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Sara Saffari - What Is It Like Trying To Date Gen Z Guys?
Sara Saffari - What Is It Like Trying To Date Gen Z Guys?

Sara Saffari - What Is It Like Trying To Date Gen Z Guys?

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Chris Williamson, Sara Saffari
42 Clips
Sep 11, 2023
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Hello everybody. Welcome back to the show. My guest today is Sarah Safari, she's a fitness model influencer athlete and a YouTuber, many people dream of being young, fit and famous. Lots of us are seduced by the idea of the attention that this brings but what's the reality of being so exposed in a world filled with scrutiny, stalkers and haters, expect to learn what Sarah thinks about the muscle, mommy movement, what makes women genuinely attractive. The biggest problem with dating gen Z guys.
And Sarah's thoughts on the Bradley Martin versus Logan. Paul fight her top 10 exercises to build muscle whether she would ever start an only funds and much more. I had a lot of fun talking to Sarah. She does not fit the Airhead fit chick caricature that many people in that industry might accuse her of being. She is really, really funny, genuinely funny and a very, very nice person. Also you get a window into what the world of gen Z is like which is equal parts, hilarious and terrifying.
So yeah, get ready for that. Don't forget to be, might be listening but not subscribed and that means you will miss episodes when they go up. So if you want to support the show, and if you want to make me very happy indeed, just take two seconds and press subscribe on Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever else you are listening. Go on.
I thank you.
But now, ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Sarah Safari. Sorry, Safari. Look at the
show. Hello. Thank you for having me. How are you good? How are
you? Very good. Thank you. Talk to me.
About the muscle mummy movement, I'm hearing about it on the internet that guy's there's like a move away from thinspo to fit spo2. Now muscle mummy, which is the step up and even though you won't you just heard about the word today, feels like you're part of that movement
yet people have been commenting on like guys comment on my posts. Like Muslim mommy sometimes and like I'm not gonna lie, I kind of like it but today was the first time that I've heard like women addressing themselves as muscle. Mommy or each other as muscle.
Mommy Jim shark did.
A muscle mummy
t-shirt. Yes and I was at the event and I like even you know, girls talking on the intercom or whatever they be like. Okay muscle mom. He's like let's keep pushing and I was like I've never heard this, like I haven't heard like women addressing woman as muscle mommy's I thought it was more of like a like kind of joking, flirty type thing that guys. Comment on girls posts on Instagram
taken the word and made it your own. So
You're 23, 22 22. You probably growing up would have seen body types change from I guess when you were maybe 11 12 13 through to. Now for sure talk to me about like that ideal female shape and kind of the lessons that you talked about what an attractive woman is. Yeah, physically over time
for me growing up at first I was really skinny and then through high
A school like I would always in fluctuate in. Wait, like I'd go anywhere from 130 pounds to 100 pounds which is a pretty, big difference when you already way, like, kind of low. But I would always be told by my mom. Like confidence is what makes you like most attractive? Like it's not what you look like, it's who you are, and how you carry yourself. Sorry. And so, that's what, you know, I was taught growing up, but for me personally, if I ever saw a girl with abs, I loved
That I love the look of it. I thought it was like so
I don't know attractive to me. Like, that's what I was aiming for. That's what I wanted, but I never knew how to get there. Like, I didn't know like, oh, how does a girl get abs? Like I thought it was just all genetics, but no diet comes into play. Working out comes into play. So,
and now does this move you remember, when thigh gaps were thing when everybody wanted to thigh
gap, bro? Yes, I remember being at lunch in high school and like girls would look at each other like oh you have it. Oh, you don't the most toxic thing ever and I remember like I didn't have one.
Time or like, I don't think I ever had one, but I would go home and I'd like beat myself up about it because like girls would be pointing out how it's like good to have a thigh
gap and interesting like the that's kind of become very obsessed physically with the way that people appear like, both guys and girls. Yeah, guys, are getting leg lengthening surgery, you seen this? I've ever get that. Yeah, they get the, I'm pretty sure it's that shins extended. They break the shin. Stretch it, a bit, the bone regrows, they break it again, and keep on going. And guys can add inches to the height at my
Being that people like optimizing for really weird.
Kind of not arbitrary. But they're optimizing for like, weird stuff. Yeah, one of the things that nobody ever talks about is that sort of hotness or sex appeal that people have just from the way that they hold themselves. Yeah. I'm from the way that they
act. I think that that has a huge amount of appeal to people, even if you don't want to admit it, I think if someone is confident it can make them from a six to an eight, depending how they carry themselves, I think, for sure it can
it'll be see online dating and spending tons of time on Instagram negates a lot of that. You
Get to see that. Even in a pose, somebody can pose themselves in a sexy way. Oh, it's out. And not have to come the confidence to be able to pull it off face-to-face and vice
versa. Yeah, for sure.
So you have managed to gain quite a bit of notoriety in a very short space of time. I think the number one job or occupation that young kids in America say that they want when they grow up is influence or a YouTuber and in China its astronaut or some other, some other court like something.
That's way less lame. Yeah, talk to me about this rapid gain in status for guys. There's an obvious
Advantage, at least on the surface. Yeah, most people know me I have status girls will like me, but for a girl to gain millions of followers in basically no time at all. I know that seems interesting to me that there's, there's probably more advantages that people wouldn't see and then some disadvantages who wouldn't see as well. So what's that been
like? Yeah, I think for me, I'm I'm not gonna lie, I think the money has been a great great part of it, but for me, I'm not someone who spends my money on materialistic things like I was just telling you how I have fake shoes on.
They were a hundred bucks. He's blown it to the internet. Yeah, I'd know, they know, I think if they know they've watched my content, they know that. I don't like Splurge, you know. I I save all the money I make lecture maybe that when I go to In-N-Out I can eat a little bit better like I can order the fries order the 4x4 instead of just like the single burger but for me like the money's nice because now I know I have the power to you know if my mom needs a new car I can be the one that does that for or like you know we're looking at to like moving out. Maybe getting a new house. I
I know that I can pitch in and carry my weight financially and something like that. So I think just like not necessarily physically having the money but having the Peace of Mind of knowing that, you know, I can support myself or my family
and what's the increase in attention been like you just came from this big. Jim shark event that we were both at. Yeah. You got swamped by men. You say that 90% of your audience is man. Yeah it's all right. Five foot three. Hey 5.4.
