio. You know, what's on the periphery? I look at that. So the point is I know about all this like if your dad's a mechanic, you know how to fix a diesel engine. Okay, so I know about the stuff. So the West had stay behind that works when the Russians took over part of Eastern Europe and part of Western Europe like Germany East Germany, they had groups that stage Terror.
Axl Emily Russians, the Russians did similar stop at the West was so good at it with Hollywood the media operation. Gladio. So this is gladio 2.0. They just shot the Slovakian president five times. He lived there trying to kill Viktor Orban trying to stop World War 3. We are in direct war with Russia and Trump is saying the military industrial complex. I'm not doing that. This is stupid for business. He doesn't feel powerful killing people. He doesn't think war is sexy because he's not a pussy. So I'm telling
The default is truck bombs poisoned Trump shooting of the can and then separately stage Terror attacks against the pre-programming is there it's black people. They're going to hit black people with massive Terror attacks. I mean, we may have had hundreds that a church hundreds that at a college and they're going to say a trump supporter did it now? That's their next move. Do they got the guts to pull it? I think they
do. What is your running on what?
Happened with Biden what is happening with Biden? What is happening in that in the Democratic party? What do you think is going on since that debate? What do you feel like is happening? And what do you think ends up happening with
Well, I got banned twice. They first band me six years ago, then four years ago about trying to rob us of a story. It's true. Well people the headline was labeled as dangerous persons by Facebook and Louis Farrakhan myself to my reporters 12 people were listed as dangerous persons, and they said people to look this up ice. It doesn't sound real folks. I swear to God's will look it up.
You still got 12 people banned under dangerous persons on Facebook and said you're allowed to call for violence against these 12 evil people because they're so bad. They're so dangerous. They're so evil. We had lawyers call them. They took it down after a month. It was insane, but they people saw them rules of service. They said well, we're going to kill you. They came to my office. I had to get security which I it's been insane. Now. The reason I raise that is
What was your first went out around
about by and that bite and then about what do you think is going to happen? And what's your read on that? I mean, that's the obviously this. Yeah terrible story that happened to trumpet before that. The big story was, you know Biden being a
corpse. That was mine. So I remembered. Oh, yeah. Why did they banned me? Look it look it up.
I said bite has had multiple Strokes Biden. Is that all sorts?
A medical issues and so he is out of his mind. He is completely crazy he needs to not run. So this is right when he was running that's their excuse and that's why they took me off the internet was saying 56 years ago that he was out of his mind. So that's their only, you know, move and Biden has had multiple brain surgeries. Biden is completely out of his mind. He can't operate at 48
9:00 at night and so they don't know what to do. And so because they waited so long they don't have Runway to replace it now congressionally and constitutionally he has the 90 plus million dollars to the NCS Kamala Harris has it so they waited so long he was supposed to already step down because he won't step down. They don't have a way to make him step down and show out of pure panic her like my God comes 20 points. And what do we do? We kill him. We kill Trump.
And so that's what's happening. Is that is that Biden has no idea what he's doing. He is completely living on another planet.
And so that's why I'm trying to explain to people we are in a constitutional total and complete crisis. I've talked to normal
people. Yeah over the last few days. Like you said that are really
panicked and they're not people that you would think right. I mean these are you know, very successful people. They are smart people and they feel like this is where in a complete, you know, where spiraling out of control and they look at this attempt to Trump's life and it's it's terrifies people. And by the way, these are not hysterics the user
Not people that they ignored a lot of stuff up until this point, but I'm sure you've talked to some of them to that are texting me liberals. Alex liberals. Democrats are texting me going what the fuck is going on. It's not just conservatives. Liberals are going I'm panicked. What is this?
Well, they exactly Tim at such an important thing to say. I want to be clear to all the people out there. I was arrested by George w-- Bush right? I'm a classical liberal.
