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Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik
288: Stay Hydrated To Build a Happier And Brighter Brain
288: Stay Hydrated To Build a Happier And Brighter Brain

288: Stay Hydrated To Build a Happier And Brighter Brain

Kwik Brain with Jim KwikGo to Podcast Page

Jim Kwik
8 Clips
Jul 11, 2022
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to Quick, brain, bite sized brain hacks for busy people who want to learn faster and achieve more. I'm your coach Jim quick
free your. Let's imagine if we could access 100% of our brain's capacity, I wasn't, I wasn't wired, just clear. I knew what I needed to do, and how to do it. I know Kung Fu Sherman.
Welcome to
today's quick brain Challenge and really the point as, you know, of this challenge is to become a master of your own behaviors and your own habits. And that really is the key because we often talk about how what you want in life, the treasures in your life, they're hidden in your daily routine. And so, the purpose of the quick brain challenge is, I've taken my morning routine, the things that I do every morning and turn it into a weekly challenge, a little bite-sized digestible thing.
You could do to gather little bite-sized. Little behaviors that add up to big things because, remember, consistency compounds, consistency, compounds, little by little, a little becomes a lot. So you start doing one little thing, like brush their teeth with the opposite hand, or taking cold, showers or learning how to juggle little things like that. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it's a little slight difference. Like one step and another Direction.
In can completely change your destination. Another word for Destination is your destiny where you're going to end up. And so what's this week's challenge? It's the hydrate to drink enough water. So what are some of the benefits of staying hydrated while here six of them? Number one, and we're talking about cognitive benefits. Number one, it helps your concentration and focus, who doesn't want more of that, right? How do you maintain your focus in a world full of distractions? Stay hydrated.
Number two, it helps to balance out your mood and your emotions. Very important. Number three, it helps you with your memory functioning who doesn't want to turn. I forgot into. I remember right? Number for, it helps to add more blood flow, and oxygen to the brain. Very important physiological effect of drinking more water. Number 5, it helps you to relieve, or maybe even prevent headaches. So those of you who
Who have aches and pains between your ears, think about your hydration. And finally, number six, it helps you to relieve and manage your stress better. One of the things with stresses as we're stressed, it puts us in fight or flight. That's sympathetic mode and it's not really good for thinking, for problem, solving for making good decisions. And that's where hydration comes into play. It's something so small. But again, as your brain coach, a coach doesn't always tell you something brand-new
You a code sometimes will just remind you what, you know is true. And so, when you're thinking about hydration, for example, we talked about this in our sleep episodes, we did in optimizing your sleep, often in when you sleep, you can lose up to one pound of water overnight through respiration through perspiration. So you want to be able to hydrate, I always recommend every single time you take a brain break, right? 25 minutes to study, 25 minutes of work and then you stop. And what do you do you take deep?
Breaths because the lower 1/3 of your lungs, absorbs 2/3, the oxygen, but sometimes when we're going through and we're getting through our inbox, and we're writing that business plan or whatever, we tend to not breathe because of our posture, or because the state that were in. So not only do you breathe. But also what else to do you move? Because your body moves your what your brain grooves. That's why we did both of those episodes. And finally though you want to hydrate, that's a perfect opportunity during your five-minute Brain Breaks take
Moment to hydrate. Now, how much water do you need now? You see, and you've heard many times it's eight glasses of water. Now, that could be a baseline, but really, it depends on a number of factors. It depends. Number one on your body, mass depending on your size, you might need more or might need less. It also depends on your environment. If you live in an environment where it's very hot, for example, it's kind of obvious but you need to stay more hydrated. It also
Depends not only on your body mass and your environment terms, the climate and temperature. Also it depends on your activity level. If you work out a lot and you're running a lot and you're exercising, obviously you want to be able to replace that water also as well. So are you up for this quick? Brain challenge, water matters, especially for your gray matter. Are you up for this challenge? Can you do eight glasses? A lot of my friends will go to get our water and I'll be high quality water.
Depending on where you live. Some people say, tap water is not the best. We've done episodes on staying away from water, that's in plastic bottles. Or if you drink out of plastic bottles, make sure their BPA free and so is the quality of the water and it's also the quantity of water as well. So what I'm going to ask you to, if you're up for this challenge, remember with challenge comes change and we want to create some radical beneficial positive change in your life. I want to remind you to drink more water. So what do you do? Take a snapshot of this
this video or take a snapshot of this podcast or take a photo, even better of the water that you're drinking. So when my friends and I do is, we'll have eight different water bottles and I've like a quick brain water bottle if you will. I fill it with water and I just make sure I get through all eight of them throughout the day. And so also we've done episodes, if you want to refer back to past episodes where we talked to dr. Lisa mosconi, she talked about how just being one, two or three percent dehydrated concordant,
Medically affect your reaction time and you're thinking speed, I mean, if you want greater reaction time and thinking speed upwards of 30% stay hydrated. So I challenge you to take a picture of the water you're drinking, hashtag quick challenge. K wi K Challenge, make sure you get the spelling right. So we see it. And also tag myself at Jim quick and our company at quick learning, kwi cave learning. I mean really The Joy stories. Our team gets to read every single day whether it's the
The rating that you give or the review on this podcast or on social media, or your emails, all that touches our heart, because we're on a mission growing up. As the boy with the broken brain, we want to leave, no, brain left behind. I want your brain and your families brain and your team's brain and your friends brain. I want them to be better off because we had this conversation. So share these posts with your friends. Subscribe to the podcast. And remember start from the beginning, especially those first four episodes
Learn anything faster and improve your memory. Now those are the foundation of our quick brain methodology. So again, post your success, stories, share it because you teach something becomes part of you. It's not just information or inspiration. It becomes implementation and integration. And remember how much you drink, and what you drink matters, especially for your grey matter.
Once a double, your brain speed and memory power. If you'd like to learn rapidly and get ahead faster, I'd like to give you my brand new quick brain accelerator program. You will discover exactly what I teach my clients to learn read and remember anything in half the time, there is no charge as my gift to you for being one of our subscribers that's K. Wi K, brain.com or simply text. The word podcast. 2916 822 7240.
X and we'll send you a direct link. That's nine 1682 brain growing up, struggling with learning challenges. From a childhood brain injury. It's been my life's mission to help. You have your very best brain so you could win more every single day. Now, one more quick brain, here are four ways to Fast Track your results of lock. In what you just learned into your long-term memory. Remember fast faaast, the F stands for Facebook, you're not alone on this journey. I invite you to join our free private.
It online group, there you could connect with me, your fellow brain lovers links to resources and even submit your questions for me to answer in future episodes. Go to Quick. Brain.com that's K. Wi K brain.com the a stands for apply packed on what you learned today. Remember, knowledge is not power, its potential power. It only becomes power when you use it. So use what you just learned, the S, stands for subscribe, don't miss the next episode and other free.
In training and finally, the T stands for teach, you want to learn faster. Now the keys to lock it in right away by teaching it to someone else, when you teach something you get to learn a twice. Here's a simple way to do that. Leave a review on iTunes. Leave a review with your biggest takeaway from this episode. You can also post and share this podcast on your social media. It helps us spread our mission of building better brighter brains. And of course, tag us to our team could properly. Thank you.
#Quick brain K wi K brain. Mine is at Kim quick K wi K on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. So what does fast and for Facebook? Apply, subscribe teak. I'll see you in our next episode of quick brain, until then remember, you are faster and smarter than you think.