Let me break your a small gold that's being surrounded. By a shit ton of man. Yeah, like talk to me talk to me about this like this is this is in some regards like a nightmare scenario that girls literally would would hate. And then in other regards, this is the price of doing business for
you. Yeah. For me. Like today, I realized how many people came up and was like sir, like you're really funny. I love your content and I think that's the best compliment for me to get as being like Oh you're funny or, you know, it's more than just
Like oh it's just like another hot girl on Instagram. Posting bikini pictures. Like if they find some kind of value for my content, even if it's just humor like sure, I'm not giving anything educational but if they are laughing while watching my videos or watching me fuck with Bradley or you know whatever it is like that makes me happy because I know like after I watch Like A Danny Duncan video or a Judy on video like I feel good you know like I was laughing through the 10 minute video.
So what about the negative sides of
The attention. Have you had many?
I've had some. I've had some like
Maybe the best not to say them to not dress like very much attention to those things. But I've had some some weird or bad experiences with people, but for the most part it's all been good. I feel like regardless, whatever I involve myself with even if I was, you know, using my degree in working a nine-to-five job, it wouldn't all be good. There would still be some bad bad days. There would be, you know, arguments with people, I work with there would be down, fall, down, Falls, and other, and other aspects of the, you know, a
Working at an office from 8 to 5.
So I'm definitely seeing a move on line of like this one of the dudes from the UK made a video called The Gym, Bro, culture 2.0 and he was talking about the move from the more like ziz era exclusive body slide stuff to a more holistic integrated, its life advice. It's an older brother rather than a party friend type thing. I would be interested. I definitely think if you look at
at the fitness world for girls, it's still pretty trapped in the, it's all about your condition, your tan, the size of the bikini. And I wonder, I don't know. Like, if you have a personality is a girl who's also into fitness. Whether some people in, this is the same for guys to whether they almost feel like if I let the weirdest side out of me that this is going to, I don't have many role models that do that or if I let them or intellectually curious side out of me that this isn't what people
On the internet because all they want. I need to be leaner. I need to be bigger. I can't show any personality and it seems like it feels to me a little bit. Like the tides shifting with that?
Yeah. No, for sure. I think, I think it is Shifting. I think that, you know, there's people on social media. I know there's one guy that works out of zoo culture and he does not have the traditional body type like whatsoever, but he is the funniest person online. He is,
Preparing. Like he'll always ask me like, hey, I want to do this bit, like would this be okay with you? Like I want to be respectful of you, would this be okay with you? Like, it's just, he crosses like all, you know, checks all the boxes to make sure he does does a good job, and he's so funny online. It seems Felipe, but he is so funny. But in no ways, would you look at him and think? Oh, that's your typical like influencer bodybuilder. Hmm.
Talk to me about this new trend of girls Tick-Tock in guys looking over while they're doing videos, you spend a lot of time in the gym in the age.
Kit, you're big on Tick. Tock, you big on social media platforms. Give me your lay of the land. What do you think about this trend?
I do, I think
I think sometimes guys looking at girls depending on you know the age Gap. I think the age Gap does matter. I think you know if you're a 22 year old girl and there's a 25 year old guy like just you know, glancing over here and there like without like constantly staring, you know, might be his way of shooting his shot or whatever on the other hand, if his 55 years old and like he's just continuously staring at you, that could be off. But then he also might be looking at you because you have a camera propped up and he's like, what is this girl doing?
Like I don't know what this is, you know, or you might want to try to not be in the frame.
Why do you think this is happening? Why do you think that this trend is is occurring? Like do you think that these girls actually feel this way
honestly? No, I don't think. I think that like, you know, sometimes maybe they catch it in the moment and I think like, oh, this is what's going to make me blow up.
Because I see myself as a very, like, I'm constantly aware of who's looking at me, or my surroundings, or whatever, or, you know, if I'm walking out of the pool and I see a guy look a little bit too much. I'm like, can I help you? You know, I'm constantly aware of that. But never have I been around other girls, and I see them being that aware of things. Mmm, not usually, I feel like girls aren't usually that
Not aware of it.
And I suppose, when you videoing yourself and you watch your back and you go, oh, oh like, oh god. Oh, external - almost. Yeah, yeah. So he was the thing that I thought when that that mean huge video went out and treated and then she did the apology and a joey swoll like found his new content Arc.
What happened? There was people that spend a lot of time on the internet. Use other stories from the internet as a guide, a guardrail, and a guideline for how they should behave as well.
Lots of girls looked at that situation and if you'd said to me if you just showed me the video in isolation, I couldn't see the comments. I couldn't see the likes and said, what do you think the response to this? It could have gone either way. I could have seen it as a kind tasks that the internet would have flamed the guy and said that's too much that's out of order and sided on the sort of victim hyper sensitive side. Yeah. Or they could have gone the way that they did go, which is he looks over three times in. 90 seconds, you're pointing a camera at him and you're shorter in your ass. Yeah.
What did you expect and you can't do a glute Bridge like what you expect? Yeah. So what happened the way that I saw it? And this is kind of why it's so interesting.
Lots of people that spend lots of time on the internet. Look at situations like that kind of landmark opportunities for a common scenario to play out online and they use the way that that Fallout occurs as a barometer for how they should feel if it happens in their life in
future. Yeah, I'm big. I see ya
because the pushback was there. Lots of girls now realize that, oh, if a guy looks over three times in 90 seconds while I'm doing a glute Bridge, maybe that's the sort.
Thing. I don't need to be too concerned about the problem. Is it could have gone the other way and that now lowers the ceiling for guys to be scared, that if they look over too much, whether they mean to or whether they don't, they're going to be in trouble. But the other one is it makes an increasingly fragile generation of young girls who feel victimized and concerned. If a guy does look over while I saw this video on Tick-Tock and the whole internet said that they need to if this happens that that's unspeakable and I've heard about the dangers of me too and I shouldn't walk alone at home at night.
This is too much so it almost, you're almost Outsourcing your anxiety. Level to the internet. Yeah. And it's purely by fortune and, you know, like the way that the internet responded, that that didn't reset most Jim girls expectations that, that's something to be scared or offended
by. Yeah. But also coming from the other, you know, other side. I can see myself. Like, if a guy is squatting, I could see myself looking over not because I'm trying to hit on him but because
Like wow, like his form is so good or it. Wow, he's breaking 90 degrees or his knees are being pushed out very well or that's a lot of way like, oh, how many reps is he going to go for? I can totally do that in a non like, sexual way
whatsoever. Do young, guys at the gym, we have had to do it.
Yeah, I know.
It's just all inbound for you and do culture.
No, I'm not saying that. Like, I don't think the gym is necessarily where I'd want to be approached. So, I don't think I'd want to approach someone in the gym.