Everybody knows that it was follow me. Okay. I hated George Bush. I protested the war Democrats used to be overall better than Republicans until Obama came along and he said I'm really good at killing people with drones. And so the Democratic party's Nam by black rock thrown by the big Banks. The Republicans are just as bad except Trump and and our libertarian movement got a beachhead to Ron Paul who started all this and Rand Paul in the Republic.
Party, so our beachhead has taken over about 55% right now. That's why they're paying a Republican party because once we get full control of one party, we can reform the other we needed a big we discuss your my God, the Democratic party used to be against the CIA and against Wars against surveillance against censorship. Now, they love it. They love it. So my they love it. So my thing too liberal says listen guys, I'm not some Ultra right wing guy that wants to like, you know, put you in jail because you're gay
Or whatever that is soul, alive folks and Trump's not that rock is a Casino & Hotel and golf course are and he's Hospitality guide. He's all about what makes money for people makes him money. He's all about Good Times man. Trump is all about Good Times. He's optimistic. He wants to have Prosperity. He wants to bring jobs back and the globalist want austerity consolidate power under the Central Bank digital currency under the SGS under the social credit score.
Or so that's why they're mad at Trump is he went to China and said half the money goes to middlemen China loved him. Actually the end. He said you can keep the money and we get half of it to our workers. So truck is literally in the people's Corner in that he is a hotel owner right a casino on him and he wants money. He wants want success. He wants to I truly believe listening to him. He wants standards of living.
To go up and I think that there's a lot of people there's because his whole life. Where does he make money to Kim? What does he make money when people come to Resorts and hotels and people have disposable income.
Yeah, so I know Trump. Well, yeah, he went to Kim Jong on who cried and people said he cried the problem and he came out and cried and Trump showed him a DVD graphic of South. Korea is the most populous most successful per capita country in the world per capita South Korea's most successful world. He said you're the same people. He showed him a DVD computer program of hotels golf courses at casinos and said within 10 years. We will free all your
People you'll be making a hundred billion dollars a year and Kim Jong. I'm said he cried and said China runs. Me and Trump said I know so Trump does not like War he doesn't he wants he wants golf courses at hotels and casinos. He wants the good times folks, right? So that's why the globalist don't want Trump because they're like you naive son of a bitch. This is about power. We don't want casinos. We don't want hotels we don't want golf courses. We don't like you banging.
Ha Duggars you you suck at Trump's like I love her body. So here's the deal. They're coming after Trump the fact that they miss it didn't kill him means they're going to escalate this and I personally I believe this is this I don't talk about inside baseball personally, not the message to Trump this morning, and I said if you go to Milwaukee, they make good truck bomb, and he said you'd be a pussy.
He's going in Milwaukee, but I get it the guys got incredible product. He's got incredible fortitude, but I'm just saying I'm not a pussy to look like back off right now. Oh, no, he's gonna win. Uhhhh
someone there needs to be security measures there for sure. What do you do? We know anything about this shooter other than the fact that he was a kid that was lived in Pennsylvania and was in a Black Rock commercial that they filmed at his high school, which is
Jim let me be 1000% clear.
I've never been in a black rock hammer. Sorry.
Planes flying over Yanks.
Okay. Yes. Yes, sir.
I want to be completely clear.
We don't need to ask about him or anything about him because none of that's real. Okay, but the Secret Service does one thing.
They protect the president and the default of the Secret Service is to cover the rooftops half-mile. This wasn't a thousand yards. It wasn't 3,000 yards out. This was 450 feet from the president and someone told them don't put people on the roof when Trump gives a speech. There's no debate. They stood down they were ordered to do it guaranteed by the by the ministration. So
That's what's happening right now. And if you think they tried to kill him yesterday and shot him through the year like perfect hole right here. Yeah, if you think they aren't going to go For Broke now when this shit this is like this is like Super Mario Brothers. We eat the mushroom of your invisible.
Do you wanna just take the Lush and his organization get it the things that you were saying that you believe in that you are, you know talking about here tonight do the people in his
Ization share those views do they understand what they're up against in your estimation.
