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Jocko Underground: Are You an Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert, or Omnivert?
Jocko Underground: Are You an Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert, or Omnivert?

Jocko Underground: Are You an Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert, or Omnivert?

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Echo Charles, Jocko Willink
7 Clips
Jun 6, 2022
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This is the jungle underground podcast. Number 53 sitting here with Echo Charles EC already having a rough morning over there on your side. Doing great, been a rough morning for you like me, even here for 7 minutes. It hasn't been Pleasant for you. I'm doing the best I can say. Okay, so you still keeping a positive attitude. It's interesting that
the way the world works, right? Everybody. Everybody's allegedly different, right? Everyone's a different person and yet there's all these categories that you can put people in and somebody asked me about this the other day, the whole introvert/extrovert thing to thing, right? Which is interesting that you can say that these radically different individualistic human beings. They all can be put in these categories. So, introvert is a person.
And this is from webmd.com. I'm citing my sources. Sure. Yeah, the introvert is a person with a qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas rather than what's happening. Externally, they enjoy spending time with just one or two people rather than large groups or crowds. I have a list of things here. Need quiet to concentrate. Our reflective are self-aware. Take time making decisions feel comfortable being alone.
Like group work prefer to write rather than talk feel tired after being in a crowd, have few friendships, but are very close with these friends Daydream or use their imaginations. To work out a problem Retreat into their own mind to rest.
Where you at? You you is that you. That's all the main two that I heard as far as the differentiate between each vertex, true, actually. Because they did hear one hand where it's like Oreo it's not real or whatever and then we know it's not real introvert versus extrovert, but I didn't. I put it. So I didn't like I wasn't like, convince put it that way. I thought I thought there really seems like there is such thing as change for it because, you know, you can just think of your friend. Well, there's somebody in. Are going to get to room get to, to more one's an
Vert and ones, an ambivert. We're going to get to them as that. Yes, the other never heard of fast. It's rolling in here. Yeah, but the ones, the the two defining, characteristic, whatever for introvert. And it's going to be opposite. Vector is the feel tired after being in a crowd is that you owe me? Wait, why are you signaling that one out? Because that's what I heard as far as the actual definition. It has to do with like people, you know, like you can be an introvert and still do well with crowds in the talk. Good.
And, you know, like all this stuff in public speaking, all this shuddering. It's draining takes energy and then other people. But extrovert, apparently, from what I heard is they feel they're the opposite when they're alone. They get like this is like too much to be alone. I got to get out and Yeah, have like people interaction. I'm real weird because I don't care. I'll be alone and not care because be totally stoked, whatever sitting there playing guitar, writing a book, just doing anything.
I'm alone. I'm fine. Don't care. Yes, you are weird, or I can be with people hanging out and I'm fine. I'm not. It doesn't use energy or anything like that. They'll, look, you take that to the extreme. Sometimes. You can be like, alright, I guess, maybe this lead me towards introvert a little bit, but you take it to an extreme where you're at a thing and there's a bunch of people then you really don't want to be around a bunch of people. So I guess that's a little bit of makes me a little bit of a
Of an introvert a little bit more, but ice, but I actually don't care. Yeah. Well, I guess I don't know. I mean, if this is tackle a technical thing, actually, as I'm reading this, I'm okay. Let me go extrovert. You know, it was the technical. Thanks. I cut you off. Not well, that as far as the technical thing, like, if it's, you know, like you can be like,
You know, you can be in condition for certain things like all. I mean, I'm kind of in shape for this therefore. It's not a factor running. A marathon is not a factor for me. But let's face it. I'd rather do Sprints, or something like this tree or whatever. So, you might be kind of like that, where you can endure a lot of extrovert activity, but, at the end of the day, your, your actual injury, you just in shape for the extrovert. Yeah, that might be right. Extrovert. Here's a personality trait typically characterized by outgoing as high energy, or talking.
This in general, the time is right. It's so funny because I literally talk for a living and if you if you you know, my wife and I go to a party where I don't know, people not saying anything, anybody. We're not talking to anybody or she can but I'm like hi. So it says in general, the term refers to a state of being where someone recharges or draws energy from being with other people.
Here's the here's them some highlights. You enjoy social settings. You don't like or need a lot of alone. Time you thrive around. People your friends with many people, you prefer to talk out problems, or questions, your outgoing, an optimistic. You aren't afraid to take risk and you're flexible. That's from psychology is today by the way, those two definition. So the weird thing for me is I'm I am super flexible. Yeah, and I don't and I take risks with almost, I take risk very easily. I have no problem taking rest.