Why wouldn't you want to be approached in the gym? You like,
is the only two hours out of the twenty-four hours that I get to
Why, what else you doing for 22 hours
laying in bed doing homework? Eating true sleeping like it's my like two hours of like you know, Friday nights people like you know, go out with their homies, have a good time. That's every day for me from the hours of 11:00 to 1:00 at the
gym. What about when you finish your Masters? We're going to do
Maybe I'll get a PhD. I'm kidding. We'll talk to you about that, okay? So how much harder
has dating been for you? With all of this attention? You can't go. It's gonna be like if you go for dinner with somebody, if you go out on a date with somebody, the difficulties increased exponentially and now it's all of a snapshot.
Yeah, I yeah, it has made things harder for sure, especially if like, you know, the person you're seeing, or you're with, doesn't do what you're doing. So they don't understand that. Sometimes like, for me like,
Don't drink, but going to an event.
Sometimes I have to go because I think like, oh what about the business connections? I could make from going to that event or the people I can meet or whatever not and you know not in a relationship intimate way but in a business relationship type way and I feel like sometimes it's hard for, you know, people that aren't doing this be like, well, no, you don't have to go to that or you don't have to go to Vegas for this or you don't have to go to Miami for that. And I'm like, well no I don't have to but I feel like there would be connections there. If I did go
also, I suppose it's someone isn't in the industry. They get injected.
Into this level of surveillance. Yeah, Brittany that you have that they didn't sign up for ya and now you're like oh why don't we go? See Oppenheimer or whatever and you go. Oh by the way people might not come up and ask you to take a photo of them with
me. Yeah,
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Way through a Monster Energy, fueled video game and pawn. Binge like what, what a Jen's said, guys, like the ones that you either grew up with, or sometimes, try and speak to with regards to dating or anything. What, how do you categorize them? How do you classify them?
I feel like there's a lot of growing to do from the ages of from the age of 22 like 27 for men and I think you know 22 year old men just aren't there yet necessarily and I think that I am I'm pretty mature for my age.
And I think the guys that I've countered for the most part just aren't there yet.
They're just immature, maybe caught up with kind of a younger
mindset. Yeah. So, what are they doing? Like, what are they? What are they prioritizing? What are they concerned
about? I think they prioritize friends to go to mount which isn't a bad thing. I'm just saying, friends a lot parting going out, you know,
I wonder how much it that's an l.a. thing.
I think a good amount of it might be an l.a. thing. I think if you go like to a rural rural town in Kansas, maybe it's not as
much. Yeah. Have you heard of slow? Light strategy to know about this lowlife strategy. Yeah so there's a it seems at the moment based on the data that Jen's said both guys and girls little bit younger than you you would probably be at the very front of this wave. Getting the driver's license later moving out of home later, get
Job later, not partying as much, not drinking as much, not taking drugs. So they've got generalized risk, aversion. They're not doing the risky things that previous generations of that age would but they're also not even really doing adult things. Like the number of 16 to 20 year olds who don't have a driver's license is the highest ever,
you think of it, how to, like push back in
that? Maybe maybe it could be that people just became more isolated stopped. If that's your formative years if your
15 and cobit hits and you're 18 and coated finishes, you've just grown up. You all you can remember basically being the person that you are is this hermit at home, playing Fortnight or whatever. But what it makes me think about is what when these people do need to grow up. You mentioned young, guys could do with maybe growing up a little bit more quickly. Yeah, if they want a chance and
it makes me wonder whether that's going to keep getting pushed further and further
Lena, but I didn't know it's a
I think for me, one of the biggest turn-ons are pluses, a guy can have as being motivated or like dedicated to something, even if that's Plumbing, you know, just something that like every day you want to do and work towards to being better at, you know, whether that's the gym or a job like Plumbing or being a dentist or being an astronaut like whatever. You know, just something to work towards rather than just kind of laying back and like kicking your feet up.
And just enjoying day by day. I think it's like that's great and everything, but I think you have to have something that every day you're trying to improve
drive and motivation and ambition, I think a very sexy and competence as well. Yeah. Like if you can manage to hit the sweet spot with a partner of someone who you are attracted to, but you would admire as well. Holy for like, you've got a partner that your role model? Yeah, that's an unbelievably potent cocktail I think for attraction.
I did. It's so strange to think about
What that is for girls because, you know, guys can just go out and get that drive and do the things that typically a sort of masculine traits. Be very interested in what the equivalent is for a girl, you know, like what is it that a guy would find in feminine traits that they want to absorb into themselves? You know what I mean?
I don't know. One time I was on Brad's pot and I was like, oh, like, I don't cook or clean. And then everyone's like, I still don't live those comments down. I'm like, okay, I've been practicing now, but I will never live those comments down like, oh, like, what?
Why would you ever want her? She can't cook or
clean. Jesus Christ, which got made if you don't hold it. Like you don't need a wife. You need a mate.
Yeah, I was like, bro. I'm not gonna, I mean, I don't think I could ever see myself doing someone else's laundry. Maybe my mother's, but my partner's never,
well, you just need to want a bit more money and then you can pay the made to do.
I'm like, well, I'll pay someone to do it. I wasn't opposed to a house Chef. I think, I think if I
think part of that is, is that the associate lack of willingness to do traditional household things. With
Non-traditional relationship. That is just not going to be as enjoyable. It's a less feminine sort of woman. Yeah, and the polarity between masculinity and femininity what the subtext is, I'm not doing the washing you are. Yeah. Right. Which is guys like. Whoa. Exactly. You're not doing it. I'm definitely not doing it. Yeah right. So I do understand and I do think you know there's lots of talk about masculinity and stuff like that.
What about the other side of the fence? So you sing challenges that young girls have with femininity at the moment, but finding their role within the world, whether they should be a tried wife or a like a sex positive sleep around, girl party girl, whether it should be a Hermit,
I don't know, I think it's hard, especially with social media, and like most of the girls you see on social media are like,
You know, there's there's two sides of it, of course, but there's a lot of like like sex symbols you see on social media or even if it's not like sex symbols you see like these hot beautiful girls that may or may not have had work done but in swimsuits or whatever and for a lot of people it's hard to like you would never get there but like that's who you see on a daily basis on your phone. So that's that's what you want or that we want to strive towards but
Yeah, so I think it's hard to say what kind of what a like extent to femininity girls look for, but I think it's social media hasn't made it easier. It's confusing, it's confusing for
sure. And look at some of the role models that were held up as, okay? So this is really, really where, you know, this is someone that's charging forward and really getting it right? Liz, oh, fighting for girls all over the place. Yeah. And then the bottom falls out and it turns out that she's making her dancers eat. Bananas out of strippers vaginas. Yeah, wait.
Shaming. All of the people as this Champion for body positivity and Ellen DeGeneres as well. Turns out that she's a total prick to work with.
Yes, like the end, it's the people that you would think that were like the most understanding that turned out to not be. I
don't know whether it's people that you would think. I think it's people that portrayed
themselves. Yeah, that's nicely. Correct. Yeah. People that portrayed themselves to be like the most understanding or accepting of everyone.