Yes. Here's the thing about Trump. I've got a psychological study of him. I forget the top guy in the 60s and 70s that may record about self-help and and believe it. It's going to have its own Oprah Winfrey the secret. Okay Trump listened to that record like 500 times or more and I've literally told Trump and I told his people you've gotta back off. You've already won you got to
Top and and then and and Trump said screw you. I'm not a pussy if they want to so the problem is his people have already told him this and Trump is such a manniac which he's probably right he believes if he just goes out there. He'll be on the road more now he doesn't care. And so that's Trump. He believes he is invincible and he doesn't care and now that he just got grazed and die. He's a maniac.
And that's why let me tell you something from stop perving you made mistakes and stuff. I didn't like I don't settle get curry with liberals and make them although you're not yelling. No, no, no. No, I disagree with jump a lot of stuff warp speed all they got roped into it. I know him. Well when I got married seven years ago eight years ago to my wife my second wife. He called over 10 minutes told told her how great I was, you know, he was he called me on my birthday. She still calls me, you know, just to like the guy is a machine and he's only the law.
Realty and his issue is is that he thinks he's Invincible. I'll
tell you that any here. I know some people that know them and they don't well and they all loved him. They all like him they have said to me and you will probably good that there are people in his Circle whether it's the Inner Circle or the Outer Circle or whichever Circle it is that they do not
Oh, he 100% The biggest record Trump is the poison in his food and that's why people Trump's a great guy. Okay, he's a nice guy. He's always a Big Timber. He takes care of everybody. He has a soft spot for black people about to say that it's well known you like buy them by their mortgage randomly giving me a double their paintings or a whole black lady. Here's the thing for black people. It's just well known for his crew because they're his crew other businessmen. He wants to battle them but
I was going to say something. What was your point about
drum? I was just saying there's people in his Circle that I've been told that from people that know him and like him and know a little bit about his Circle. They believe that there are people in there that are not
trustworthy. No 100% And and so that's his biggest failure Pusher horrible Google Double Agent horrible person and his loyalty.
That's why the chief of staff General Kelly at the time five years ago. Look it up said General Kelly's main job is keeping Trump away from Alex Jones because back then I was talking to him every two days and I was like, hey, you know, Fiona Hills Bilderberg, you know, Fiona Hill, you know, this guy is George Soros Foundation has no send that to me so I would have law firms.
And this is I'm going to talk a lot about the selling of but some others Target. I'm not trying to brag and sound powerful folks. Nobody they all knew no one would tell him so I had law firms. I had bigger Hostetler, which is the best Republican Law Firm said he'd pay attention back. He'd say give me a report on that like what he almost six months ago said give me a report on the pr firms around Sandy Hook they own you and so troubled say give me a report. So I would go pay fifty thousand dollars per memo and I would have liked the the deputy head of the FCC unit.
Write a memo to have about here's the legislation. Here's how they're doing. It. Here's the people in your ministration. And when I did that the CIA with apeshit and literally having followed home. They threatened my family they completely came after me which is fine. I'm not worried about but I'll say this like that cool Kim. This is what happened. So it wasn't that he didn't have people around him that it was going on. They were scared to tell him
I do how to use Google and I'm like, okay. Well here who is General McMaster? Who is Fiona Hill who is and I would send him reports hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.
To work with law firms and you know what happened happened they call me up to d.c. They want to meet with you about Trump. So I go to d.c. Six years ago. Trump said all this for about a year and I get there and I'm in this top of this huge building 50 stories high then I said you agree this meetings off record. That's why it's offering or don't say who's there?
I'm the richest man in the world.
at the time
I said how would you like 50 million dollars a year for a free speech Foundation, but we want you to stop and listen to us right now. That's it. I thought I came here about another meeting and they said no we're here about this and I said no they said you made a big mistake and literally poked me in the chest and they filed suits the next week.
So I have a literally been in the high rise buildings offered 50 million dollars to turn against America and do it which is easy. I love America. I love freedom. Should I love being a rebel but I'm trying to explain to people they just try to kill Trump. What are they gonna do next false Flags? You name it?