I do talk through problems, but I actually I actually usually think through problems and I let other people talk about them and I kind of solve problems by listening to other people, talk a little trick little being bit of being detached. So yeah, that's the extrovert and and I guess I do as I'm sitting here, reading these definitions. I guess I am more of an introvert. The weird thing is that I talk for a literal living, so then we get to the omnivore.
The Amna vert thing is try not to read this whole definition.
Some individuals can be both reserved and outgoing. They can assume the personality traits of both, an introvert and extrovert that person's called an omnivore. All right, and then there's an ambivert which is a verts are those who score midpoint on the introvert, extrovert scale. They can be introverted or an extrovert depending on the context or how they feel at the moment. So this is kind of like,
Just a catch-all. He come on, right? What are we really doing here? We're to say like hey, there's these two things, but you can actually be anything this kind of weird, right? That's what it seems like. Yeah, especially that last it's just kind of like maybe lose a lot of respect for just I thought we had a big topic unless these other people the Amna vert an ambivert are like super rare. It's like saying, hey a car can be either black or white or it can be any other color. I think that's what
We just did, we're gonna have a big talk about what, you know, but these cars are black and these cars are white. And here whites a little bit cooler, black shows up more dirt, just a little bit of a problem. But if you warmer, if you're in a cold climate and so you kind of get in this discussion about black like ours, anyway, code. But a car Community color in the world. So this is kind of what we just got into here. Yeah. It makes me want to throw this whole conversation out, the window record, the different podcast. It's kind of well, you know, like astrology rate Where Oh, you mean like
Sagittarius, like that kind of thing. Yeah, that's zodiac signs. And why not? You know, how the you read your daily, horoscope, whatever, and it has all these things and it's kind of the same deal. It's like man, you're very reserved. But but, but down to express feelings, you need it, you know, like, you know, I would be like back in the day when I was a single, dude, I'd be out, you know, and some some whatever bar hanging out talking to a girl. And, you know,
The girl be like what, you know what, you know be talking for a while my crap. What sign are you? This is not 1970, by the way. Guess is like the in the I guess in the 90s. I'll go the. Oh, you know, what? Sign are you? And I beg. Oh, I'd be like, I'm Sagittarius. Nagato. I knew it. And I knew your and then I say, I'm actually not as a teacher. So skinny, they be cool. What are you? And I'd say I'm a Capricorn. Or is that one? Yep, I'll be back. I'm actually Capricorn. They've got, oh, I knew it. And I would do this to him four times.
He'll be like this stuff is stupid. What you're talking about. Let's not play this game. You must be on the cusp on the cusp of, that's the thing. Oh, you're right. Oh, you're you're Moon. Is waning Sagittarius. You're in the car. You're the ambivert of Caprica. Oh, dude, so that's kind of what we're dealing with here. I little bit. It feels. There's some of those over undertones, whatever of it. That. I mean, look, we know. Shy people, right? We know.
That are introverted hundred percent. Yes, we know people that are extroverted honor and we know people that are in between this, my point. I guess this is just more a description instead of just trying to categorize everybody because because there's also people that are sort of introverted, but they also whatever. Yeah, I feel like a lot of the psychology stuff is is a psychologist. I believe, I do believe and it is like legitimate stuff because it's just like, studying people and personalities and commonalities and all this stuff. So,
Totally makes sense. So but you write just like, you're saying everyone's the same but everyone's different. It's kind of like. Yeah, like you can categorize people, but you're going to find Nuance variation and stuff like that. So it's like, okay. Now we got to categorize the Nuance. Yeah. So that's us. It feels like, I don't know. This is the first time me reading all this stuff with you. So but that's what it feels like is going on. Maybe that's how strategy kind of got started. You seem saying, we're like they were like, oh, yeah. Well, these people were acting way different when they were born in December, then this program.
Way different because they were born in. May seem saying then there's like this is a trash idea. Yeah, I think so too. But hey, you know, I gotta talk. Yeah. Yeah. I've got like the definitions of omnivore here. An ambivert. The omnivore can assume the personality traits of both, an introvert and extrovert, an ambivert exist, somewhere between an extrovert and introvert, who was taking the time to sort of
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