That's not be shitty. It's like the senator that's pushing
Seeing the hardcore anti-gay legislation that goes home and secretly watches gay porn. All right bpn, right? Yeah, it's I think it's fascinating in it. There's a part of that, you know, the because people's actions are way less visible than their words online. Like the thing that you tweet is way more important than the thing that you did because no one sees the thing that you did. But they see the thing tweeted. Yep. So when you look at the people that are the most forthcoming
About being virtuous on Marley Grand sunning of I'm holier than now when you see that that to me a lot of the time signals.
There's probably something going on there, unless I can really, really prove it and I didn't see it with Liz. Oh, not that. I like Elizabeth scholar. But let's go fan. Yeah, I I didn't look at her and see. Yeah. This is someone who's really working hard to try and find the next, like, Frontier for a female body empowerment or something like that. It seemed like someone doing a grift. It seemed like someone that had managed to cast on.
That managed to capture a particular narrative and was just leaning
into it.
Brad versus Logan. Who wants
your brows going to Flame if I don't say rods going to win?
In a street
fight. No. In the ring
and the ring and the boxing. Okay. See you made it harder.
That's the fight that the talking about. No.
No, Brad was talking about street fight like yo, I'm 260 pull up outside the gym, I'll rock your shit.
Okay, who wins in a street fight
Brad in the ring. Logan.
- pull that fence out of your ass sometimes. Yeah, don't
kick me off. Wrong gear Bradley, I'm kidding. But Brad is like
Obscenely strong too. He's quick.
He's stronger than Chris Bumstead, right? They've had siebel on the podcast and Brad was like, yo, don't compare our numbers because it's not fair. Does that mean? We're talking about a world champion. I trained with Chris. Chris is a an he's all those guys that's got big hands. Like you, dude, you even your hands are even must. Yeah. So yeah, he is strong but I don't know. I mean Brad better get on that cardio game. If he wants to try and do five or eight rounds,
he's strong. And he's also like a weirdly athletic like he can do like weirdly hype.
Ox John sir, like like
I don't know. I just do
you think he do it? You think he would actually go for a practicing fight with Logan?
With Logan, probably because now Logan is called him out. Brad would look like a probably would look like a wimp if he didn't, but Logan hasn't said that he'll do it. Personally, he said he had found someone for abroad to fight,
right? I don't know. I didn't, I didn't dig into the specifics of it, but I know that they'd had beef. Yeah. And I'd like Twitter beef, which feels old-school for people that are kind of. Yeah. Stag Ramen and YouTube Stars.
I seemed so high school
a little bit, but I'd love to see that.
Yeah, I think it would be an insanely.
Good PR for both of them, they both bring clout to the table like everybody.
Geez. Yeah. Everybody loves them. Equally like yeah camps love them equally as well. Which is interesting. What's your what do you want to the jackpot fight? Yeah the week what do you make of this world of with Bryce? Just one bare knuckle fight, that was what you see. The first thing that I've ever, the first situation have ever seen Bryce get into, I didn't even know he's doing bare knuckle.
And then he goes up against a guy who's been doing a good bit and when this, yeah, went, I think he's technically want you to an injury, but you went. Yeah, he won.
But he called it to Bryce was like, I'm gonna win in round two. And he won in round
I play. Would you do to step in the ring? Bare Knuckles. No, just boxing.
I would do boxing. I fight someone. Who'd you end up who join a fight? Who do you
There's no have any enemies.
There's no one that I hate per say. There's been people I think that are paid in
me. Who's your biggest beef been with?
I haven't personally had be
who's beefed with you. The
most who's beefs with me? Yeah.
I don't know if I can, I don't know. I don't want to bring attention to her goal.
She doesn't deserve a machine. You can just punch her in the face. And so
I'm telling you right now, I would cut down to her weight and I'd beat the shit out of her. Now, I'm kidding. But I think that I would definitely I think it'd be dope to do like an influencer boxing type thing like people who haven't fought before getting in the ring. Same weight class, you know, both had three months, six months training, leading up to the fight and then fighting each other. Yeah, let me know.
Doesn't have to be married, Knuckles like little boxing and it's so
funny how the world of Combat Sports now has really been reshaped by it, right? I've got Francis and Garner and Tyson Fury fighting each other. You know, UFC Legend up against the greatest living heavyweight fighter, potentially, the greatest ever and I don't think that that would have happened had KSI Logan Paul, not happened. Yeah. Had Mayweather McGregor not happened and if you track
It all the way back. It's to British guys forever ever, ever ago. Like, yeah, seven or eight years ago or something that that kicked it all off. And now you've got new slogans. Next fight like Dylan Darkness. Yeah. And then ksi's fighting some guy. I don't know. He's like big big time, but I don't know. Point being before it was, we can't believe that these influences are coming in and ruining the sweet science of boxing. Yeah. And now Downstream the purest boxing people are following the
model, fighting the influencers.
Correct. Right, so funny
because I think that at the end it's a win-win for everyone because more, you know, the influencers bring a little bit, a different crowd, the younger crowd, they bring a little bit more PR to it, whatever it might be, I think they bring a different audience to it. That, you know, helps them both sells tickets gets pay-per-view watches.
It's Entertainment is all.
Yeah, entertainment. And,
you know, when people say this is getting like WWE, and they're talking about baseball or the talking about a half hour.
Do whatever. NBA.
I realize this year the week what they mean is a what happened was WWE essentially took the sport element out at sport and all that you had to do was reverse-engineer the best way to create the Rivalry and then will you don't need to worry about the outcome of the contest because we already know what's going to happen because we can write that, right? So when people say this is becoming like WWE, what they mean, is they found the model of how to create a rivalry and this rivalry is starting
To look like that. So really all it is is these people in and Bao whatever zeroing in on a really really heated rivalry. That compels people, I don't think it's fair necessarily to say this is becoming like WWE. They split tested for, you know, decades and decades the best. Oh, we're going to have the heel. We're going to have like the redneck guy. We're gonna have the clean-cut heartthrob. We're gonna have the Renegade, artists are gonna have the Mexican dude, that's got the Hat, the placement. Yes. Yes, yeah, yeah. So
Just have this very effective way at garnering attention in a sport and you don't need to worry about the sport and now we're seeing it get across and you've seen a drive to survive, which was the Formula One Thing full swing, which was for golf, breakpoint that was for tennis quarterback. Now, that's all about NFL and people are interested in, what's going on behind the scenes, which is exactly why you have to post 140 Snapchat filters again. Yeah, every
single day, people care about more than just like an Instagram picture here there.
They care about what you're doing.