Do you there people on the table? Do you think I don't even want to say names but you know, if people like Elon Musk who took a very high profile stance it says I endorse Trump like
Do you think there are other people that are in danger of all kinds of things whether it's maybe it's not violence. Maybe it's their businesses being attacked. Maybe it's there, you know livelihood. Do you think that this is something that is obviously it's centers Trump in your estimation, but is it bigger than him and broader than him?
Yeah, I mean, let's be honest Tickler Elon Musk was the second richest person in the world is from this he goes back and forth people can guess who it was. Let's just say you're a lot of package deliveries your house over there from this and its symbols little devil till now no saying. Yes, so,
Absolutely. Elon Musk is a Maverick and he's anti-establishment and he knows how to dominate. So he sees were winning smile just say is he good? Is he bad? He sees we're winning. He's on our side. He's dominating. He's doing a great job 100% You've got Brazil. You've got Australia, you've got the EU with criminal charges. They're announcing for Elon Musk. Elon Musk is 100% on our side. He's all in.
He has endorsed Trump and it's on it's on like Donkey Kong show. This is an epic moment to be alive. Elon Musk has never offered me money. Um us has never tried to get me to do anything. He wants I've talked to him, you know, a lot of you is talk to him while he was stabbed that's inside baseball is good friends with Joe. We're all the old fellow austinites, right? But Elon Musk sees America winning Elon Musk sees Humanity way.
He's on our team. So yeah, of course thereafter Elon Musk. Of course, they're trying to play you almost can present because he's real but the other person
Now that owns that big shipping company that owns the grocery store. They literally thought like hey, that's 50 million sound and I said, no they said well, we're really surprised you made
that actually mean is this can I say, I know you don't want to say the name, but is it would it would it would a good Gatsby Jeff Bezos?
Oh, no, certainly not. Okay, right. The only reason I say this is that what I did
wrong, of course,
it's not him. You know, I want to have the I want to keep having these meetings. Here's the deal right? I'm not bragging. It's true. I've been in meetings with Bilderberg Group members. Yeah, billionaires, you know flowing out to Bel-Air flown out to d.c. Flown out to London. I've sat there at literal British royalties houses and they're like, hey, man, why don't you join him? How much money you want and I'm like,
Does the money include alt World War 3? All right, it's right. It's not hard but I'm not that important. I'm like a baseball card globalist. Don't collect baseball cards. They collect people Tim. Yeah, and so I don't tell you these stories try to act powerful or
no. No I listened. We I've listened to you for years and years and years, and I know that you truly are deeply misunderstood if people talk about you they don't understand.
That you have a Libertarian streak that you are you a lover of Freedom as we can see right now you deeply care about the country and you you are a guy that when you disagree with Trump, you'll say it when you agree with Trump, you'll say it when you agree with Democrats, you'll say it. What do you think is the biggest vulnerability because obviously Trump is way ahead. He's way ahead in the polls.
What's his biggest vulnerability electoral E. Do you believe there's any or do you believe it's it's pretty much the elections pretty much been decided at this moment.
Mark Zuckerberg paid 400 and something million dollars
Four years ago to steal the election and again a database of dead people or people about science day. And so they can steal depending on the actuary bout a six percent. That's that so so terms went about five percent they can steal it.
So we saw in Pennsylvania or Michigan where Trump's like this is organic curve then blew my nose above it.
So Trump's biggest weaknesses. They're going to kill him. They already tried to kill him yesterday. So they have nothing to lose. They don't care. They're going to try it again. So Trump's biggest.