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exclusive offer plus get that 90-day money-back guarantee that's levels dot link / modern wisdom. I've asked this question to a bunch of different people
If you only had ten exercises for the rest of your life to hold onto as much muscle up build as much muscle as you could, which ones would you choose? And
why ten exercises
10 exercises can be anything you want, but you've only got 10.
Okay, let's start off leg press. OK. For, you know, you can do different variations and you can hit like different parts depending on how you put your legs.
Already Al's
barbell dumbbells, single
Barbara are the else
Baba Latios is Hardcore. Okay cool. Yep.
Hey military press.
With the barbell military for us to impress. No standing. So you can brace your core. I mean, you only get 10 exercises
here, okay? Right. Yeah. So you've made an ab exercise out of a shoulder exercise, right good?
Yep. Incline. Dumbbells
every single person has said, incline dumbbell press. Yeah, press. Yeah phenomenal.
Yeah, can't go wrong. Yep, that's full. All right.
Gosh. Okay. What is it decline or incline? I was confused myself. When you lean back a little bit and you do the curls,
I think that's technically inclined but I know exactly what you
mean because I always mess it up. I do you mean
those curls with dumbbells? Supinated, so, like from neutral to supinated, or do you keep it? Because some people keep it locked out like that and just leave it like that like that? Yep, yeah. So it's almost like a. I think it's called like a waik. Oh yeah, you're here. Yes. Suck. So hard and you're so weak on those, you know, the bottom of the movement and
Flex your triceps at the
bottom, 5 kilos. Yeah, go. Yeah, and then it's not timing. Okay, that's five. So, we've got five like press
Audios with a barbell.
Military. Press standing incline, dumbbell chest press. Yeah with dumbbells.
That last one you just lost the wire coil, whatever that is. Okay, so halfway
through halfway through
smoked, it legs are, okay, that's okay, shoulders are okay biceps
right weighted? Pull-Ups for back, okay? That's I think maybe one of the only back exercises. I need
overhand underhand
neutral. I'm not a pussy. Come on
overhead. Okay, Chris Bumstead said neutral. Oh fuck, I mean neutral, right, that's six.
Cautious hard.
Hammer curls to hit the other head of the bicep, right? Okay. Yeah. Standing hammer
curls. Uh-huh. It's a lot of biceps now with the pull-ups. The two sets of girls. Okay,
yeah, we're good with biceps. Now, number of, I think I'm gonna have to do a lateral lateral raises for
shoulders? Yep.
Oh my God, I didn't hit any triceps. Do I have one more exercise. Got 2 left, 2 left. Yeah, Skull Crushers.
Yeah. Tell you what? I forgot that I did five years ago and then rediscovered it the other day.
Lying skull crusher's. So going to the floor and taking it from the floor as opposed to going from a bench. You can go from a dead stop. And it means that if you need to fail, you can always, you, never scared of literally smashing yourself in the face book falling off the back of the bench. Yeah. And it feels really comfy and sometimes if you bring your feet up on a bench and you feel like I'm getting wobbly a little bit? Yeah.
Yeah. Okay, skull crusher's. So you got one left from all of that.
And then I think I'm going to have to do hanging leg raises. Perhaps, you know,
that's the most popular ABS exercises. Well, Ryan Terry Chris Bumstead, both of them. It's one of those weird things. Everyone trains. Everyone's kind of got a confusion around training abs and all the people that have got good midsections.
Yeah, everyone always asks me, what's your like ab workout? And I'm like, maybe once a week I'll either hit decline setup. So, you know, with like a weight with 10 pounds or I'll do hanging leg raises, but
Most of it is just like even bracing, Mike, Warren any other workout I do vacuums or just what you eat.
Will you? I think you came into training pretty underfed. Yeah. Right. You look crazy crazy talk through that like where you were at body-wise and then sort of your progression of training in the gym.
Yeah. So I was going through a hard time. I was like the lowest I'd ever wait, I was 100 pounds and I was very insecure with myself. I would always
As wear baggy clothes because I hated how like I felt like I just looked sick. Like that's how skinny I was. I remember my meals would like a McDonald's little burger like off the dollar menu and a large Coke, would be my meal for the day.
That's all you did.
That's all I would eat. I remember at seven PM usually I'd get up and go get that and then drive around the town for an hour and go back home.
Like my mental health just was so poop, it was crappy. And I think that went on for about six months and then I was it was just like a switch. I was tired of spending, literally every hour in bed and like just moping around low energy, low confidence and then I was like, you know what, like I've nothing better to do might as well hit the
gym. Was there. A moment was that? Oh, is it just us?
Progression over time of becoming increasingly fed up with
I don't think there was a moment per se, but I think I just got tired of feeling so shitty.
Like, I was tired of feeling tired and and like I was just so unhappy with myself. How old were you? I was 20.
Yeah, about two years ago, 20.
And then I remember, I literally remember like what I was wearing that day and I remember the drive to the gym to sign up for the gym membership. I saw, I remember, I wore glasses, I didn't think like, I was like, I'll get the membership today and I'll start tomorrow or whatever I went in, I got the membership and then I started that same day I wore my glasses to work out whatever I just weird but I remember it. And then I worked out and then I went home and I was like well I had seen tick-tocks like right after you workout you have to eat something like
Protein. Like I'm going to eat like half a piece of salmon and I was like anything is better than like a McDonald's burger at this point. So I remember I was just like I would learn a little bit on Tick-Tock. I learned a little bit from my brother. I'd learn like people that just work out, I would talk to them. Try to pick their brain about like how I can improve like everything all at once like my nutrition, my work out everything so it was just like a mix of tick-tock talking to people that helped me kind of get to where I am and within like maybe
Six seven weeks of working out, I think I really had it dialed. So I picked it up. Very
Fast relatively, you know, trained and trained with intensity from the beginning, would push myself. I remember it was when I started like you'd software face masks at the gym. I'm abroad. Like sometimes I would have liked.
Oh shit. Yeah so this was doing
covert yeah it was 2020 when I started. It was May of
In the midst of it.
Yeah, wait, may have twenty twenty or Twenty twenty one
might be 20 21. I think I was trying to handle in the midst of it.
Yeah, it was 20 21. Yes, yeah.
What was the most difficult? I what, what advice would you give to girls that are unhappy with their body? Or guys, they're unhappy with their bodies. Like there's a lot of challenges and overcoming, there's a lot of even if you did get some advice from Tech talk. Yeah, most of it is
horseshit out, regardless of who you are. I think you need to implement some type of physical activity for an hour and a half a day, you know, 45 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the level of intensity, but whoever you are, however, we'll do our even if that means going outside and walking, you know,
For me, it's like the gym is something that it's not a chore. It's gotten to the point that it's the two hours of the day that I enjoy. Like I was telling you earlier, like, I look forward to like going to the gym, regardless of your age, you need to work out. Do some kind of physical activity, train, with intensity. What I read on your own? Yeah.
Because obviously, in a lot of the content that you put online, there's a little Brad. Yeah. It'll be around or the there's a videographer,
right? Yes, right.
I prefer training on my own. There was a point when I first started I would be like there's no way in hell. I'm going to the gym by myself. Like this is Peak embarrassment. I need someone there which is totally fine. Like do that go with a go with a friend or go with a brother or sister parent or whoever
but I'm at the point now where I like training alone, you know, I
It's like my alone time. I don't know. I enjoy on my own, but when I do film or whatever, it's like usually my rest day and I'll go and I'll film at zoo YouTube video,
okay? Because if you filmed on a training day, you'd have to sacrifice training to get the
content, right? Yeah. So I
just go online and there's no
pressure. Exactly right?
What are you doing outside of
I'll try to working out.
I sleep about 10 hours a night
is that strategic or do you
just sitting at strategic muscle Bros in your sleep?
Okay. Yeah. But 10 hours is like it's pretty intense.
Yeah. But
I don't know how many 22 year olds.
Million-plus influences are saying and I sleep ten hours a night and then train for two hours a day that
matters guys. Sleep matters. Okay. Okay. 8 to 10, it's not always 10, but it's usually it's
never any join the whoop team, I'll know, and you can't lie to me
anymore. Okay, perfect know, it's always always, at least eight, never never lost, okay?
I do still go to school, I only have 8 weeks left.
So I do that in my free time. I am not going to lie to you. I'm on my phone, probably eight to ten hours a day. What are you doing? I'm mindlessly scrolling. And I try to trick myself thinking. Like I respond to emails, I respond to emails, like, use it for work too. Yeah, it's work too. But I also convinced myself that if I keep scrolling, something will inspire
me? We get your screen time. Let me see it. Do you track screen time on that? You know, in the settings, I want to see
This is going to be embarrassing.
I want to see the app breakdown of what's Happening Here.
It's actually down from last week so let's not be too judgmental
daily. Average is 7 hours and 6 minutes. He peaked with
Sunday's a big day, Sunday's Sundays, nearly 12 hours. See all activity. Okay. So messages 13 hours, Instagram, 10 hours, Snapchat, eight hours tick, tock, four hours, Safari mail, YouTube,
Messages, are you doing? The messages are messages group chats?
No, I mean, maybe talking to the fucking shitty business, people, not all shitty, but some
shitty, yes, many Shady
business. Many shitty business, people. I think what I was so dumb took like when I first started thinking, like anyone had my best interest at heart or like, just wanted to genuinely help why? I don't know. I feel like a lot of people try to scam not scam but finesse finesse.
Yeah, such a good word.
I wonder how much of it is the way that you present as well as like a relatively friendly girly girl. And someone sees this opportunity to try and outwit. Yeah, 21 22 year olds, who probably doesn't have really any idea what's going on? And I wonder whether the equivalent thing would happen with a dude.
It doesn't. I feel like in social media fitness space, I feel like from what I've heard and everything may be mad.
At, you know, respected a little bit more.
I think they probably get it's harder to break through and get paid because the way that you can monetize,
Good looking girls, especially in the fitness. Space can monetize guys and girls. Good-looking guys, really only monetize.
Yes. But then I feel like you're right in the monetization aspect but also in the brand partnership aspect I think eyes are treated a little bit
better in terms of packages
in terms of money. Yeah that's interesting. I think just more respected. Even personally I haven't had an experience with the Brand's I work with and I'm saying I've heard my friends like you know, due to their engagement or whatever. She like she should be getting paid more and then I know a guy is below her on engagement.
Saying everything and he's getting paid more. I'll more than she is. And I'm like, well, this is just, she's getting finesse.
Yeah, it's an interesting one. I mean, I read this stat. The other day that said by 2030, women are going to control 50% of global Capital. So women are already 80% of consumer purchases. Yeah, I think that's skewed a lot because if mothers are having to do the shop. Yeah, of course, you know every mother is going to be the one in charge of shopping for baby.
Stuff and then plus they're gonna get the groceries inside. It does kind of skew that number but increasingly I think women are going to have the spending power. Which means that the way that marketing is done is going to happen, it's going to have to be adapted. It's definitely going to have to be adapted. And I think we're already seeing, I think, you know, Brands like Bud, Light Miller Lite, you know, tried to do something that seems more Pro female. But remember what we were saying before, like we can call it the lizzo effect of
Doing something that looks the ostensibly the window shopping is yeah, we care behind the scenes. I don't think anybody really thought that bud. Like cared about Dylan more they knee or that Miller Lite cared about the fact that they used to do a mud wrestling add right? I think they saw it as I mean the Dilemma of anything I fuck it. I'll say a lot of people had a problem with a dill Mill of anything because
It was Bud Light. Finally showing the like woke cooked, blue pill, bona fide, he's that they've been hiding from everybody all along. But the group of people who largely was saying that are also a group of people that will say, things like don't cancel Jordan Pederson because of one bad thing that he said, yeah. So don't judge some of my favorite content creators based on one out of context, small
sample. But then there are flipping it and
And that's been around for decades and does this one thing and maybe I maybe they're right, and I'm open to them being right. Yeah, that Bud, Light secretly did hate all everybody every straight person on the planet. They hated them for decades and they were just waiting for the opportunity or
a small gifting to a pulley chosen influencer who's not super popular amongst a very very large cohort of the country was given some cans with the face on them. And I think that
Like the much less conspiratorial version of that seems to be the one that to me is most likely. And if you want to have the grace of your, no, don't cancel people for just one thing that they said, I do think that you should consider extending that to. And now it's there's a lot it's easy to dunk on it, right? And this is an unpopular thing to say, because it's way easy to say. But like when woke and now they're going to go broke and yeah. Now they're doing
a, it's like almost trendy or two like hop.
And hate rather than me like, wait, maybe you notable maybe like it was a one-time thing. Let's not cancel a whole brand even though we've been drinking the product for decades, you
know, Kid Rock shot them with an AR-15 like. We don't need to, I don't get me wrong. Like I think it was a shitty move. I'm not fan of dealing with a knee. I don't think that that person is a
Good actor. But I also think if you want people to extend like a cancellation refund request to some of your favorite influences and some of the cultural commentators online that you should probably consider doing it for Brands as
well. Yeah, for
sure. It's like a, a reasonable position to be in. Have you been near any consolation stuff? You can't get can't you just lift things?
I don't think. I think the closest maybe was the whole like I'm not going to learn how to cook or clean.