Issue is his mortality. It's his Humanity. Yeah, and so that's where we are Tim and
people are pretty Cavalier about this. I've seen a lot of people in my life that I you know, it's not comedians because their jobs to make jokes and that's completely fine. But I'm talking about real people that did that, you know aren't attaching the importance to it. That should be I mean, this is when you see a bullet whizzed by
The head of the FrontRunner for the Republican, you know for the presidency at this point. He's the nominee he will be officially the nominee in three days. He's the front-runner and if you look at the polls, he's essentially the president-elect and a bullet whizzed by his head and I just I feel like people aren't attaching the significance to it that some people are the people that are kind of surprising me, but then there's a
A lot of people to just feel like they're kind of just taking it in stride and they go. Yeah. Well, it's a violent country. I'm like, I don't think that's the takeaway.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I totally agree. They're delusional and they killed Trump. It's going to be 10 times worse for them. No, I
know nothing in. This guy has a wife and a family and there is something very callous about the way that people have responded to it. Yeah, look at me.
flirt look
at her
I guarantee you the pussies.
They're just talking about. So what I saw like a CIA lady showed like the Grim Reaper one of those claw games where you get the toy out and they're mad because it almost got Trump. They're like Flirting With Disaster and Armageddon like they're laughing because I know these she had people I know these these operatives. I've studied them. They don't get the the the Wheelhouse turn and so they think it's like really tough and cool and funny.
The average CIA analyst cannot wipe their own ass. It's like Chuckie Schumer a month ago at Father's Day couldn't cook a hamburger. He has a raw hamburger with a piece of cheese on it. These people are aliens
and so they thought they'd
intimidated America Tim. They thought America was done. They thought we were idiots know you were asleep and now they think bumping Us in the face and messing with us is making us back down and they're about to find out the opposite so
All bets are off. They're gonna try to kill Trump again. They're going to Stage false Flags. It's the next move. It's so easy to say what comes next and so that's why I'm begging everybody to follow me wrong shows. I'm begging people to pray for Trump. I'm begging people to understand because if you look at the average CIA analyst they don't even want combat that Seymour the CIA because they're scared of them. They have like weird college degreed women now think it's women
But it's like literally 50 year old women that hate men and can't fight their way out of a paper bag are literally wargaming how they're going to kick our
ass. What do you think? They're playing? I mean, you know, they're they're running a articles in the military time saying the draft should come back in. This is you know, they're saying they want to draft their saying you know, what are they the generals are seeing war with China is inevitable within five years. You've seen what they've done in the Ukraine. They've
pushed their Ukraine war to the brink where we're almost in a hot war with Russia. They've supplied Ukraine with weapons. It can reach Russia can hit Russia or they at least were claiming they were going to and that might not have gone through but there is this what is coming. What what are they what I mean Boeing is killing everyone in the office till in Bowling you walk in the office. You're dead. They your poison what and that's our biggest National Security Company what is happening?
Yeah, that's a Perfect Analogy. You got home. I show yeah, I came on yours better clothes. Well, I'm a hurry Bowens killed a bunch of their employees. That was overwhelming because they think that fixes it it makes it worse grunts not good the killing everyone.
It's a total and absolute surprise an effect. Yeah, and and and so that's where we are. Is that the Deep States dying deep States falling apart and their answer is just launched other war in the EU Germany sweet plants of announced National dress and the Public's protesting and they're saying our new economy. Don't worry as war with Russia the West started that 11 years ago. They overthrew the
A grainy government they started I'm not a fan of Russia. They're not perfect. The point is is that exactly they are starting this war? They're accelerating this war and Trump is saying he's not part of this war. So the system is in complete panic mode try to stop it.
And you think that they need this war for the at the new economic realities that are coming with AI with technology with all of the you know,
no advancements that we're seeing people people's jobs are going away and you think this new world order as you know, the term is is that needs to be focused on permanent unending War.
If you're a gloveless.
If you're going with us.
a globalist
It's awesome. It's about him if your globalist.
You don't care about people dying you don't care about war you don't care about depression. You need an excuse to unify people around what you're doing. And so they're trying like Hitler when he was losing its England.
and against North Africa
he invades Russia that will unify the Germans. I'll just go attack Russia.
They're in full panic mode.
Yeah, it's getting scary stuff. Definitely. Appreciate you coming on to talk about this. How are you going to be at the convention?
Tim I'll be completely honest with you.