Until because she can't make a spaghetti
meatballs, I can cook. I'm just saying, I can't like cook, anything crazy. I can make spaghetti, and meatballs, you know, I can't cook as good as my
mom's. You're selling yourself as a wifey now. Yeah,
I'm learning. I'm trying to Brad, told me, I need to hire My Equity or like my stock. I am I stalk, okay. I'll learn how to cook and clean. So then
right Brad's coaching you on how to become a high-value woman, right?
Good spaghetti meatballs. Great at laundry. Yeah, can sweep the
floor. Blah, blah, blah. I'm learning.
Yeah, that's that's pretty high value. My
issue. Isn't that I can't do is that like right now, I don't necessarily always have the drive to do
it to sweep the floor, and do the laundry and cook.
But I'm open. I've been learning to cook and I can
click you. Trying to salvage a salvage, eligibility to the entire internet,
like lilies
Come and take me, we'll get back to talking to Sarah in one minute. But first, I need to tell you about Jim shark. You'll see me on most of the episodes I record in my house and here wearing gym shock, because first off its super comfortable, the quality of it is amazing. And I just love the colors. In fact, these shorts
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It seems to me like you're not, you don't want to just start an only fans or start taking like booty pictures and go down that
line. I'd rather just be cancelled before I did any of that or like, you know, deleted off everything right now then do that.
Is there ever a temptation to overly sexualized
yourself now? But I can totally for me. There's not genuinely, there's not, but I can see the appeal of why there is for women. Your likes have gone to like your likes of plummeted, whatever, Shadow band, whatever you want to call it. You're like, okay, whatever. I'll put on a swimsuit turn around and take a picture by the pool. You know, I could see the big deal. Bang with algorithms back up, bro. Like we have with the likes are back to normal but like I genuinely think for women.
The second you start posting pictures of, you know, your ass mostly, you know, or like a huge, cleavage picks, whatever it is on Instagram pictures of you and a, you know, nice, covering dress will never perform as well as they did when you're posting your ass or tits.
So, I did a podcast, probably about three, it about three years ago, with a female adult actress in the UK, and I was asking her about the
Called Career progression of girls that go into this industry and she'd been in it for like a decade. She's like a old that you've won awards. Don't have words for that partly. I don't know. I don't know. I didn't say, I didn't watch either the awards or the content that was submitted, think it was like a Sundance Film Festival. It must have been anyway. So I was asking her and she basically said that there's a hierarchy of intensity, two different kinds of porn scenes, so I think it was like solo girl-on-girl guy. On girl, my doctor did it
Like all the way down to like anal. DP didn't like it. It descends deep
pun, not intended
and I kind of feel like there's an equivalent stack intensity thing to the kind of content and I don't think that guys can do the same thing. It's like it's a topless photo for a guy. Sometimes you look better like actually look better with a shirt on and you could be in good condition but you could look a little the shirt on. Yeah, it does feel to me a little bit like
You know as much as we've got this women, a 35 percent of CEOs new CEOs and come in companies, January of twenty twenty-three were women. So the highest percentage ever women are out, earning man between the ages of 21 and 29, women are out. Educating men to women for every one man completing a four, u.s. college degree by 2030. Even though we have all of that. There's like still a big undercurrent of sexualisation for women and this isn't, I'm not
Saying, like this is the patriarchy fucking plowing and on them very often, women choose to sexualize yourselves themselves or each other. Yes, because it's them largely competing with other women. Now, it may be for the eyes of men, but if you are hoping for men to not click, on a photo that's got boobs or a bomb in it, I think you're fighting against like the thermodynamics of like
Sexes know 100% and a thousand times. I've heard great.
Roles that and I have no hate on girls that want to do and only fans are having only fans. It's not like oh you have an only fans. I'm not your friend. It's not, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's not for me and there's ways I feel about it, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to dislike you. I'm going to hate you, or judge you for having one, women say that having a no F, or whatever is empowering. And I think, for me, it's just hard to grasp how that can be empowering when you're chatting with men all day, or having your management chat with men all day
for you,
It needs virtual
assistant surprise guys. If you're if you're subscribed to a no F and you think it's her texting
It's a fat manager.
Yeah, it's not her.
Yeah, yeah, I don't know. I really think it'll be interesting to reflect on this period of
Monetization for especially women in 10 years, 20 years, time, and realize that it was either a brief flash in the pan or the beginning of a tsunami of people sexualizing themselves for the price of a cheese burger per
month. I hope it's. I hope it's not anything that has longevity to it, but I could understand how it's appealing for a girl that just has just turned 18. Okay, fully not developed in her brain. Thanks. Oh my God, I can make
Figures a month, you know, I have you know I have 20 30 K on Instagram. I can make five figures a month, I don't have to go to college. I don't have to be alone for years. I don't have to go find an actual job. I can post bikini pics. Yeah. And make equivalent to a teacher or a doctor. So I could understand how that's appealing.
You know what's interesting is, well I think I've heard you talk about this before, the, it kind of doesn't really matter what you post on only funds either because they've tried to do like comedy on there. I think we're becoming Stidham.
Roast. But Christ has done some only funds exclusive content. There's a number of girls that I know who justify all. The mo is, I post this stuff for free on Instagram anyway. Oh yeah. Therefore, if I just post more a higher frequency of the same level of nudity on only fans, that's basically my morals from Instagram. It's already been there. Yeah, there is nothing different, but
Probably it's a branding problem.
I think they say that to like, you know, help themselves feel like better about it maybe because it's thought for, well, for me, I can only speak from my own but it's the idea of a pay wall platform, you know, getting people's money to show. Whatever it is that like for me just wouldn't click but I wouldn't even if I was posting only gym content and leggings and a t-shirt, just the idea of
it's an interesting walk
chatting with someone, you know, there's
been other the intimacy as well. I think that
it's a part of it. Yeah. But so you know how vaping is like every every person is taking nicotine in some form or another, I was having a conversation the other day about how vaping has probably other The Retreat of cigarettes. And the ascendancy of vaping has probably been a net negative for health because vaping is way more enjoyable than smoking ever was. Yeah, it tastes better, it's cooler. You can all smell, you know, one could know exactly.
All of this and it doesn't smoking. That wasn't so good. I think if you go into the, if you start to educate yourself about health and fitness, lots of people are pushing back against vaping to, but I don't think that's really broken into the mainstream just yet, so a lot of people do it. I wonder whether kind of, like, how vaping is the thin end of the wedge for nicotine. Only fans has become a thin end of the wedge for porn and for self-objectification.
I don't know. I agree with you that I
Struggle to see how, I don't know it's a tight line about the. The I'm liberating myself and this is this is empowering because you are taking men's money but is the price of your nudity like a Double Whopper from McDonald's. And then if it's Black Friday, it's like six chicken nuggets. Yeah, I don't know, I don't know. I it's something that I have like, I have concerns about and I haven't really worked out my
Yeah. About like what this means long-term. Yeah, I think that's really going to be.