I'm prepared to die. Yeah, so we're on the verge. I don't just say this blisters. I will physically sick right now. Yeah, we don't want you to die. No, I'm just trying to slay this. This is not about playing games. Okay. Yeah. I will she listen to me very carefully.
I've always followed my intellectual analysis of History. Okay, and I'm here in Northern California, which assembles ready buddy me rubbing down and spray hand.
And I have my seven-year-old daughter with me and my wife Amy and I got three other older children.
I can't get it on your show and lie to you.
I'm sitting here believing. We're about to have a nuclear war they've already tried to kill Trump are doing again. And so I feel guilty literally talking to you and saying we're about to see the end of civilization right now the road were on on the truth. Like you got your GPS you're driving this restaurant your dramas place you on the beach. We're not going to be chosen.
We're going to Thermal nuclear war and the end of civilization and total death and I don't say that to be dramatic. I literally was sitting here and you were asking me what's happening next and I started to vomit guys. I'm tough. Okay, I'm tough. Okay. I've been in a lot of fights. I don't break. I don't I don't easily Buckle. I am literally having a panic attack right now because of the magnitude
What's happening or civilization? So I want to be very clear with people?
I don't want to say what I think because I don't want to sound like an asshole to people. Okay, we are in the middle of World War 3 with the Russians. It's already started. Everything is collapsing everything is insane and if we sit there and if we
there's the reason to live and there's the reason to save there's a reason to save the country right there, right?
That's what I'm saying.
Uh, is that is that I don't want to come here and tell you and say a bunch of horrible shit because I gives power to a but it's happening. Yeah, I don't I don't I don't I'm literally having nightmares every night. I'm literally prepared to die and I'm sitting there watching everybody going playing golf and watching Netflix think it's all a fucking joke folks. It ain't a fucking joke. Okay, and all I'm telling people is is that I know how things work and this is what I do and we are
43 with the Russians. Yeah, we have a crazy Joe Biden. They just tried to kill Trump. Come on people. What do you think comes next? We're gonna power outages. We're gonna do a cyberattack. They're gonna kill Trump have to say that they're going to kill Trump. I think he's dead. So so I am physically I'm a little bit. I was trying to be dramatically I was going to vomit. I love you baby. It's my daughter. I heard see how folks Veronica.
So I've running this is going back to baby. I'll be almost so this is not a game K people thermal nuclear war is not against Okay. Now what's going down and the average person cannot like gauge this they think oh everything's fine because you live in Freedom so long folks. This isn't a game and I am literally
doing the shutdown process of preparing to die. I'm literally looking at my daughter my wife and white preparing for nuclear war because that's a probability. Not a possibility. Well Alex, you know what
I agree with you, but I want to remind you that you do use a lot of people that care about you. You're incredibly talented your family loves you, and that's why I had John because we wanted to hear what you had to say. And you know, I've been listening to you since I'm 13, so if we can just send love
To you and hope that you feel better because you get involved in a lot of crazy shit and read about it and process it and internalize it but we're just sending love to you and your family and I really appreciate you coming on and talking about this because this is really for lack of better words fucked-up shit.
And yeah, I want to be a simpler. Yeah. I'm sorry about wind and know.
You never minded all that what I'm trying to say to everybody. Yeah families out here, right? Yeah.
We're not in Kansas anymore. Right? This is a total meltdown 10 color by any yardstick. The globalists are in Bunker's right. Now. They're all hiding I'm saying we've got to recognize how dangerous this is and we've got a contact Congress contact the media and say stop this but that's all I'm trying to say is that I want to say what I really believe I'm not trying to be dramatic and Fields evil to say well a nuclear war now, it feels disgusting to do this. That's all I'm trying to say.
Say and they just tried to kill Trump. We're not in Kansas folks. We're not in a normal situation. So Tim, I love you. Thank you. Please call my childhood. I will God bless. I
appreciate it. God bless you and thank you Alex. Alex Jones everybody. Alex. Go be with your family. Thank you, brother.