I think long-term, I just think if you start again, I'm not it sounds come just shitting on any woman with an only fans, which I'm not. Yep. I'm just saying it from the perspective of a girl, who's out there thinking about it? I would recommend to not start one. That's the only thing. I'm, that's the only way I'm coming at this. I'm not shitting on anyone that has won. I wouldn't. So, what
another thing I wonder what it does is I'd seen throughout my 20s girls that were strippers.
they really struggled to see the relationship with man as anything other than transactional because 150 times a night, they needed to extract resources from this guy who was down from Edinburgh or had flown in from Dublin or something for a stag weekend with the boys, maybe he was married, maybe he was in a relationship, maybe he was whatever and they saw this relationship with man as
Adversarial as transactional a short-lived and I saw her a, a struggle in their personal lives to rip themselves out of that. And then, if you think, okay, and that's not even a protracted or that intimate, if you don't have the Vietnamese manager, that's messaging, all of the people that you're with is actually you that's doing the simp admin,
probably fucks with you mentally
so much. Are you able to determine the line between genuine?
Ian, emotional connection and like, performative, emotional connection, you know what I mean? Yeah, for
sure. Yeah, I think not just your relationship with Madden. But like, longevity, you know, especially because it's something like, you know, it's not the same as like, maybe a dancer or whatever this is all online. Like, I feel like it's something you could never live down and if you're already an influencer, what they're going to, what people are going to dress you as like, oh, the only fans girl,
You know a stigma that comes that comes with it well Idol. What's happening
with fans? Lee is fans. Lee just only fans
fans Lee. Have you heard that I
haven't? Okay so this is like the twitch streamer equivalent, I think I wonder if it can't. There's no way that which would give it partner access or integration or whatever. But the fans, these something else and I'm seeing a different cohort of people. It's mostly twitch streamers are doing that and I feel like it's the same. It's like private messages and blah, blah blah.
But yeah I don't know. I have you have you seen the
New thing, like AI. The AI Bots. Like, you pay per minute to talk to someone and they use your voice from your videos or your online personality to chat with someone. Yes, the same thing.
Like yeah, I wonder whether if I was the guy that made only funds is British rights from Essex, if I was him when chat GPT came out and the AI image create a thing I would have spent as much money as I could, I would have done.
A shit ton of cash into no longer being an agency and instead becoming a tech product because if you could vertically integrate yourself back up and not only be the service that people go through, but be the Creator's themselves by making the girls and by creating the chatbots, by old owning, the algorithms by owning the server's, you cut out. I don't know what the percentage is it take 10% 5%, whatever. The date only fans? Yeah.
They think a lot more than that. I think. What do they take? Is that 15 or 20?
You're always
talking about and put it into like one of the S&P.
You want to put it in the
SP? I don't know. I'm not very educated stocks. I wish I was more educated but whatever Tesla, right put on
Tesla, CEO, Elon Musk, you get my money. What's next for you? What you do next after uni? Like what are you thinking? What's in the next six months to a year? What can people expect
six months to a year? People can expect that.
Maybe I'll post to YouTube videos. We can settle on. No. I'm just going to consistently keep doing the routine and like posting schedule that I have been and then I've kind of always been the type that you know I go go with the flow and that aspect and kind of hope that luck plays out and I maybe meet someone that we can be mutually beneficial with. That's most of the reason I even decided to go. MBA route, was that maybe one of the companies that I'm working with now or that I encounter in the future, you know?
Down the line. They'll want me on the back and
Rob. So and so on board member,
yes, maybe and I could do the backend and the Forefront, you know,
That's cool. No plans to release a training plan, a diet plan, an e-book portal because I
think like whatever works for me isn't going to work for someone else. I think I am blessed with really good genetics because I don't track macros. I don't you know, count calories or whatever I just you know it took me a while but I intuitively eat. I don't drink alcohol I don't drink any of my calories but
It seems like you're doing pretty well without that in the moment.
Yeah, I don't think I don't want to right now. It's something that's fun for me. I think the second I start counting and tracking, it'll become toxic and I'll
you got to be careful. We had this conversation a lot over the last week. If you really, really enjoy doing something, you have to protect your passion. And if you don't doing the work at the rate that you're doing at the moment is just going to get progressively harder. Yeah, over time and it's
That's fine but it will change the pursuit from being something that fuck like yet today's rest day and filming day and I'm fired up to do some skits to oh my God, today's rest day and I still have to work and that framing is an awful lot and it's okay. Do you want to turn this into a labor or you want to keep loving it? And it's not that you can't do both but the more that you work and the more that you monetize them or hard it's going to become I
think. Yeah. Yeah for sure, fuck. Yeah. Cyrus of re what's next for you?
So I
didn't, who are you trying to have on this podcast? A few that you have your eye on
a few that I've got my eye on. So have you seen the School of Life YouTube channel? So it's a big big YouTube channel. That did psychology and philosophy. Let's go back five, six mil Subs. It's really big. Yeah it's great and it's run by this dude called a Lander button, it's not run by him. He's like the creator of it. Now he's got this, huge huge, huge team and he was real formative.
Me. So if I had a Mount Rushmore of podcast influences on my Awakening. Yeah, John Peterson. Sam Harris, Joe Rogan and Ilan. Jordan has been on twice and is coming back on Sam has been on a couple of weeks ago. I've been on Rogen's but I've got this elusive fourth guy down here and I really, really want to bring him on and he's got a new book coming out. So I'm working super, super hard to try and get him. He's in the UK but that's fine. Second fly back to the UK.
Okay, so got that we've got a week in the UK with some massive, massive UK guests that I can't wait to film with and I'm coming back, I've already said to people that Jordan Pederson, I'll be coming back on at some point this year so that's going to be very interesting. Got lots to talk about a couple of returning guests, couple of new ones but this weekend's been great. You know, I did this Alex hi Mosey yesterday Phil Heath and Rich Roll this morning Stan f.
Seeing you today. Tomorrow Eric Weinstein, who is like this Super Genius? MD at teal Capital very interesting dude. So it's good. Like things are happening and it really does feel like we've got the world at our feet at the moment and kind of holding on for dear life, a little
bit now that's amazing. You're gonna you're gonna kill it. Thank you for having me on. I'm honored after all those people you named
I'm honored you had
sorry I'm honored that you had me on so thank you. I appreciate
it. What should people go? They want to follow. You, check out your stuff,
Instagram. Cheers to Paris.
What do you want Snapchat? Same
service for our Yasser. Safari on
anything. Hell yeah, so I appreciate you. Thank you, thank you. I appreciate